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"An amazing, wonderful, and important book..."—CHOICE


“Sociologist Pilgrim (Ferris State Univ.) takes on some of the most potentially offensive objects from US history in order to, as the subtitle indicates, "teach tolerance and promote social justice."... The objects, from the collections of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia assembled by Pilgrim at Ferris State University, were produced over the past 150 years to appeal to racist attitudes, and thus depict African Americans in grotesquely stereotypical ways.  But Pilgrim's narrative takes these objects and the histories behind them as things to be remembered and learned from.  He draws on lived experience and social theory, but whether writing about "Visual Thinking Strategies" (a pedagogical tool), the auction of a Klan robe, the history of Jim Crow, or the stereotypes themselves (like "flawed women" and "dangerous men"), the writing is conversational and straightforward.  Pilgrim draws the reader along in considering these difficult objects and histories with as little inflammation as possible.  An amazing, wonderful, and important book whose objects and images may offend some readers.CHOICE

Buy Understanding Jim Crow: Using Racist Memorabilia to Teach Tolerance and Promote Social Justice

"The whole point, from the beginning, was to build caring, just and inclusive community, reaching out to those in need.”

"The whole point, from the beginning, was to build caring, just and inclusive community, reaching out to those in need and building bridges between diverse communities. they organized punk rock concerts and educational events — some of them in such then-unconventional venues as churches and parks — which were all-ages and liquor-free, and all proceeds went to progressive groups who provided help and worked with seniors, the homeless, and other marginalized folks, regardless of their race, class, religion, sexual orientation, culture, nationality, and even language.

Proceeds also went towards fighting such varied issues as homelessness, hunger, racism, corporate globalization, sexism, homophobia, war, gentrification, and animal/earth liberation."—NightFlight


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Buy Positive Force: More Than a Witness: 30 Years of Punk Politics in Action

In, Against, and Beyond Capitalism in Antipode, A Journal of Radical Geography

"In Against, and Beyond Capitalism comprises three lectures–collectively titled “After Capitalism”–given by Holloway at the California Institute of Integral Studies on three consecutive days in April 2013. Andrej Grubačić’s preface introduces key theories and theorists influencing Holloway’s thinking. I initially wondered if diving straight in with negative dialectics, post-1968 Marxism, Italian autonomists, and state derivationism could be off-putting for the reader who (like me) feels intimidated by much of Leftist intellectual philosophy. However, this preface carefully highlights relevant terms and authors, situating the more accessible talks which follow within a helpful and concise theoretical context."—Stella Darby, Antipode, A Journal of Radical Geography

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Buy In, Against, and Beyond Capitalism: The San Francisco Lectures

“Life Under the Jolly Roger is a...sophisticated and nuanced take on pirate history and myth."


"...After all, a revolutionary has no business being respectable when it comes down to it. Not to say that I want to outfit myself in a pirate hat and shirt (not for political reasons, anyway), but with (Gabriel) Kuhn’s help I have a much better idea of who the pirates really were, and hope to read more about them someday. If you’re someone whose knowledge of pirates stops with Errol Flynn and Jack Sparrow but you wanted to learn more, Life Under the Jolly Roger will be just the grog you’re thirsting for."—JM Hielkema, The Tiger Manifesto

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Buy Life Under the Jolly Roger: Reflections on Golden Age Piracy

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