Against Political Repression

Seattle Anti-Repression Committee is a group of Seattle-based organizers responding to the state’s assault against political activity.

We take a stand against the repression of political speech and activity which we see as an effort to silence those angered by experiences of oppression.

We say NO to state repression and we stand with those who resist the state’s attempts at intimidation and imprisonment.

True freedom and actual liberation means the freedom to express one’s political beliefs without fear of harassment and incarceration.

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Seattle FBI Now Targeting Climate Activists

In the past 48 hours at least six Seattle climate activists have been approached by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at their home or school. In light of recent revelations about the extent of state surveillance by federal agencies we feel it is important to share this information with the broader activist community in Seattle and nationwide.

Please show solidarity with the Seattle activists facing this investigation by sharing this statement. We will provide updates if the situation escalates.

Committee Against Political Repression


Portland anarchist Kerry Cunneen has announced their refusal to cooperate with the grand jury investigating the May Day attack on the Nakamura federal courthouse in Seattle. Kerry’s subpoena, which was delivered on December 14th, stated that they were required to appear just 5 days later on the 19th. Their lawyer successfully got the date pushed back until January 3rd, when Kerry declined to even enter the grand jury room. Kerry has stated that they will never under any circumstance cooperate with this or any state in persecuting themself or others:

I have been subpoenaed to the grand jury in Seattle investigating Anarchists in the Pacific Northwest. I was called to testify on January 3rd at 9am. I did not appear before the grand jury. I will not cooperate with this grand jury nor will I in any way aid the state in its efforts to imprison people.
I stand firmly…

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Committee Against Political Repression

Call Sea-Tac (206-870-5700) and demand an end to the use of solitary confinement. Call US Attorney Jenny Durkan (800-797-6722) and demand an end to the grand jury investigation. Email us after you call and let us know how it went.

Two recent developments indicate an intensification of the government’s campaign against the anarchist movement in the Pacific Northwest.

In late December, the three grand jury resisters being held at the Sea-Tac Detention Center for their refusal to testify were moved into solitary confinement. No explanation has been given for why they were moved.

In a letter describing the situation, Kteeo wrote:

“Prison is incredibly fucked up even at the best of times, but that doesn’t mean people can’t create community within these circumstances. We do. When I was in my unit I was part of a community. I gave support and received support. I learned from people and I taught…

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Pretrial Held for May Day 5


December 17th, 2012. Today at 8:30 AM the pretrial hearing will be held in the case of the May Day 5, who in November were charged with a variety of charges ranging from “riot” to “malicious mischief,” allegedly in connection with the protests that took place on May 1st, 2012. The hearing will be held at King County Superior Court.

SARC and affiliated activists, organizers, and other concerned residents of Seattle will be there to support the May Day 5 through this attempted repression of political activity. SARC is dedicated to resisting all forms of political repression and stands in solidarity with those being targeted by law enforcement.

Seattle Supports Maddy Pfeiffer and All Grand Jury Resistors



Phone: 216.236.4680

December 13th, 2012. SARC is joining CAPR and other concerned networks of people resisting political repression in supporting and standing in solidarity with grand jury resistors, an ongoing tactic of repression used by the state to silence anarchist and other radical voices in the Pacific Northwest.

On Wednesday July 25th, the FBI conducted a series of coordinated raids
against activists in Portland. They subpoenaed several people in Portland and Olympia to a special federal grand jury, and seized computers, black clothing and anarchist literature. Since then, two subpeonants have been jailed for refusing to cooperate and testify before the grand jury, and tomorrow another subpeonant will be attending their contempt hearing which may send them to jail.

On November 7th, Maddy Pfeiffer appeared before the special grand jury and refused to answer any questions other than their name and birthdate. They have been charged with contempt and granted a continuance until December 14th at 1:30PM in order for their attorney to prepare an adequate defense.

There will be a rally at 12:30PM at the Federal Courthouse on 7th and Stewart in support of Maddy. SARC stands firm in our commitment to stand in solidarity with all targets of state political repression and will be there with other concerned Seattelites in order to say NO to political repression.

Local Clown Protester Becomes Target of Political Repression



Phone: 216.236.4680

December 4rd, 2012. The Seattle Anti-Repression Committee has learned that another local activist has become the target of ongoing police efforts to suppress and silence political activity in radical movements. Gen’ral Malaise, a prominent and visible member of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) has received by mail a summons to court with the charge of “Pedestrian Interference” in connection to his alleged participation in a solidarity rally on September 26th. This charge carries the potential penalty of a $5000 fine or 364 days in jail.

Gen’ral Malaise is releasing this statement about his charges:

“This is an attempt to intimidate me from protesting and it will not work! I will not be deterred by erroneous charges or other attempts by the Seattle Police Department to intimidate me from expressing my 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights! This clown stands in solidarity with all radical clowns and affirms his comrades’ right to say silly things to the fuzz without fear of state reprisal.”

SARC is dedicated to supporting the Gen’ral and all victims of political repression at the hands of the state. The nature of the delivery of the summons by mail indicates that Seattle Police Department is now disregarding the need for citation in order to engage in repressive tactics. It is without doubt that this charge and the charges against the May Day 5 are blatant attempts to intimidate and harass protesters from engaging in political activity and these tactics will not go unchallenged. This pattern of targeting radical activists must end.

Arraignment Held For May Day 5



Phone: 216.236.4680

December 3rd, 2012. Today at 8:30 AM at King County Superior Court the arraignment was held for five persons with charges alleged to be in connection with the May Day protests and festival held by Occupy Seattle on International Worker’s Day. The defendants were notified last week of their summons to court today and were charged with infractions ranging from “Riot” to “Malicious Mischief” with the possibility of jail time amounting up to a year.

Two individuals did not appear. One person is currently on non-related travel arrangements and was rescheduled for the 31st of December. The other was charged with “Failure to Appear” and a warrant with $20,500 bail associated has been issued. The other three individuals were scheduled for pre-trial proceedings on the 17th of December.

SARC is continuing to engage in direct court support and will update media and comrades as developments occur. SARC is standing firm in its resolution to resist state repression of political activity and will be working in order to assist those targeted by Seattle Police Department in its attempt to harass and intimidate community organizers.