• Preliminary Report of Public Expenditure Review for Biodiversity Finance Imitative in Thailand

      Biodiversity-related expenditure is defined as any expenditure, whether by a public or private finance actor, that supports the conservation, sustainable use and/or equitable benefits sharing of biodiversity in a given year. The proportion of expenditure that are attributed to biodiversity is based on an overall assessment of the activities within each financial actor’s work programs and also by comparison with the NBSAP whether these are included in the NBSAP or consistent with NBSAP’s strategies. Programs’ objectives and performance indicators, as well as any major obstacles that arise, are used to determine their effectiveness in relation to the stated goal. These indicators are primarily based on those specified in each finance actor’s strategic plan or budgetary work programs with quantifiable quantities such as protected areas coverage, number of ecotourism centers being serviced, number of studies on environmental resource management undertaken, some of which can be related to the overall indicators used in the assessment of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, the Environmental Quality Plan and the NBSAP.

    • Burning Bright: UNDP and GEF in the Tiger Landscape

      This publication highlights the unique contribution of ten GEF financed, UNDP supported projects in six tiger range countries (Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand), demonstrating how conservation activities in tiger habitat can accomplish more than the preservation of one iconic wildlife species.

    • UNDP provides access to clean cooking solutions in northern Thailand | #VoicesofWomen

      In an attempt to encourage communities in Mae Hong Son province to use more energy efficient and environmentally friendly cooking and heating methods, UNDP Thailand’s Promoting Renewable Energy project in partnership with the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) and the Ministry of Energy carried out an improved cook stoves (ICS) experiment. The ICS was designed to reduce fuel consumption per meal and to curb smoke emissions.

    • UNDP @50 | Fifty years of partnerships and development in Asia and the Pacific

      On the occasion of our 50th anniversary, UNDP is looking toward the future of people and planet. That future is uncertain. On the one hand, climate change, political turbulence, economic inequality, and other challenges. On the other hand, technological advances, tremendous economic growth, and an unprecedented global consensus about the best way forward.

    • UNDP Thailand participates at ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity 2016

      The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Centre for Biodiversity, in cooperation with ASEAN Member States, the ASEAN Secretariat and partner organisations, held the Second ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity under the theme “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” on 15 - 19 February in Bangkok.

    • New book highlights the immense value of national parks in Thailand

      The new book, Parks for Life: Why We Love Thailand’s National Parks, aims to create a better recognition of, and greater commitment and support to protect the country’s rich biodiversity. The publication advocates for investing in the management of protected areas to promote inclusive economic growth that takes the real value of biodiversity and ecosystems into account in decision-making in the country’s development.

    • Small grants reducing unemployment and increasing livelihoods in southern Thailand

      UNDP's STEP II Project awarded small grants to eight community projects in targeted provinces in southern Thailand (Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat). The grants, generously financed by the Japan-UNDP Partnership Fund, aim to assist local communities to become more resilient amid the ongoing violent conflict in southern Thailand, through the improvement of their livelihoods.

    • UN Exhibition: Introducing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Thailand

      The UN SDG exhibition aims to introduce the Sustainable Development Goals in Thailand, highlight their importance for Thai people, as well as commemorate the 70th anniversary of the UN through emphasizing the partnership between UN Country Team Thailand and the Royal Thai Government. Additionally, the UN plans to bring the exhibition around the country to engage with as many Thais as possible.

    • Private sector dialogue on LGBTI workplace discrimination in Thailand

      Discrimination and exclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people in the private sector workplace, which is widespread across the Asia-Pacific region including in Thailand, has both economic as well as human associated costs. A national executive dialogue on the business of LGBT rights in Asia jointly convened by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and The Economist Events.

    • UN and P&G; Thailand win Best Communications Campaign Award

      The United Nations and P&G Thailand celebrated receivership of the Best Communications Campaign Award for the My World survey campaign. The Best Communications Campaign award recognises the efforts of P&G Thailand in working with the United Nations, media outlets, and developing advertising products and tools to showcase peoples’ engagement on the post-2015 development agenda.

About Us

In Thailand, UNDP works with the Royal Thai Government, civil society, national partners and the private sector to help find solutions to persistent development challenges. UNDP in Thailand provides technical expertise and policy advice to enhance the government’s ability to deliver public services to the population in an efficient and accountable manner, to consolidate a participatory democracy and create an enabling environment for inclusive growth and sustainable use of natural resources.



The Global Goals build on the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which the world committed to achieving by 2015. Enormous progress has been made on the MDGs, showing the value of a unifying agenda underpinned by goals and targets. Despite this success, the indignity of poverty has not been ended for all.

The Global Goals will now finish the task of the MDGs, and ensure that no one is left behind.

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Latest Report
UNDP Human Development Report 2015

The 2015 Human Development Report ‘Work for Human Development’ examines the links, both positive and negative, between work and human development in a rapidly changing world of work. 

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