Giorgi Bagrationi (born 2011)

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Giorgi Bagration
Prince Bagrationi
Prince Giorgi of Georgia.jpg
Giorgi in white Chokha
Born (2011-09-27) September 27, 2011 (age 5)
Madrid, Spain
House Bagrationi dynasty
Father David Bagration of Mukhrani
Mother Ana Bagration-Gruzinsky
Religion Georgian Orthodox Church
Baptised in Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, Mtskheta
Georgian Royal Family
Coat of Arms of the Bagrationi of Mukhrani.svg

HRH Prince David

  • HRH Prince Giorgi

HRH Princess Nuria

HRH Prince Bagrat
HRH Princess Françoise

  • HRH Prince Juan
    HRH Princess Kristine
  • HRH Princess Inés
HRH Princess Mariam

Giorgi Bagrationi (Georgian: გიორგი ბაგრატიონი), aka Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi (born 27 September 2011), is a Georgian prince of the Bagrationi dynasty which reigned until the early 19th century over various realms in and near the Caucasus Mountains, lands which now constitute the Republic of Georgia.


Born in Spain, Giorgi is the only child of Prince David Bagration of Mukhrani and Princess Anna Bagration-Gruzinsky,[1][2][3][4][5] He potentially unites in his person the claims of the Mukhraneli and Gruzinsky branches of the House of Bagration to the former throne of the Kingdom of Georgia. If no other Bagrationi prince is born in either the Gruzinsky or Mukhraneli branch who is of senior descent in the male line, and he survives those now living, he will become the genealogical heir male of the Bagrationi dynasty as well as the heir general of Georgia's last monarch, King George XII.[6][7][8]

Since the divorce of Giorgi's parents he has been pictured in attendance at several civic and religious events with his father. On 2 April 2016 Giorgi, accompanying Prince David, visited and was photographed in Tbilisi with the Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II, who had christened him.[9]

Succession dispute[edit]

Prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinsky has, however, yet to officially recognize his grandson as the heir to the Georgian throne or to the Gruzinsky branch.[10][11]

Nugzar has demanded that David sign a written agreement recognizing Nugzar and the Gruzinsky branch as the sole rightful heirs to the Georgian throne and to the legacy of the Georgian kings.[12]


Giorgi's christening was held on 3 November 2013 by Patriarch Ilia II, primate of the Georgian Orthodox Church, in Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta.[13][14][15][16] His godfathers are the patriarch himself, his uncles Irakli and Ugo, Levan Vasadze, said to be closely associated with ex-Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili[17] and the President Giorgi Margvelashvili,[18] and Mikheil Akhvlediani, the honorary consul of Spain.[19] Government ministers Irakli Alasania and Nodar Khaduri were also present during the ceremony[20] as well as guests from Russia, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, United States and Romania.

Patriarch Ilia II of Georgia stated:[21]

Prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinsky after the christening of his grandson said:[22]

Giorgi's godfather Mr Levan Vasadze made a statement after his christening:[23]



See also[edit]


  1. ^ (Georgian) დაიბადა გიორგი ბაგრატიონ-ბაგრატიონი კვირის პალიტრა
  2. ^ (Georgian) დავით და ანა ბაგრატიონებს მემკვიდრე-გიორგი ბაგრატიონი შეეძინათ გეო ნიუსი
  3. ^ (Russian) Родился наследник Грузинского престола Русская народная линия
  4. ^ (Russian) В Грузии родился наследник царского престола Кавказ Online
  5. ^ (Russian) В Грузии родился Георгии Багратион-Багратиони Наша эпоха
  6. ^ The Royal House of Georgia. Royal Birth of Bagrationi family
  7. ^ Giorgi Bagration-Bagrationi Has Arrived Georgian Journal
  8. ^ Birth of a new heir! Kimon Andreou
  9. ^ The Royal House of Georgia. Crown Prince Davit of Georgia and his Heir. 2 April 2016. Retrieved 15 June 2016.
  10. ^ (Georgian) ახალშობილ მუხრან ბატონს ბაბუა ტახტის მემკვიდრედ არ აღიარებს Tabula Magazine
  11. ^ (Georgian) ნუგზარ ბაგრატიონ-გრუზინსკი თვენახევრის შვილიშვილს-გიორგი ბაგრატიონ-მუხრანელს სამეფო ტახტის მემკვიდრედ არ აღიარებს GeoNews
  12. ^ The Royal House of Georgia. Appendix of Additional Information No13. The Legal Heir to the Royal Throne of the Georgian Bagrationi Dynasty
  13. ^ (Russian) крещенье Георгия Багратиони Video by Nugzar Kereselidze
  14. ^ (Russian) В Грузии состоялось крещение царевича Георгия из рода Багратионов «Голос России»
  15. ^ (Lithuanian) Gruzijoje įvyko dviejų metų kunigaikščio Georgijaus krikštynos Kauno diena
  16. ^ (Russian) Патриарх Илия II: «Это исторический акт» - В Грузии крестили потомка древнего царского рода Багратионов Русская линия
  17. ^ World press on political situation in Georgia (November 6, 2013). Retrieved 2013-11-11.
  18. ^ (Georgian) მარგველაშვილი ლევან ვასაძის სკოლაში NetGazeti
  19. ^ Consulate of the Kingdom of Spain. Retrieved 2013-11-11.
  20. ^ (Georgian) სვეტიცხოველში უფლისწული გიორგი მონათლეს InterPressNews
  21. ^ (Georgian) პატრიარქი: დღევანდელი დღე ისტორიულია ExpressNews
  22. ^ (Georgian) უფლისწულის ნათლობა Maestro TV
  23. ^ (Georgian) ლევან ვასაძე: დღეს მყარი საფუძველი ჩაეყარა კონსტიტუციური მონარქიის აღდგენას GHN News
  24. ^ a b Second Birthday of Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi
  25. ^ (Russian) Грузинский принц стал почетным инспектором испанской полиции Грузия Online