21 July 2016

State of emergency declared in Turkey

By Jean Shaoul, 21 July 2016

The speed and scale of the post-coup purge are indicative of the political and social tensions wracking Turkey.

Our man in Ankara: US ambassador denies US role in Turkish coup

The Turkish coup: A warning to the international working class

Calls for violence, repression and war dominate day three of Republican Convention

By Patrick Martin, 21 July 2016

Two Republican convention delegates, both Trump supporters, have called for the execution of his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

Republican Party officially nominates Donald Trump

Leading US historians issue warning on the rise of Trump

Republican convention opens: An obscene spectacle in Cleveland

More on the 2016 US elections »

US vice-president makes menacing warning to China

By Peter Symonds, 21 July 2016

Biden’s speech in Sydney made clear that the US will not tolerate any equivocation by Canberra and other regional allies in supporting its war preparations in the Indo-Pacific.

Biden visits New Zealand to strengthen military ties

By John Braddock, 21 July 2016

More on the South China Sea crisis »

Obama’s “moderate rebels” behead 12-year-old in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 21 July 2016

The atrocity was carried out by an armed Islamist militia whose members received both weapons and salaries from the CIA.

American war planes slaughter civilians in northern Syria

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Five injured in bloody train attack in southern Germany

By Marianne Arens, 21 July 2016

A 17-year-old refugee from Afghanistan attacked a group of tourists from Hong Kong on a train in Bavaria on Monday evening, and was subsequently shot to death by police.

Deportations triple in Berlin

By Carola Kleinert, 21 July 2016

According to official figures, 1,068 people were deported from Berlin between January and the end of June 2016.

UK’s new prime minister meets with Merkel and Hollande on Brexit

By Chris Marsden, 21 July 2016

British Prime Minister May's visit is designed to placate the two countries that form the political and economic axis of the European Union following the Brexit vote.

IMF cuts growth forecast in the wake of Brexit

By Nick Beams, 21 July 2016

The IMF has warned of the possibility of a “severe scenario” for Europe if financial conditions tighten and consumer confidence falls.

Massachusetts and New Hampshire state troopers arrested for assault on unarmed suspect

By John Marion, 21 July 2016

Video from news helicopters show Richard Simone, Jr. on his hands and knees, not resisting the officers who beat him.

Obamacare insurance rates set to spike in California in 2017

By Toby Reese, 21 July 2016

Similar leaps in premiums are expected throughout the nation.

UnitedHealth cuts Obamacare options for tens of thousands

More on health care in the US »

California transportation workers reject sellout contract

By Isaac Finn, 21 July 2016

Caltrans maintenance workers, who have been working without a contract for a year, voted by 67 percent to reject a proposed contract and authorize a strike.

Canada to wage war in Africa

By Roger Jordan, 21 July 2016

Canada’s defense minister and top military commander say the Liberal government will soon send troops to Africa.

New in Turkish

Washington ve Brüksel Türkiye’ye baskıyı arttırıyor

Halil Çelik, 21 Temmuz 2016

Washington ve Avrupa, Türkiye’deki başarısız 15 Temmuz darbesinin ardından Erdoğan hükümetine yönelik baskılarını arttırıyor.

New in Italian

L'UE scossa dalla crisi del sistema bancario italiano

Di Marianne Arens e Peter Schwarz, 20 luglio 2016

Esperti economici e finanziari europei prevedono che la crisi bancaria italiana possa innescare la prossima grande crisi in Europa.

New in Russian

Девяносто лет с момента переворота Пилсудского
Стратегия «Междуморья» — Часть 3
«Междуморье» и интеграция Польши в военный альянс США против России

Клара Вайс, 21 июля 2016 г.

Это третья часть в серии статей, в которых рассматривается история стратегии «Междуморья», главные черты которой оформились еще в период, предшествовавший Первой мировой войне как буржуазно-националистической противоположности концепции Соединенных Социалистических Штатов Европы, защищавшейся Львом Троцким.

New in French

Les républicains sondent les profondeurs

Par Joseph Kishore et David North, 21 juillet 2016

Une limite fondamentale est en train d’être franchie dans la désintégration prolongée de la démocratie américaine et de la culture politique aux États-Unis.

En visite en Australie, le vice-président américain lance un défi belliqueux à la Chine

Par Mike Head, 21 juillet 2016

La visite de Biden en Australie a suivi de près la décision de la Cour d'arbitrage de La Haye déclarant illégales les activités chinoises de poldérisation en mer de Chine méridionale.

La promotion de la politique raciale et les élections américaines

Par Barry Grey, 21 juillet 2016

La question centrale dans la lutte contre la violence policière et toutes les attaques sur les droits démocratiques est l'unification de la classe ouvrière dans une lutte commune contre le capitalisme.

New in German

Parteitag der Republikaner: Wie tief kann man sinken

Von Joseph Kishore und David North, 21. Juli 2016

Die amerikanischen Demokratie erreicht mit der Nominierung von Donald Trump einen neuen Tiefpunkt.

Polizeigewerkschaftschef Wendt beschimpft Parlamentarierin als „Klugscheißer“

Von Ulrich Rippert, 21. Juli 2016

„Da brauchen wir die parlamentarische Klugscheißerei überhaupt nicht“, kommentierte Wendt eine kritische Frage der Grünen-Abgeordneten Renate Künast zum tödlichen Polizeischuss auf einen 17-jährigen Amokläufer.

Rassenpolitik und die US-Wahlen

Von Barry Grey, 21. Juli 2016

Die demokratische Partei und die Medien beschreiben die USA als ein Land, das von Rassismus zerrissen ist. Das ist eine Lüge, die ihren eignen Interessen dient.

Washington und Brüssel verschärfen Druck auf die Türkei

Von Halil Celik, 21. Juli 2016

Angesichts der Massenverhaftungen nach dem Putschversuch am 15. Juli drohte US-Außenminister John Kerry der Türkei indirekt mit dem Ausschluss aus der Nato.

Other Languages


France’s permanent state of emergency

21 July 2016

Amid a deep crisis of bourgeois democracy and seething social tensions across Europe, the ruling elite aims to transition from democratic to dictatorial forms of rule.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

New book by David North
A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony 1990–2016

By David North, 11 July 2016

We publish here the preface to A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016 by David North, the chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site. The book is available for preorder today at Mehring Books.


The Republicans plumb the depths

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 20 July 2016

In the long and protracted decay of American democracy and the political culture of the United States, a fundamental boundary is being crossed.

Three quarters of Labour MPs back renewal of UK nuclear missile system

By Robert Stevens, 20 July 2016

Labour and Liberal Democrats plot new party in event of Corbyn’s re-election

By Chris Marsden, 20 July 2016

Former British prime minister warns of revolution

The promotion of racial politics and the US elections

Arts Review

Our Kind of Traitor: Going with the current

By Joanne Laurier, 21 July 2016

Our Kind of Traitor, a British spy thriller directed by Susanna White, is based on the 2010 novel of the same name by John le Carré, the veteran novelist.

Wiener-Dog: Todd Solondz continues to look critically at American life

By David Walsh, 20 July 2016

Musician-singer M.I.A dropped from Afropunk festival for criticizing Black Lives Matter

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

New York City workers discuss police killings, inequality with SEP candidate

By Jerry White and Zac Corrigan, 20 July 2016

Video: SEP Vice Presidential candidate Niles Niemuth campaigns in Erie, Pennsylvania

19 July 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »


What is behind the imperialist campaign over the Crimean Tatars?
Part 2: The imperialist exploitation of ethnic tensions on the Crimea—then and now

By Clara Weiss, 19 July 2016

What is behind the imperialist campaign over the Crimean Tatars?
Part 1: The Russian Revolution and the fate of the Crimean Tatars

A reply to our critics
In Defense of the American Revolution

“Ordinary people truly imbibed the principles of the American Revolution”
An interview with Victoria Bynum, historian and author of The Free State of Jones—Part 2

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

“No more war, ever!”: PSG presents posters for Berlin state election

By Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 18 July 2016

Socialist Equality Party (Germany) files over 3,000 signatures for Berlin state election

By our reporters, 16 July 2016

25 years ago: Wife of Greyhound strike frame-up victim appeals to New York union body

Karen Cawthra, the wife of imprisoned Greyhound driver Roger Cawthra, addressed a meeting of the Executive Council of Hospital Workers Local 1199 on Friday, July 19, 1991.

More »

50 years ago: North Vietnam proposes war crimes trials

On July 19, 1966, the government of North Vietnam announced that US airmen held as prisoners of war would be tried as war criminals.

More »

75 years ago: Churchill denies Stalin’s request for a Western front

On July 18, 1941, with the German Wehrmacht already punching deep into the USSR, Stalin wrote to Churchill appealling for a common front against Hitler.

More »


100 years ago: Mass transit strike in New York

On July 22, 1916, streetcar workers in Yonkers, Mount Vernon, and New Rochelle, and New York City, walked off the job, precipitating what one historian described as “the era’s greatest industrial crisis.”

More »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP public meetings: The Australian election crisis and the way forward for the working class

9 July 2016

The UK Brexit crisis

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
The way forward after the Brexit vote

13 July 2016

New UK Prime Minister Theresa May to head austerity government

By Chris Marsden, 14 July 2016

The anti-working class politics of the pseudo-left
Left Unity endorses pro-EU offensive to overturn Brexit referendum

By Chris Marsden, 9 July 2016

More on the UK Brexit crisis »