Taste of East L.A.


OK so last time I was called a jerk for not telling people about that East .A. meets Napa event, so don’t say I didn’t give you’se guys a heads up this time around. Even though it is a one day heads up, but still. The event is pretty much what the flier shows except this is an old one so I’ll fill you guys in. Admission ranges from $10 to $25 bucks depending on the package you get. If you pay $10 you will get 1 admission ticket and 15 food coupons which include a drink and dessert. $15 gets you 2 admission tickets and 20 coupons, two drinks and one dessert.  $25 which is your best bet gets you 2 admission tickets, 30 coupons, 5 raffle tickets, 2 drinks and 2 desserts. What more could you ask for ? Live music you say ? How bout’ members from Nation of Aztlan playing at the event ? Sounds good right ? Did I mention that the fourth ranked Garfield High School Drum-line will be doing their thing too ? Cause they are. If you have the chance, stop by AJ’s BBQ pit on 3rd and Indiana and get your tickets there so you can just show up to the event and get to eatin’. I’ll be there of course so if you see me, stop by and say hello. Course that’s if you recognize me and have met me before, other wise stay the hell away from me. Kidding, kidding. I’ll save my comments for the after post. See ya there 🙂

My 10 Favorite Songs About Drinking


I’m not much of drinker but that doesn’t mean I can’t apreciate the entertaining aspects of drinking culture. Musical odes to drinking are some of my favorite kinds of tunes and I’ve included a few of my favorites songs about drinking right here. Cheers!

  1. I Ain’t Drunk, I’m Just Drinkin’- by Jimmy Liggins
  2. Beer For Breakfast- by The Replacements

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  3. En El Cielo No Hay Cerveza- by Flaco Jimenez

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  4. One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer..- by Johnny Lee Hooker

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  5. There’s A Tear In My Beer- by Hank Williams Jr. and Sr.

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  6. Whiskey, Gin and Wine- by Joe Liggins

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  7. Have A Beer With Fear- by Fear

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  8. Too Drunk To Fuck- by Dead Kennedys

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  9. I’m Home Getting Hammered While She’s Out Getting Nailed- by Banjo & Sullivan

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  10. What Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made A Loser Out Of Me)- by Jerry Lee Lewis

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Primera Taza


Remember a while back ago when I posted my thoughts on Tierra Mia in South Gate and how impressed I was with not only the store but with the quality and variety of coffee they had ? I wish I could say the same for Primera Taza, but I’m being too critical of the place considering it just barely opened up on Friday of last week. So, with only a few days open I can understand that Taza is still finding its bearings and learning as they go. Having had a father that was a creative entrepreneur all my life, I know what it takes and what goes into running your own business. With that in mind, let’s find out what Taza has going for itself.

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Southern California Anarchist Conference


The Southern California Anarchist Conference– a weekend long conference centered on anarchist and its anti-authoritarian tendencies as uniquely manifested in the southern California. Collectively we hope to show past & present examples of anarchist ideas in practice, through speakers, panels, workshops, images, theater, music, film and non-coercive socializing as they intersect in the everyday struggles against coercive power, capitalism and the state.

Saturday, August 1st 2009 CONFERENCE
(workshops, strategizing and networking sessions)
12:00-8:00PM at the SoCal Library
6120 S. Vermont Ave. L.A. 90044
$5.00 suggested donation; no denied entry.

Sunday, August 2nd 2009 FERIA LIBERTARIA
(Art, music, theater, food, tabling, and more!)
12:00-8:00PM UCLA Downtown Labor Center
675 S. Park View St. L.A. 90057

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Casa de Sousa getting evicted


When I stop and think about days of future past and dealing with landlords evicting my family and I from our home/apartment, I remember what it felt like. To have to turn off everything in the house/apartment to make it seem like no one was home. Getting on all floors and looking through the crevace the bottom of the door waiting for the shadows to leave all the while hearing knocking on the door and the manager say, “when are you going to pay your rent ? I know you’re in there. You need to pay soon or else I’m going to have to kick you out of the house/apartment.” I felt that same feeling of uncertainty when I was talking to Conchita Sousa and Fernando Cruz about Cafe Casa de Sousa receiving an eviction notice from the manager in charge of the Placita Olvera merchants and stores.  However the circumstances and reasons for Casa de Sousa receiving that eviction notice last week still remain unclear because no one from the management has given them a proper reason for the notice, even after Sousa and Cruz tried talking to them to come to reasonable out come and work things out civily. No dice. Continue reading

Thanks Bwana, but what do we now call the parts of Boyle Hts and Lincoln Hts that vanished?

Thank Goodness we on the LA Eastside have the LA Weekly and Drew Tewksbury to determine where the actual LA Eastside is. Up until I read his article below I always thought the western boundary of the LA Eastside was either downtown at first and Broadway or the more accepted “east of the LA River”.  Now I realize how naïve I have been all these years and can pay homage to Drew Tewksbury for setting us all straight in the LA Weekly. The Eastside is east of the Golden State Frwy (I-5), and the parts of Boyle Hts, Lincoln Hts, that are now part of something else be damned! Hey at least we picked up Frogtown in the deal!


 It’s not quite east of the 5 (just short by 0.2 miles), but there’s no dispute that Boyle Heights’ Eastside Luv embodies the Eastside vibe. “



East of the 5: Spreading the Eastside Luv in Boyle Heights

By Drew Tewksbury in Live in L.A., Nightlife and Events

Friday, Jul. 24 2009 @ 11:45AM


Believe it or not, Echo Park and Silver Lake are not the Eastside. Gentrification has erroneously recalibrated the orientation of Los Angeles. The real Eastside lies past the 5 freeway and the L.A. River, where underground and established music venues thrive under the radar. This week, West Coast Sound goes eastward to investigate what lies on other side of the 5.

El Banquetazo


Most of us know that East L.A. has a unique and colorful character all of it’s own. I thought I’d seen everything in Do-It-Yourself entrepreneurship in my old Barrio, until today. “La Crisis” has spawned so many forms of creativity to make financial ends meet that nothing really surprised me anymore. That is until I heard the latest “Chisme” while visiting my Mom in the Eastside. “Have you heard about those people down the street who are running a full on restaurant on their front lawn?” she asked. “Holy Crap!“, I gasped. “This I gotta see“….. Continue reading

Thee Eastside Theme Song Poll

When you think of the Eastside, what song(s) do you think of? Is there one definitive tune that can be called the Eastside Anthem? I’ve been trying to find the answer to those questions and I’ve come to the conclusion that there are too many factors to consider before attempting to define a song that embodies the broad richness and historical flavor of our Querido Eastside. For one thing, we must consider the era that holds the strongest meaning to us. Would you favor the “Classic” Eastside era of the 60’s and 70’s or beyond? And of course we must also filter our choices by the unique tastes of the various subcultures and cliques found in our community. The Cholo types might  have certain musical preferences as would the Low Riders, Old Skoolers, Cruisers, Disco era types, Rockers, Punks, Hip Hoppers, Regionals and so on. Do we consider if it’s a cruising song? or perhaps a dance number or a song just for kicking it Eastside style? Continue reading

I Feng Shui’ed by Desk!


I love oriental ancient wisdom and philosophy—it amazes me that parallel to western ways, there’s a non-abrasive system to work on the whole physical body, including its surroundings, and (the best part) most of it cost nothing. I know for some who have been deeply ingrained with Christianity, there is nothing more a poor unconnected person can do, but suffer and die. I made up my mind early in life that suffering was not my identity. I began to dabble in many non-traditional ways of creating good around me and using whatever methods I could for manifesting positivity.

About a month ago, after having a sore throat for months and huge piles of projects that I hadn’t gotten to, on my desk—it struck me that I had forgotten to use my non-traditional knowledge for assistance. I could create the peace I wanted in my life by creating a serene work environment using Feng Shui. Feng Shui (pronounced “Fung-Shway”) is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven/astronomy and Earth/geography to help improve one’s life by bringing in positive energy called qi (pronounced “chee”). Continue reading

What’s in a song

California Love

I woke up this morning and put my tunes on shuffle. “Sweet Home Alabama” comes up and I ponder to myself, what is the equivalent of that song but for L.A. Cheech and Chong have “Born in East L.A.” a great jam. I was always partial to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers “Under the Bridge” and La Cindy says that Randy Newmans “I Love L.A.” is also a good choice. Hmm… I’m curious. I want to know what are some of the best songs that when you hear them, you think L.A. Any suggestions ?