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July 22, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Why Donald Trump Could Be the Next President of the United States

The great tragedy of the moment is not rooted in the Republican Party’s self-cannibalization. It’s in a Democratic Party that "successfully" suffocated responsible answers to the crises consuming our world.


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Michael Dwyer

Killer Robots Pose Potential Problems for Future Policing

Removing officers in the field could reduce the danger they face and the need to use force. Then again, adding a layer of distance between officers and citizens could increase the use of force.
Michael Nigro

A Lens on the GOP Convention: Protesters, Pontificators and the Surveillance State (Multimedia)

Photojournalist Michael Nigro live streamed the "Stand Together Against Trump March," which took place in Cleveland on Day 4 of the Republican National Convention.
A/V Booth

In this week’s episode of “Scheer Intelligence,” the Truthdig editor in chief sits down with John Burton, who has decades of experience working in the California political system.

On Thursday, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer and his team discussed the political climate with special guest and Truthdig political correspondent Bill Boyarsky.

Trump Blasts Clinton in a Foreign-Policy Fight Where Both Have Strayed From Their Parties

This week Donald Trump has had a lot to say about foreign policy—raising concerns within the Republican Party and bolstering arguments that Hillary Clinton is a better choice for conservatives.

Will Clinton VP Pick Be a ‘Middle Finger’ to Millions Who Voted for Bernie?

An appropriate progressive response to an inadequate choice, one Democratic delegate says, “would be expressions of outrage and nonviolent protest, from the convention floor in Philadelphia to communities across the country.”

Jon Stewart to Donald Trump and His Supporters in the Media: America Isn’t Yours

The former “Daily Show” host briefly took over “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” on Thursday to expose the hypocrisy of conservative pundits who support a presidential candidate who embodies much of what they claimed to despise about President Obama.

American Amnesia

If you’re looking for answers to our most baffling political problems (How can so much wealth go to the top 1 percent without a massive uprising? Why is the U.S. paralyzed in combating global warming?), then grab this book before amnesia on these issues becomes even more acute.



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Droughts Dry Up Amazon’s ‘Green Lungs’

Serious tree loss and stunted growth caused by repeated droughts in the Amazon Basin have damaged the rainforest’s vital ability to store atmospheric carbon.

Robert Scheer: Americans Shouldn’t Settle for Candidates ‘Who Have Created This Tremendous Mess’

In an interview on The Real News Network, Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer talks about neofascist rhetoric and how third-party candidates are preferable to Clinton or Trump.

The Most Surprising Aspect of the GOP Platform? A Call to Revive Glass-Steagall

Donald Trump and archnemesis Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts actually agree on this banking policy proposal.

Republican Convention Live Blog: Donald Trump Ends His Show With Now-Familiar Pitch (Multimedia)

The GOP presidential nominee closed the circus in Cleveland with his trademark pledge: I will make America great again. Do you believe him?

Cornel West: Why I Endorse the Green Party’s Jill Stein Over ‘Neoliberal Disaster’ Hillary Clinton

“Brother Bernie ... was the standard-bearer for truth and justice during the primary at a national level, at a highly visible level,” but then he endorsed “hawk” and “militarist” Hillary Clinton, West says in an interview.



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The Long Capitulation to Trumpism

The Donald Trump Family Reunion, formerly known as the Republican National Convention, illustrates how a once-great political party now sees its main purpose as harnessing opposition to the devil.

Terror, Tennis Balls and Tamir Rice

At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, a large contingent of Indiana State Police, riot cops and police on horseback was deployed to contain 15 women and one man from Code Pink and their 500 tennis balls.

The Costs and Dangers of Climate Change Are Escalating

Scientific reports released for a conference on disaster risk reduction warn that people are already dying and economies being hit by climate change—and that the dangers are growing.

Time for Progressives to Take a Stand Against Politics of Hate

The crisis over racism in America calls for something bolder and more single-minded than the laundry list of good ideas being tossed about by the Bernie Revolution.

Turkey Closes Over 600 Schools, Fires Thousands of Teachers in Wake of Failed Coup

President Erdogan is now cracking down on academics, government and civil service workers, and establishments perceived to support his opposition. He believes Fethullah Gülen, a self-exiled cleric who lives in the U.S., was behind last week’s revolt.

Bernie Sanders’ Endgame Is an Opportunity for the Radical Left

The fundamental premise of Sanders’ campaign—that his “political revolution” can be accomplished within the confines of capitalism—is incorrect. That will soon be clear.

A Lens on the GOP Convention: Activists Arrested for Flag Burning on Day 3 (Multimedia)

Protesters calling attention to Donald Trump’s proposed immigration plan attempted to “Wall Off Trump” by forming a long human barrier. It was one of many acts of civil disobedience in Cleveland.

Republican Convention Live Blog: On Day 3, America Meets Donald Trump’s Secret Weapon

If the enchanting Mike Pence helps Republicans recapture the White House this fall, don’t say Thomas Frank, Robert Scheer and other progressive journalists didn’t warn you.

50 Shockingly Extreme Right-Wing Proposals in the 2016 Republican Party Platform

The 2016 GOP platform would make Christianity the official American religion, replace sex education with abstinence-only advice for teenagers, privatize almost all areas of federal services, cut taxes and regulations for the rich and titans of industry, and more.

GOP Formally Nominates Donald Trump for President

Trump crossed the threshold of 1,237 delegate votes Tuesday to become the party’s nominee.

Letting Tarzan Swing Through History

Tarzan’s remarkable foresight in vanquishing the Belgian evildoers before the worst of King Leopold II’s reign of terror opens the door for his future films, where our hero stops historical catastrophes in their early stages.