
Homeless women 'told they had 10 minutes to leave' East West Link home

A group of homeless women who had been squatting in a vacant property acquired for the East West Link were evicted by police after being told by a government official that they had "10 minutes to leave", it has been claimed.

Four women who had been sleeping in a brick townhouse on Bendigo Street in Collingwood for about a week say they were kicked out of the house by two police officers and a man from the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources.

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Homeless occupy vacant properties

Vacant, government-owned houses in Collingwood have been occupied by protesters and the homeless in a bid to have them converted to public housing.

Two of the women who spoke to Fairfax Media about the March 11 eviction said they had not been given any help to find new accommodation and remained homeless.

Cat, a 28-year-old New Zealander who is now staying with friends, said she was told by the government official who attended the eviction "hurry up and take your stuff, you have 10 minutes to get out of there".

The sit-in protest in Collingwood on Thursday.
The sit-in protest in Collingwood on Thursday. Photo: Penny Stephens

"That night I slept in another building I was aware was empty but then the next day a builder came to bulldoze that building down".

A spokeswoman from the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources confirmed the department had worked with Victoria Police in March to "regain possession of the property" which had "had been broken into and illegally occupied".


"Contact details for temporary and emergency accommodation providers were offered," she said.

The department spokeswoman said the occupants were two women and two men – but the women who spoke to Fairfax Media said that only females stayed at the house, though a male friend was visiting at the time of the eviction.

Kelly Whitworth and Joel Byron from the Homeless Persons' Union Victoria which wants the Andrews government to make the ...
Kelly Whitworth and Joel Byron from the Homeless Persons' Union Victoria which wants the Andrews government to make the houses available to homeless people. Photo: Penny Stephens

The incident was the catalyst for the ongoing protest by the Homeless Persons' Union Victoria which has been occupying empty homes acquired on Bendigo Street in Collingwood this week.

They say all of the 148 properties acquired for the East West Link should be used to accommodate homeless Victorians, especially the victims of family violence.

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He's a volunteer guide for tourists, world traveller, scrabble champion and an accomplished student. Matte Dunn is also homeless.

Last September the government gifted 20 East West Link houses to the homeless but they say the rest, not purchased back by previous owners, will be sold over off over several years.

In the meantime, almost 100 East West Link homes are either being leased out on the private market or being prepared for lease - and all but four of the 175 acquired Evo apartments in Parkville are leased.

On Thursday Roads Minister Luke Donnellan said the nine vacant properties in Bendigo Street were empty because they were awaiting a tenant or needed more work to prepare them for occupation.

He said if the squatters at Bendigo Street were homeless they should join the public housing list – which stands at more than 30,000 people across Victoria and 1204 in Fitzroy, Collingwood and Richmond.

In a sit-in protest on Bendigo Street on Thursday, about a dozen people hung banners and set up couches and cooking facilities on the footpath.

Victoria Police said they would continue to monitor and assess the situation "to preserve the peace and maintain public order and ensure that protesters do not unduly interfere with the lawful activities of other Victorians".

But they said they respected the right of all people to protest peacefully.

Casual community services worker, Stef, 27, was one of the women kicked out of the Bendigo Street squat in March. She is now living in another empty house in Melbourne, but unlike the Bendigo Street house it has no running water.

She said she felt "a bit disgusted" that she had been forced to leave an empty publicly-owned home. "The homes were meant to be given to people that were homeless," she said.

"It is really inappropriate to just have them sitting there."