July 10, 2016

Welcome To SAP And Good Morning!

Pull up a chair, grab a cuppa hot coffee and spend a few minutes to start your day with St. Albert's only daily news site.

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Hairy Hill Rodeo With Al Popil

Hi Don, Some snaps from the Hairy Hill rodeo Saturday, good crowd on hand. The Trach stock for the Jr. bulls was very good, so far the best I have seen this year from all the rodeos. Al.

aaron mercer - saddle bronc - al popil
Aaron Mercer of Mundareh, AB, gets a twisted ride atop Fancy River in the saddle bronc event.

blair whitfield - steer rassle - al popil
Marwayne, AB, steer rassler, Blair Whitfield, managed to wrangle his steer in 4.0 seconds.

christophe gaudion - bulls - al popil
Bull fighter, Austen Meston, tries to draw bull “De Ja Two” away from fallen bull rider, Christophe Gaudion of Ponoka, AB.

denny mckinney - jr bull - al popil
Jr. bull rider, Denny McKinney, of New Serepta, AB, gets a ride.

kevin foy - bull - al popil
Boyle, AB, bull rider, Kevin Foy, gets tossed from bull “ Too Many Beers”.

The Sunday Whatzit?
whatzit july 10 1
whatzit july 10 2
Another unusual item for readers to identify.  Today's clue: Only
about 1/4 inch or 6 mm across, sure it's a bug.  But WHICH bug?

Bixman / St. Albert


Today's Sunday Whatzit?, appears to be a Golden tortoise beetle but
it's hard to believe that such a thing actually lives and looks like that.
But hey, that's Nature and lots of weirder things out there eh…???

Pm-r in BC

Hi Don, Today's Whatzit is a golden tortoise beetle. - Paul D. St. Albert


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Look closely, it's not a spiral . . .

not a spiral

The Daily GIF
Expert Level Backflipping
Expert Level Backflipping!


Steaks & Baking Cookies In Arizona Summer

Cooking a steak on the street and baking cookies in an exotic car! This is what Arizona summers are all about.


Upcoming Performers At LB's Pub
Stomp and Holler1-1 copy 2 Ju;y 15 Storming Alice1 copy
July 21 The Oddibles1 copy July 22 Troy Turner new1 copy
July 28 Rockzilla1 copy Raised on Rock1 copy

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St. Albert Gazette

Wonderfun Hockey, St. Albert

Remember Me?

Remember Me?
Two very elderly ladies were enjoying the sunshine on a park bench in Miami. They had been meeting that park every sunny day, for over 12 years, chatting and enjoying each others' friendship.

One day, the younger of the two ladies, turns to the other and says, "Please don't be angry with me dear, but I am embarrassed. After all these years, what is your name? I am trying to remember, but I just can't."

The older friend stares at her, looking very distressed, says nothing for two full minutes, and finally with tearful eyes, says, "How soon do you have to know?"




A roundup of bits from the web.

* These Gals Stopped a Rape Last Night.

* Toddler with sexual urges and all-over body hair is diagnosed with bizarre 'early puberty' condition.

* If you enjoy this site and want to help defray the expenses of keeping it online, please consider a donation. There are real costs involved in maintaining this site as well as the time required to keep it current on a daily basis. Countless hours are spent researching and collecting information.


1958 Buick

1958 Buick 111
1958 Buick 222

Photographs by Ian McLennan of Calgary


Hacks You Need To Know

mime-attachment-13Hacks You Need To Know

News From The St. Albert Legion
Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 2.48.14 AM Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 2.49.12 AM
Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 2.51.36 AM

Canadians Try To Explain Bacon

Five Canadians Try
Justin Trudeau, Ryan Gosling, and maple syrup aren’t the only Canadian transplants oozing their charm all over the United States. Consider the ultimate interloper from the north, one that appears on every nearly breakfast menu across the entire United States: Canadian bacon. Often sandwiched between your toasted English muffin and your poached eggs and hollandaise, Canadian bacon looks nothing like the American version of bacon. It’s not long, thin, and sizzling; it’s round, squat, and looks vaguely like ham. But if it’s ham, why isn’t it called Canadian ham? Is it even bacon? What makes it Canadian? Is it even Canadian? What is this meat?

More on Extra Crispy.


Outstanding Photographs


Beauty Of Norway

Limone Piemonte, Italy


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