Tag Archives: Trot Guide

(Return Of The Son Of) Lenin ~versus~ #ausvotes

While results have yet to be finalised, I thought I may as well take note of how Socialists and communists fared at the federal election … As one of 20 Ungrouped candidates in the NSW race for a Senate seat, … Continue reading

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Lenin ~versus~ #ausvotes

Zap! Ka-pow! A brief guide to the parties on the left contesting the federal 2016 election: Communist League In NSW, Ron Poulsen (one of dozens of Ungrouped Independents) is once again having a crack at the Senate. Go Ron! Socialist … Continue reading

Posted in State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, Trot Guide | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

#TrotGuide 2016

Gosh and bother and tish and fiffle: it’s been just over four years since I last formally updated Trot Guide (April 10, 2012). At that stage I counted a mere fifteen political organisations on the far left — mostly Trotskyist … Continue reading

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#TrotGuide : Socialist Party (CWI) resignations

Update (February 25, 2016) : The SP has issued a statement in response to the below : Statement from Socialist Party National Committee (February 24, 2016). Yesterday 14 Socialist Party members, including City of Yarra councillor Stephen Jolly, tendered their … Continue reading

Posted in Death, History, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, Trot Guide | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Trouble at Historical Materialism Conference Mill : Call for Solidarity

As leftist trainspotters and ‘revolutionary socialists’ generally would be aware, the Socialist Workers Party‘s poor handling of a rape allegation has had serious ramifications for the party’s public standing: this has included its relations with aligned parties elsewhere in the … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, History, State / Politics, Student movement, Trot Guide | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Why I’m NOT joining Socialist Alternative [Foreword]

An innocuous building for so monumental a task! behind iron gates & anonymous windows technicians in white smocks toil like busy little bees investigating in electromicroscopic detail the vinegrated cerebrums of late soviet luminaries to determine what made their heads … Continue reading

Posted in History, Poetry, State / Politics, Student movement, Trot Guide | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Solidarity with the “scrupulously fair” SWP

The rape scandal which has engulfed the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in the UK appears to have left its local franchise Solidarity relatively untouched. Back in February, the party released the following statement in solidarity with the SWP. It describes … Continue reading

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2013 WA state election : far left and right

Update : The Tories won. In Fremantle, SA candidate Sanna Andrew currently has 1.1% of the vote; in Perth, Farida Iqbal got 0.9% of the vote (155 votes), a few hundred less but a better percentage than she gained in … Continue reading

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2013 : Year of the Trot?

Straya OK, so The Chinese may reckon that 2013 is The Year of The Snake but I reckon it may be The Year of The Trot. Want evidence? See the following: Yes that’s right: the leader of the God Delusional … Continue reading

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Trot Guide November 2012 Update

SA & SP I’m excited! In a breakthrough for the pseudo-socialist Socialist Alliance (SA), Sue Bolton has been elected to Moreland Council! Sue becomes SA’s second local councillor, joining Sam Wainwright in Fremantle. In Yarra Council, the Labor-loyal reformist left … Continue reading

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