SAVE THE DATE! Preparing Higher Education leaders to become the change makers of the university of tomorrow


The 1st D-TRANSFORM Leadership School will take place in Barcelona, 14-18 November 2016 at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya The 1st D-TRANSFORM leadership school will be a unique opportunity to update leaders and senior managers in European higher education institutions with knowledge, skills and attitudes which they need to have in order to make effective decisions […]

Meet us in Budapest at the 2016 EDEN Conference

Leadership for Change in HE Institutions: The D-TRANSFORM Approach – the D-TRANSFORM project is organising a workshop at the 2016 Annual EDEN Conference in Budapest , Hungary (14-17 June, 2016). The workshop aims to develop practical recommendations for educational leaders to drive Higher Education (HE) institutions to the level of transformation required for embracing effective […]

Higher educational experts from the EU discussed the questions of the digital transform in higher education on 29 April


Source: HRC website Higher educational leaders and significant actors from the sector took part in the 2nd dissemination event of the Digital Transform project, organized jointly by the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, the International Association of Universities and the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference on 29. April 2016 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. After […]

Open Educational Resource, a lever for digital transition of higher education? Report available


Easy access to educational content for the largest number is deeply rooted in our European history. The question of freely available digital open educational resources (OER) has nonetheless been a particular point of focus in the last ten years for various countries and also for international institutions, particularly in Europe. The production and diffusion of […]

Business models for opening up education – report available


Sustainability of MOOCs, OER and related online education approaches in higher education in Europe This D-TRANSFORM report is designed to provide guidance for senior managers in higher education institutions, mainly in four Member States of the EU – France, Italy, Spain and UK  – when they come to consider whether to deploy MOOCs and related […]

NMC Horizon Report > 2016 Higher Education Edition published


What is on the five-year horizon for higher education institutions? Which trends and technology developments ll drive educational change? What are the challenges that we consider as solvable or difficult to overcome, and how can we strategize effective solutions? These questions and similar inquiries regarding technology adoption and educational change steered the collaborative research and […]

Open Educational Practices in Scotland


The fourth open forum hosted by the Opening Educational Practices in Scotland project was held in Stirling on 9th March 2016 to explore and discuss Open Educational Practices in Scotland. The storified Twitter archive of the #OEPSforum4 is available: with excellen scribble notes that captured very accurately the discussion topics and participant comments.

How Open Education will Revolutionize Higher Education by Dr. Tony Bates

Webinar recommendation How open education will revolutionize higher education: the impact of open research, open textbooks, OERs and open data on course design and delivery by Dr. Tony Bates. Although open education initiatives such as OERs and open textbooks are currently fairly marginal, when they are combined with other developments such as open research and […]

Our first newsletter is published!

The D-TRANSFORM project has published its first newsletter to disseminate the first results of the project as well as to inform its partners about upcoming D-TRANSFORM events and ongoing works. The Newsletter can be read HERE. If you would like to keep in touch with our progress via our newsletter service, please SUBSCRIBE.    

Preparing higher education leaders to become the change makers requested by knowledge societies


D-TRANSFORM conference organized in partnership with the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference (MRK) Budapest, Hungary – 28-29 April 2016 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Central building, I. floor Room nr. 95. 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3.           The current European higher education system was designed […]

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