Goings-On, It's 3AM; I must be lonely.

I wonder what her equivalent of Twitter harassment was; bricks through the window?*

I was just in Bologna, Italy, where, between eating platters of the best cured pork products Euros can buy and eating more gelato than is probably wise, I visited the Teatro Anatomico, where 17th century medical students and 17th century non-student creepers would gather to observe human dissections. While reading the informational literature, I learned about Laura Bassi. Have you heard of her? Neither had I.

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An Open Letter, To Hell In a Handbasket, You've Built a Crawl Space Under Your All-Time Low

Here, Dear Abby, I fleshed out the unfinished paragraph in that column for you.

“It appears you and that boy had a severe breakdown in communication, which led to your being sexually assaulted.”

Jesus fucking Christ, Abby. Whoopsie! Looks like a line got left out, Abby. I’m sure what you meant to say was:

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Goings-On, New Jersey

Hey, so here’s a thing: I live in California now. San Francisco, to be exact. However, please note that New Jersey remains the King of States at this time, and at all future times. My presence or lack thereof does not diminish its fundamental majesty.

Do Not Panic; The Order of Succession Has Not Changed
