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Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

Free Kara Wild!

[EF! Newswire Editor’s Note: Along with all of the titles attributed to her below, Kara is also an environmental activist and has been a recurring presence at Earth First! gatherings. When I first met Kara at the 2013 Rondy, she told the story of when she first read the Earth First! Journal, by candlelight in a squat, and how it helped lead her life in a new direction. Her absence was felt at this year’s Round River Rendezvous, where activists wrote her letters and sold zines to raise money for her support fund. Kara has inspired many resisters around the world, and her recent arrest and imprisonment is a reminder that all struggles against oppression are connected not just in name but by the people engaging in resistance. – Rabbit]

from Free Kara Wild!


Kara Wild is an artist, comrade and resilient force of nature, currently being detained in France for her alleged participation in a protest against draconian labor reforms and police repression. She is a trans woman and is currently being held in a men’s jail without access to hormones. She is also a U.S. citizen and has been denied bond because French authorities consider her a flight risk.

On May 18th, thousands of people converged in Paris to defy an ongoing siege of police violence and to oppose a new neoliberal labor reform. During one of these marches a police car was attacked and set on fire. Kara was brutally arrested in connection to this incident more than a full week later, on May 26th, at a separate event near La Place de la Nation. Despite a distinct lack of evidence, she is being accused of smashing a pole through a police car’s windshield moments before it was set on fire. Her charges are, “attempted voluntary manslaughter of a person holding public office, destruction of property, group violence and participating in a masked armed group.”

Kara is among 6 people currently facing charges in connection to this incident. To make matters worse, France’s Prime Minister, Manuel Valls is vowing to execute “unrelenting punishment,” in order to set an example and de-mobilize protests.

Despite attacks by the state, global movements against capitalism, white supremacy, hetero-sexist patriarchy and austerity grow stronger each day, from Paris to Oaxaca. As the flames of resistance multiply this summer, let us make sure not to leave our friends behind! Please help us support Kara Wild by writing to her, donating to her defense fund, and spreading the word about her case.

Freedom to all political prisoners! Freedom to all transwomen prisoners! Freedom to all prisoners!

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