

Welcome to Sydney's most over-rated destinations

Welcome aboard everyone, and thanks for joining us on today's Big Bus Tour of Sydney's Most Over-Hyped and Over-Rated. Please, take your seats and settle in with your complimentary glass half empty of overpriced tap water.

To ease the journey, we'll be playing a collection of Beatles and Rolling Stones songs.

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Jack Thompson: Hands off the Bondi Pavilion

Actor Jack Thompson, a long time resident of Bondi, urges Waverley Council to pause on its redevelopment of the iconic Bondi Pavilion.

Now, if that doesn't get you in the mood for a day of disappointing let downs, what will?

Folks, our first port of call is that squalid little settlement known as Bondi Beach – without doubt, the finest example of this city having a lend of tourists and excelling at pulling the wool over the eyes of the rest of the world. Well, with the exception of the Vivid festival. But you'll have to come back in the middle of next winter for that.

Foreshore cowshed: Bondi Pavilion.
Foreshore cowshed: Bondi Pavilion. Photo: Louise Kennerley

Yes, the glossy brochures for Bondi are the equivalent of an anonymous late-night call from a heavy breather ("Turquoise waters" ... "Stunning sunrises" ... "eclectic eateries and bars" ...) and the satisfaction level is about the same.

Sorry? The gent up the back. You want to know where the famous beach is? That's it mate. You're staring at it. Looks a lot bigger in the postcards, doesn't it?


And that cowshed on the foreshore? That's known as the Pavilion, pal. Give it a break. The local council wants to spend $38 million upgrading it but the locals are violently opposed to any change. And why wouldn't they be? Something graceful soaring above the surrounding eyesores might cast a morning shadow on all those dowdy gift shops and convenience stores along Campbell Parade.

Where, then, would all those New Zealand and South American backpackers too poor to hire a Kombi van hang out?

Bondi Beach? It looks a lot bigger in the postcards.
Bondi Beach? It looks a lot bigger in the postcards. Photo: Peter Braig

Another question. Who designed Bondi Beach and the rest of Bondi, with its jumble of maddeningly small streets, cramped poo brown houses and East Berlin-inspired blocks of flats? Sir, we're still searching for the vandal concerned. At last report he was in hiding in Newtown, disguised with a heavy hipster beard and perpetrating the same crimes against good taste.

Enough, then, of the suburb we locals affectionately call the cold sore on Sydney's lips. We'll be returning to the city via Kings Cross, now just a shadow of its old notorious self – so run down and dilapidated that not even a desperate NRL player on a night off will be seen in. And yes, even the drug dealers have fled for the well-heeled eastern suburbs. That's supply and demand for you.

Marvel at the Harbour Bridge's rivets, not to mention its iron beams.
Marvel at the Harbour Bridge's rivets, not to mention its iron beams. Photo: Sarah Keayes

Next stop: the CBD.

We'll do our best to rush through this precinct – four hours at top speed should do it. Here we are in Macquarie Street and to your right you will find – no, sorry lady, that's not a horse stable, that's the seat of power in NSW, the State Parliament. 

A few minutes further on – close your eyes. Now open them again. Ta da! Bet you thought you were back in Bondi. Sorry, easy to be fooled but this area is known as The Rocks. Same gift shops – but twice the price. And after you've bought your Ugg boots, plenty of claustrophobic pubs to rest those weary legs.

But I know what you've all been waiting for and it's coming up next. Yes, the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Marvel at those rivets. Gasp as those iron beams block out the blue sky overhead. Ah, the old Coathanger. A marvellous engineering achievement in the 1930s. But would a lick of paint hurt the old girl? Sorry, but we happen to like charcoal grey in this town.

We had planned to take you for a quick look through the well-off suburb of Mosman over to your right. But its council has advised that because we are not driving an oversized, $90,000-plus black four wheel drive with a sole occupant on their way to school pickup, entry is forbidden.

So many places, so little time.

Please come back and join us on our upcoming tour of the Under Hyped and Under Rated Places of Sydney.

It will start in Parramatta and then head west, out where the real Sydney resides. It's the undiscovered country. We might take along a few tourism chiefs. And then we will show the more than 3 million overseas tourists every year a real spectacle.

Garry Linnell is co-presenter of the 2UE Breakfast Show.