Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


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Spain 1936-1939

Memorable images of the Social Revolution and the Civil War from the CNT Photo Collection

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Utopian Travels

Take a journey to utopian islands and encounter remarkable issues of current relevance

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Child Labour - Photos by Maya Pejić

Photographer Maya Pejić  travelled through the world

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About IISH Research

Leo Lucassen about the IISH Research Programme

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Almost six hundred Dutch Labour Movement Biographies online. Photo: Annie and Carel Adama van Scheltema + more

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International Institute of Social History

The International Institute of Social History (IISH) conducts advanced research on the global history of work, workers, and labour relations and to this end gathers data, which are made available to other researchers as well. + more

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