Theodosian dynasty

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Roman imperial dynasties
Theodosian dynasty
Theodosius I as Emperor of the East 379–392
Theodosius I as sole emperor 392–395
-with Arcadius as junior Augustus of the East 383–395
Honorius as Emperor of the West 395–423
Arcadius as Emperor of the East 395–408
Theodosius II as Emperor of the East 408–450
Marcian as Emperor of the East 450–457
Preceded by
Valentinian dynasty
Followed by
Leonid dynasty

The Theodosian dynasty was a Roman family that rose to eminence in the waning days of the Roman Empire.


Its founding father was Flavius Theodosius (often referred to as Count Theodosius), a great general who had saved Britannia from the Great Conspiracy. His son, Flavius Theodosius was made emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire in 379, and briefly reunited the Roman Empire 394–395 by defeating the usurper Eugenius. Theodosius I was succeeded by his sons Honorius in the West and Arcadius in the East. The House of Theodosius was related to the Valentinian Dynasty by marriage, since Theodosius I had married Galla, a daughter of Valentinian I. Their daughter was Galla Placidia. The last emperor in the West belonging to the dynasty was Galla Placidia's son Valentinian III. The last emperor of the dynasty in the East was Marcian, who became emperor by marrying Pulcheria, the older sister of Theodosius II, after the death of the latter. Later on Placidia, a daughter of Valentinian III, was married to Olybrius and Anthemius was a son-in-law of Marcian. Descendants of the dynasty continued to be part of the East Roman nobility at Constantinople until the end of the 6th century.



In italics the Augusti and the Augustae.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]