
For over 30 years Galha LGBT Humanists has promoted humanism as a rational, naturalistic worldview that trusts the scientific method as the most reliable route to truth and encourages a moral and ethical life based on logic, reason and compassion. It campaigns for equality and diversity, particularly relating to sexual orientation and identity - both in the UK and internationally. Since 2012 it is proud to be the LGBT section of the British Humanist Association. It is volunteer-led and funded by supporter donations.

Our vision

We want lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people to enjoy equal rights to everyone else. We want people to be able to live according to humanist values with no special privileges for other worldviews.

Join us

Joining us is your way to be part of this important work. Membership is open to all that support our aims and is vital both to our financial resources and the moral support of increased numbers.

Join now >

Donate direct to Galha

You can make a donation, whether or not you are a current member, directly and solely to Galha here:



Get in touch

If you need to get in touch, please email chair@galha.org. Maybe you need some materials to support a local Pride, or you've met us at an event and want to suggest a speaker or to work together. Whatever, please say hello and we'll do our best to help.

Join the Committee

We always need volunteers and help, particularly on the Committee. Find out more or nominate yourself.


For full details of all upcoming Galha events, with photos, user reviews and more, visit our London meetup page: galhameetup.com


January 2016 Edition
Issue 38.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [304.6 KB]

