Why we exist

We think the earth is an amazing and beautiful place. We think clean air, soil and water are important. We think the world should be left a better place for our children.

Global warming is the defining challenge of our time. We need to cut greenhouse pollution as fast as humanly possible while supporting vulnerable communities to adapt to a changing climate.

The mining and burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming. It’s time to keep fossil fuels in the ground and shift to 100% renewable energy. And we are running out of time.

What we do

Driven by the imperative of climate change, our mission is to grow social movements to drive the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy as fast as possible.

We believe that grassroots social movements have the power to change the world – from the bottom up. At the same time, the forces of technological disruption are driving a global clean energy revolution. By taking a whole of system view we aim to nurture and harness these forces for change –

combining the power of grassroots movements with detailed understanding of economics and technology to create unstoppable momentum in pursuit of our mission.

We provide strategic advice, analysis and funding for a wide variety of not-for-profit and community organisations to help them have a bigger impact. We also play an active convening role to help many disparate voices work together so that the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

Strategic grantmaking

For philanthropists wanting to make an impact on climate change, it can be difficult to stay on top of the rapidly changing landscape of energy, technology and politics...

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Movement building

Throughout history, social movements have achieved remarkable advances in social justice, equality and environmental protections. But powerful movements don’t happen by...

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Small Grants

The Sunrise Project re-grants funds to organisations working in line with our mission. Through the Peter Gray Community Action Fund, we are able to provide grants of up to $5,000 to community groups working to...

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Convening and Connecting

We believe that relationships are the currency of social change. By supporting a broad network of individuals and organisations to work together, we can have an...

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All of our work is guided by our charitable purpose of protecting the environment. Our current program focusses on exposing and reducing the negative environmental impacts of the fossil fuel industry and hastening the shift to a pollution free future.

Keep Fossil Fuels in <br/> the Ground

Keep Fossil Fuels in
the Ground

We work with local communities to protect the natural environment and global climate from the negative impacts of fossil fuel extraction.  

100% Renewable <br/> Energy

100% Renewable

We’re helping to build an unstoppable, people powered movement in support of 100% renewable energy.

Finance Program

Finance Program

We’re working with allies around the world to highlight the risk of stranded assets and to shift investment out of fossil fuels and into renewable energy.



We are led by a small staff team of experienced environmental campaigners, communications specialists, facilitators and analysts. Together, we have over 100 years of campaigning experience in a wide variety of social movements in Australia and internationally.

Our volunteer Board combines a deep understanding of social change and environmental campaigning with strong governance skills and broad industry experience in the financial and legal sectors.


If you’ve got an idea to drive the transition to renewable energy and keep fossil fuels in the ground,
we’ve got a small grants fund to help make it happen!

Peter Gray Fund

What: Grants of up to $5,000 for community groups.

Eligibility: Community groups in Australia that are registered as an income tax exempt charity (note DGR status is NOT required).

Scope: We will only support projects that:

Are consistent with the Sunrise Project’s charitable purpose of protecting the environment; and are focussed on climate change and energy.

Priorities: Our priority is to support grant proposals that aim to:

  • Drive the shift to renewable energy and/or keep fossil fuels in the ground;
  • Help build the capacity of community groups for the longer term;
  • Support small community groups that do not have other funding options; and
  • Can demonstrate a clear strategy that will result in real world outcomes.

How to apply: If your idea clearly fits into the priorities and scope then please complete this application form and email it to admin@sunriseproject.org.au. If you’re not sure if your idea fits the criteria, send us a quick email with a rough outline of your thinking and we’ll let you know if it is the right ballpark so you don’t waste time on a full application if it isn’t going to fit.

About Peter Gray

The Peter Gray Community Action Fund was established in January 2013 to provide small grants to community groups in line with The Sunrise Project vision and mission. The fund is named after Peter Gray, an inspiring young activist from Newcastle in the Hunter Valley, who sadly passed away in 2011 following a battle with cancer. He is renowned for the landmark legal case Gray vs (NSW) Minister for Planning in which he successfully argued that the NSW Government needed to consider the greenhouse impacts of burning the coal from the proposed Anvil Hill mine in the Hunter Valley. Peter was a passionate grassroots campaigner for the protection of forests and for action on climate change and was an inspiration to many. His memory embodies the spirit and passion of communities all around the world who are standing up for climate action and to protect the places they love.

Peter Gray


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The Sunrise Project Australia Limited ABN: 65 159 324 697 © 2016