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matthew culbert


matthew culbert

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Most of us don’t own a single square inch of Scotland.

It doesn’t belong to us: we just live here and work for the people who do own it.

In or out of the Union, that won’t change.

In Scotland, society is run in the interests of those who own the
wealth. They argue among each other over billions of barrels of oil, GDP
rates, profits and exports, because where the borders lie matters to
them. Every border is an opportunity to wring cash out of other
property owners.
Scotland will remain dependent upon their whims and interests whatever the outcome of the referendum.

They’ll try to sway us one way or another with crumbs (or the promises
of crumbs) but we’ll only get what they feel they can spare to protect
their privilege and wealth. We will remain dependent upon their
investments making a profit for them before we can get our needs and
interests seen to.

The only way to stop this dependency would
be for us to take ownership and control of the wealth of the world into
our own hands. We could, together, use the wealth of the world to meet
our mutual needs and grant the true independence of being able to
control our work and our lives in free and voluntary association of

Though the outcome of this referendum is irrelevant, it
is an opportunity for us to tell our fellow workers that this is what
we want. We don’t have to suffer in silence, we can go to the ballot
stations and write “NEITHER YES NOR NO BUT WORLD SOCIALISM” Across it.
Then, join The Socialist Party to fight for an independent world.
matthew culbert's profile photoLouis Kolodziej's profile photo
I pretty much agree with you on everything, the basic lack of workability that Capitalism demonstrates with concerns to the majority of the population, the fact that most 'leftists' argue for reformed capitalism, the idea that a modern state is incompatible with proper socialism, I would like to think of myself as an Anarchist, that most if not all forms of hierarchy and authority are corrupt and the idea that these things are self-justified is just wrong.

However I cannot see for the life of me, i.e too ignorant, a way in which we can transition from a capitalist to a socialist society and out of sheer desperation look at the referendum and think to myself: well maybe we can look after welfare slightly better, maybe we can right some of the wrongs. I understand that it is almost certainly futile and probably wont change much for the better but I still believe it is the slightly better option available to me in terms of advancing the socialist cause and again because of my lack of information and my indoctrination I struggle to think what else I can do...and I do suspect that if you pitched the ideas on you would find a smaller percentage of people in Scotland telling you it is a pipe-dream and will never happen than in England, I think that people vote Labour for the right reasons they are just ignorant of the reality.

I think of it as the lesser of two evils and that a spoiled ballot, when looking at it with some pragmatism, would almost certainly result in a no victory, in my mind the worse of two evils, as the people most likely to agree with you are more likely to be on the yes side. Again I can't stress enough how I fundamentally agree with you and I totally understand that my behavior probably seems corrupt, the idea of working within the system, all I can say is it is out of a sense of desperation and a lack of imagination as to what other solutions there might be.

matthew culbert

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These are more discussions and with a bit more feedback .Although very predictable responses.

matthew culbert

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Just some past discussions on BBC.I have to be brief with these.

matthew culbert

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..and now.

matthew culbert

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Workers of the world have no country.Abolish the wages system,the great money trick which keeps you enslaved.  Establish a post-capitalist system of society with the common ownership and democratic control of all the means and instruments for producing and distributing wealth, by and in the interests of the whole world's population. and claim the whole world and in everything in it and on it in common with fellow workers worldwide."From each according to their ability to each according to their needs"
philip paterson's profile photoDes McCart's profile photo
that man is a on the ball

matthew culbert

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These are lengthier,sometimes too long, as I am restricted  to one post every few hours and sometimes comment is closed before I can get back to reply to opponents.

matthew culbert

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matthew culbert

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Make sure you don't pass it on to Jimmy and me.
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