
Latest world news

Lagarde likely to avoid jail time, keep IMF job

Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund.

Christine Lagarde is likely to avoid jail time and keep her job as head of the International Monetary Fund after she was ordered to stand trial in France on charges that carry a potential prison term.

Red Cross man warns Ukraine teeters on brink of health crisis

ICRC in Belobodsk, Luhansk region, Ukraine. Mike Denison,
biomedical engineer of International Committee of the Red ...

Red Cross volunteer Mike Denison has just returned from the civil-war-torn east of Ukraine, a part of the world never particularly prosperous and now torn apart by a "frozen conflict". The Red Cross is there to help in a crisis but the locals fear this crisis is here to stay.

The drama shaking up US politics

Roger Ailes, creator of Fox News, has been the creator and destroyer of political ambitions over the years.

If you thought the shenanigans at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland were the weirdest thing happening in America this week, you would be wrong.