Five of the best... art exhibitions

Louise Bourgeois | The Body Extended | Terence Donovan | Daydreaming With Stanley Kubrick | Hiraki Sawa

Installation view of Artist Rooms: Louise Bourgeois.
Installation view of Artist Rooms: Louise Bourgeois. Photograph: Marcus leith/Marcus Leith, Tate Photography

Louise Bourgeois

One of the best reasons to visit the new wing at Tate Modern is to see this superb display of the strange and beguiling work of the Frenchwoman who reinvented modern art. Bizarrely shaped objects, fetish-like sculptures and dream drawings all seduce the imagination. There is no comfort here, but instead a surrealism for our century, stripped of the silly old Dalí paintings of yesteryear and sticking in your mind like a toxic memory.

Tate Modern, SE1, to 17 Jun

The Body Extended

This is one of the less predictable art events to mark the centenary of the first world war. The conflict maimed and disfigured so many that it saw revolutionary advances in prosthetic body parts, including facial masks for men who had lost a nose or an entire jaw. The moving and shocking medical art of 1914 to 1918 is juxtaposed here with sculpture that “extends” the human body, from long appendages devised by Rebecca Horn to the surreal bodily transformations that proliferate in the films of Matthew Barney.

Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, to 23 Oct

Terence Donovan

Terence Stamp, photographed by Terence Donovan for British Vogue, July 1967.
Terence Stamp, photographed by Terence Donovan for British Vogue, July 1967. Photograph: Terence Donovan Archive

Can we still get satisfaction from photographs of the swinging 60s? It may not do any harm to remember a time when Britain was cool as we sweat out the global embarrassment of Brexit. Few documented that era with as much immediacy as Donovan. His style embraces its subjects, letting them loom larger that life. Terence Stamp brooding. Twiggy posing with the union jack. Fashion became pop art in the 60s and these pictures are part of that revolution.

The Photographers’ Gallery, W1, to 25 Sep

Daydreaming With Stanley Kubrick

The cinema of Stanley Kubrick shaped the way we see and dream. From the war room designed by Ken Adam for Dr Strangelove to the blood-filled corridor in The Shining, he invented places more real than reality. Artists including Mat Collishaw and Jane & Louise Wilson respond here to Kubrick’s Steadicam hallucinations. It’s a feast of homages to one of the great originals of modern culture.

Somerset House, WC2, to 24 Aug

Hiraki Sawa

Passenger jets fly around a small flat, as if the vast global network of travel and migration were intimate and domesticated: it’s a small world. This is the kind of daydream Hiraki Sawa’s video art indulges. His latest work is a filmed essay in autobiography and photographic history called Man In Camera. It is shown here alongside a series of new drawings.

Parafin Gallery, W1, to 17 Sep