#170: Culture Change and Digital Transformation with Alex Osterwalder and Dave Gray
Culture Change and
Digital Transformation with
Alex Osterwalder and
Dave Gray
Culture change is a key for any digital transformation initiative. The shift from one business to another is often accompanied by a need for people in the organization to adopt new processes, ways of working, and approaches to break down silos and relate differently to customers. Although culture change is critically important to transformation, it is difficult and time-consuming to achieve. In this episode of CXOTALK, we speak with two experts on the intersection of transformation, culture, and business models.
Alex Osterwalder is an entrepreneur, speaker and business model innovator. He is co-founder of Strategyzer, a leading SaaS company that helps organizations develop new growth engines, better value propositions und powerful business models via online applications and facilitated online courses. In
2015 Alex won the strategy award by Thinkers50, called the “
Oscars of
Management Thinking” by the FT, and ranks #15 among the leading business thinkers of the world. In
2013 he won the inaugural
Innovation Luminary
Award by the
European Union. Alex is lead author of
Business Model Generation and Value
Proposition Design, which sold over a million copies in 37 languages.
USA Today named Business Model Generation among the 12 best business books of all times.
The German edition was named Management
Book of the Year
Fast Company Magazine named it one of the
Best Books for
Business Owners in
Dave Gray is the founder of
XPLANE, a strategic design consultancy, and co-founder of Boardthing, a collaboration platform for distributed teams. He is a leader and manager with a background in design. He has worked with many of the world’s largest companies, as well as mid-sized businesses, startups, executives and individuals. His area of focus is the human side of change and innovation, specifically: How can you get people to adopt new ideas? How can you win their hearts and minds? How can you get people, including yourself, to change deeply embedded habits and behaviors? How can you transform a business strategy from a good idea to a living fact in the real world? Dave Gray is the author of two books on design, change and innovation: Gamestorming: A playbook for innovators, rule-breakers and changemakers; and The
Connected Company. As an entrepreneur, a designer and as a leader, he has worked with startups and
Fortune 100 companies, in just about every industry you can imagine, to help them use design to bring their strategies to life. In
1993 he founded XPLANE, a business design consultancy which has served more than 50 of the
Fortune 500. In 2013 he co-founded Boardthing, a collaboration platform for distributed teams.
For more information, see https://www.cxotalk.com/culture-change-digital-transformation-alex-osterwalder-dave-gray