Vaquita by Marius Mason


 “The vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus) is considered by many to be the rarest and most-endangered species of marine mammal in the world. in May 2016, the population size of the vaquita is considered to be 60, based on the results of a 2015 vessel survey and acoustic study. It is the smallest of only seven species of true porpoises, and is the only one that lives in warm waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean.” –

“For Naelyn Pike (San Carlos Apache) standing with Standing Rock” by Marius


“This painting is another in a short series of portraits of resistance activists at the Standing Rock reservation to the Dakota Access Pipeline.  Construction on part of it had been temporarily halted, but the fight is far from over.  So many people have come together to defend the tribe’s land and water rights- and to speak for a more sane and responsible way to live on this Earth.  Ms. Pike has such an amazing wrote, a warning that we must change how we live, if we want a future for all of our children,  Naelyn Pike was quotes as saying this- ‘Our ancestors are looking at the people with tears in their eyes because they know all the pain and suffering yet to come. They know there is no tomorrow for those yet to be born.’  She’s right.  It’s up to us, this generation to turn it around… there’s no more time to lose.”


To learn more: Native Nations Rally in Support of Standing Rock Sioux

Daniel McGowan’s letter of support doubles contributions for Marius


Daniel sent a letter of support to his email list and doubled the contributions in one day. Please consider doing likewise!

Below is Daniel’s letter:

…Eco activist, anarchist and trans political prisoner Marius Mason has been finally approved for college courses and is trying to fundraise for them. The fundraiser has not been going very well to be honest. Can you help? education-fundraising/marius- mason-s-education–2

Marius is being held at a strange unit that is a combination of a CMU (Communication Management Unit), female death row (the federal system had one woman on death row) and a mental health unit (where people with significant mental health needs are kept but not treated). It is also a unit for women and Marius is the only male there. 

Prospects for release are not good and he has been there for 6 years now. Like the CMU I was held in, there are loads of problems- a tiny group of political dissidents and no programming coupled with intense censorship. Marius has a 22 year plus sentence and is trying to make a life for himself after prison while fighting very intense battles with the BOP to get medical treatment consistent with his gender. Early battles have been won on this front and Marius is now getting testosterone shots (first documented trans man to get this, by all accounts).

Marius has just applied to Ohio University Correctional Education – one of only a small number of colleges that offer full correspondence (rather than on-line) courses. As soon as all the paperwork is completed and expenses met, he will be starting his first course. Marius is really excited about starting classes!

There are, of course, costs. The coursework costs $343 per credit hour (each class is 3-4 credits), plus an application fee and books, totaling an estimated $1200-$1300 for the first course.

Marius wants to study psychology in order to, in his words, gain a better understanding of how the mind works, to develop a deeper understanding of his own diagnosed gender dysphoria,  and the way in which we all develop a sense of self and our relationship to the larger society. He adds, “When I am released I don’t want to be a burden to my family. I have a huge fine and will also have many costs to pay for my lifetime of probation. It will be necessary to provide for those costs, in order to avoid a return to prison…and more than anything else, I’d like to think that I could contribute something meaningful to society, to be a help and support as so many others have helped me through these prison years.”

Educational pursuits behind the walls really helped my survival in prison. Like Marius, I was not able to take many courses as many correspondence courses have gone to an online format only. Marius has a very real chance though to pursue these efforts so that when he is out, he has a chance to acquire employment.

Please give what you can.

with love, daniel

If you can share this email or amplify Marius’s fundraiser on social media, that would be so awesome. supportmariusmason supportmarius

Are you leaving your comrades behind?

bird-letterMarius says he has hardly gotten any mail lately. We are trying to figure out if mail is not getting through, or if no one is writing. PLEASE LIKE THIS POST IF YOU HAVE WRITTEN MARIUS IN THE PAST 2 WEEKS.

Write him at Marie (Marius) Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, PO Box 27137, Ft. Worth, TX 76127

Also remember to donate to the fundraiser. Marius has so little access to the outside world, being able to take a classes is important. A basic need at this point. You can donate through paypal to the supportmariusmason at riseup dot net email or via Only 7 people have donated so far, which is pretty pathetic. Please do not leave Marius behind. He fought/continues to fight for you, for the animals, for the earth. Fight for him. Don’t leave him behind.

Help Marius Mason access college courses

booksMarius has finally gotten approval to enroll in college. Please donate and help spread the word about the fundraiser.

Marius wants to study psychology in order to, in his words, gain a better understanding of how the mind works, to develop a deeper understanding of his own diagnosed gender dysphoria,  and the way in which we all develop a sense of self and our relationship to the larger society. He adds, “When I am released I don’t want o be a burden to my family, I have a huge fine and will also have many costs to pay for my life-time of probation. It will be necessary to provide for those costs, in order to avoid a return to prison…and more than anything else, I’d like to think that I could contribute something meaningful to society, to be a help and support as so many others have helped me through these prison years.”