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Tag Archives: Demonstration

In memory of a hero from Ni’lin: Aqil Srour

5th June 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Hebron, occupied Palestine 7 years ago today, Aqil Srour was murdered by an Israeli sniper in the occupied West Bank village of Ni’lin, near Ramallah. He was shot straight in ...

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Israeli forces attack weekly protests in the West Bank

Demonstrators with the Palestinian flag in Ni'lin

2nd May 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Deir Istiya, Kafr Qaddum, Ni’lin; occupied Palestine Last week, as every week, Israeli forces attacked demonstrations in the West Bank against the illegal Israeli land-theft, the apartheid-wall and illegal Israeli ...

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Sami Janazreh enters 46th day of hunger strike

Prisoner's day demonstration in occupied Hebron

17th April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine Today volunteers from ISM attended a demonstration in Al-Khalil for Prisoners’ Day. Once the main demonstration had ended in the city a group of young Palestinians invited ...

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