Shadowproof is sending journalist Rania Khalek to Philadelphia this weekend to cover all the movement action coming from inside and outside the Democratic National Convention.

We need your help to fund Rania’s travel and reporting expenses to counter the narrow mainstream narrative that will come from the corporate press.

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The Dissenter

Activists scale flagpoles during RNC to hang banner (Photo by Robby Diesu)
19 Jul 2016

Activists Arrested At RNC After Dropping Banner At Rock Hall Against Fracking, Border Wall

Three climate and immigration justice activists climbed flagpoles to drop a banner protesting natural gas fracking, a border wall, and environmental injustices.

Screen shot of image from "Prophets of Rage" single posted on YouTube.
18 Jul 2016

Protest Song Of Week: ‘Prophets Of Rage’

Clear the way for the Prophets of Rage. The Republican National Convention is upon us, and one of the biggest supergroups in protest music history kicks off its tour with a debut single and a concert scheduled to coincide with the convention. The supergroup consists of: Rage Against the Machine

Black Lives Matter Protest in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Photo by Antrell Williams on Flickr.
15 Jul 2016

ACLU Sues To End Baton Rouge Police’s Violent Attacks Against Protesters

In the aftermath of the police killing of Alton Sterling, police officers in military gear attacked nonviolent protesters while brandishing automatic weapons.

Still from the documentary film, "Eat That Question."
14 Jul 2016

‘Eat That Question’: An Engrossing Film About Frank Zappa, A True Anti-Establishment Artist

“The thing that sets the Americans apart from the rest of the cultures in the world is we’re so fucking stupid,” Frank Zappa declares in “Eat That Question.”


The Bullpen

Occupy HSBC protester with a sign reading "too big to jail?" Photo by fleshmanpix on Flickr.
18 Jul 2016

HSBC Report Shows Eric Holder Pushed For ‘Too Big To Jail’ Policy

The corruption among US prosecutors and regulators when it comes to Wall Street is now simply comical.

Composite image. Bernie Sanders photo by Shelly Prevost. FBI logo via Wikipedia.
13 Jul 2016

Was Bernie Sanders Just Waiting On The FBI?

A cynical man might speculate that, despite claims about not caring about Clinton’s “damn emails,” Sanders believed there was a chance she could be indicted.

Still from video, "Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut"
06 Jul 2016

FBI Statement Exposes Clinton’s Numerous Lies About Email Use

FBI Director Comey directly contradicted Clinton’s public claims regarding the private server and her email practices while serving as secretary of state.


Sharp Edges

Istanbul airport after failed military coup. Photo by Eser KaradaÄŸ on Flickr.
18 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 8: Coups Don’t Bring Democracy

Roqayah and Kumars talk to Mehmet Yuksel of Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party, which strongly opposed both ErdoÄŸan’s policies and the military coup.

End of the BDS an Broadway March from Greenwich Village to Union Square. Photo by otto-yamamoto on Flickr.
15 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 7: Ending Complicity

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars talk to Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Israel.

Photo by Victoria Pickering on Flickr.
11 Jul 2016

The Black Struggle Against America’s Deification Of Police

The long-held belief that officers symbolize a “thin blue line” that maintains order is possibly the clearest example of America’s deification of police.

Vigil for Yuvette Henderson. Photo by Daniela Kantorova on Flickr.
06 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 6: You’re Not Right Unless It Works

On this episode, Roqayah and Kumars interview Cat Brooks, an Oakland-based community organizer and founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP)


The Next Cold War

Composite photo: The official emblem of NATO at, Public Domain. Photo of explosion over Nagasaki, Japan. By Charles Levy from one of the B-29 Superfortresses used in the attack. - National Archives image (208-N-43888), Public Domain
14 Jul 2016

NATO’s Aggression Puts World On Edge, Former Commander Plotted Against Obama

Another round of provocative military exercises on Russia’s border by NATO has raised fears of a nuclear war in Europe.

NATO Warsaw Summit. July, 2016 (by NATO)
13 Jul 2016

Nuclear Brinkmanship With Russia And Drumbeat For War With Iran

Various foreign policy realists in the US believe that the communique issued by NATO at their Warsaw Summit is like a declaration of war against Russia.

Banner depicts Tony Blair's bloody hands, from Stop the War Demonstration, QEII Conference Centre, London. (Photo by lewishamdreamer on Flickr)
11 Jul 2016

US Sends More Troops To Iraq As Chilcot Report Shows War Based On Lies

While the Obama Administration is sending troops to Iraq for a new war, the Iraq War of 2003 has been revisited in the UK in an exhaustive report.


Prison Protest

Still from local 12 News broadcast report on the suicide of an Iraq War veteran at the Nassau County Correctional Center.
14 Jul 2016

Multiple Deaths Fuel New York’s Push To Ban Jail Medical Provider

NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sued Armor Correctional Health citing inadequate medical services, which has contributed to numerous deaths since 2011.

Screenshot from Advanced Correctional Healthcare advertisement on YouTube (
11 May 2016

‘Don’t Be a Drama Queen’: Lawsuit Alleges Medical Contractor Left Inmate To Die From Withdrawal

In jails that are overcrowded, underfunded, and face mounting medical costs, fiscal expediency can trump basic principles of medical care.

San Quentin lethal injection room. Photo by CACorrections (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) -, Public Domain,
11 May 2016

CA Prison Records Show Officials Downplayed Botched Executions, Understated Lethal Injection Costs

The more than 12,000 pages of documents released by CDCR reveal how the state planned to continue executing prisoners in light of a drug shortage.

Karnes Detention Facility (UUSC4ALL on Flickr)
04 May 2016

Judge Temporarily Halts Childcare Licenses For Immigrant Family Detention Centers

A judge has granted a temporary restraining order barring Texas from implementing a rule that would allow the agency to license family detention centers.


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