Support the Socialist Equality Party 2016 election campaign!
Vote against war and budget cuts! For internationalism and socialism!

james-120The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) is standing candidates in the July 2 federal election to win support for a socialist, anti-capitalist and anti-war program. SEP national secretary James Cogan heads the party’s Senate team for New South Wales and is joined on the ticket by John Davis. Chris Sinnema and Peter Byrne are standing for the Senate in Victoria; and Mike Head and Erin Cooke for the Senate in Queensland. Will Fulgenzi will stand for the SEP in the House of Representatives’ seat of Wills in Melbourne. In Sydney, Oscar Grenfell will stand for the inner-west suburban seat of Grayndler and Gabriela Zabala for the south-western working class electorate of Blaxland.

The SEP’s campaign is directed to the ever growing number of workers and young people who want a genuine alternative to the Labor and Liberal-National Coalition dominated political system, which serves only the major banks, corporations and the rich. The Greens, along with other third parties and self-styled independents, are part of the same official establishment. They represent no alternative because they all defend capitalism—the ultimate cause of war, exploitation and social inequality.

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SEP Senate candidate Peter Byrne calls for anti-war movement at election forum
9 June 2016
“We’re standing in this election, in opposition to every other party, to warn of the danger of war. It’s the great unmentionable.”
Australia: Right-wing witch hunt against La Trobe University academic
9 June 2016
The attack on La Trobe academic, Roz Ward, underscores the erosion of basic democratic and academic rights at universities.
Australia: The promotion of Senator Jacqui Lambie
8 June 2016
Lambie has sought to fashion another right-wing populist formation to divert the mounting social and class tensions.
Australia’s increasing suicide rate linked to social crisis
8 June 2016
The recent report draws a connection between deteriorating economic conditions and the 22 percent increase in suicide between 2004 and 2014.

SEP holds election meetings in Sydney and Melbourne
7 June 2016
At both meetings, workers and young people discussed the socialist alternative to war, austerity and the assault on democratic rights.
Part Five: The TWU and MUA “training funds” and the CFMEU’s “drug and alcohol committee”
7 June 2016
Millions of dollars flow into trade union coffers via arrangements between their various “funds,” “organisations” and “committees,” and the major employers.
Washington and Beijing draw battle lines over South China Sea
6 June 2016
US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter threatened that China “could end up erecting a Great Wall of self-isolation.”
Australian economic growth data masks slump and inequality
6 June 2016
While output rose, disposable income has now fallen for two years, indicating declining living standards.