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Mike Pence Might Be Even Worse for Women Than Donald Trump Is

Trump’s vice-presidential pick is a flaming reactionary.

Katha Pollitt

Racism and Discrimination

Why I'm Afraid for My Son With Autism and His Black Caregivers

It’s clear to me that Charles Kinsey was concerned about keeping his patient safe. Why did the police see something so different?

Marie Myung-Ok Lee
Journalists and Journalism

Donald Trump’s Rise, Roger Ailes’s Fall

Fox News’s racism, faux populism, and anti-PC agitprop prepared the ground for Trump’s takeover of the GOP.

Leslie Savan

The Horrible Humbling of Scott Walker

You know all that #NeverTrump talk? #NeverMind, says the intimidated governor.

John Nichols
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From the Magazine

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Focus on the RNC

The RNC Is a Disaster—So Why Can’t I Sleep at Night?

A book on Hitler’s mass appeal explains why we can’t underestimate Trump.

D.D. Guttenplan

Ted Cruz Was Not the Hero Republicans Needed

Even worse, did Donald Trump get exactly what he wanted when the convention imploded?

George Zornick

Protesters in Cleveland Bring the Wall to Donald Trump

“He’s been calling for a wall…and we’re bringing it.”

Julianne Hing

In the News

Hey, Roger Ailes, You’re Fired!

Will the Fox News CEO’s downfall signal a sea change in cable news reporting?

Eric Alterman

The Country’s Worst Voter-ID Law Was Just Struck Down

A huge victory for voting rights in Texas.

Ari Berman

What Happens When Violence Is an Everyday Occurrence

Recent horrific incidents are a consequence of the weakening of social inhibition against the use of violence.

Mary Kaldor
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Books & the Arts

David Ackles, Rediscovered Again

Stacy Sullivan’s jazz tribute elevates the unknown troubadour back to his rightful place among the glittered gods of ’70s pop-rock.

David Hajdu

Across the Border

A new biography of William Henry Ellis reminds us how much we still don’t know about the elusive history of racial subterfuge in America.

Michael A. Elliott

The Partisan Reviewer

In two recent essay collections, Tim Parks explores why we bother with reading and writing books.

Becca Rothfeld

Take Action

As We Approach the Conventions, Tell the Democratic and Republican Parties to Let the Press Do Its Job

Journalists have faced insults and threats, exclusion from campaigns, and harassment from candidates’ supporters.

Take Action Now! >
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Watch and Listen

Listen: Clinton Could Gain Voters’ Trust by Facing Her Email Scandal Head-On

Alex Gibney on cyber war, Ben Ehrenreich and Amy Wilentz on life in the West Bank, Joan Walsh on Clinton’s e-mail, and a farewell to Garrison Keillor.

July 7, 2016
July 5, 2016

View: Los Angeles Is a Very Different City After Dark

Photos show how the cityscape is remade each night.

July 6, 2016
