WA News

Round-the-world balloonist breaks world record returning to Northam

Russian adventurer Fedor Konyukhov has broken the world record for flying around the world in hot air balloon, passing over his starting point at Northam at 1pm on Saturday.

Social media sites lit up with posts and pictures as he reached the wheatbelt town.

Update 3.45pm Saturday: Fedor Konyukhov's hot air balloon appears to be descending and may land somewhere close to ...
Update 3.45pm Saturday: Fedor Konyukhov's hot air balloon appears to be descending and may land somewhere close to Bonnie Rock in the Wheatbelt. Photo: Flightradar24

Update,3.45pm Saturday: Flightradar24, an online site on which you can follow the progress of Fedor Konyukhov's hot air balloon, appears to show the balloon descending and losing speed. There is discussion that he could be aiming to land somewhere near the Wheatbelt town of Bonnie Rock, 360km northeast of Perth.

Earlier there was excitement when the 64-year-old crossed over the WA coastline passing right over the Perth CBD.

Speaking earlier on Saturday the balloonist's son was correct in his prediction that the 60 metre high balloon would be seen by people on the streets.

"I am not sure if there will be any cloud but if there are no clouds people will be able to see him," Oscar Konyukov told Radio 6PR..

The balloonist, who is also a well known survivalist, traveller, yacht captain and a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church, lifted off from Northam, 95 kms east of Perth, 11 days ago.

If everything goes to plan and he lands safely, the 64-year-old will have beaten American Steve Fossett's 2002 record of 13 days and eight hours.

"To complete the record he must cross the longitude from which he set off and then make a solo landing. After that we can help him," his son said.