New Internationalist

Chilcot: looking back on why we went to war with Iraq

Chilcot: looking back on why we went to war with Iraq

If Blair and Bush had listened to Iraqis we would be living in a different world, Nikki van der Gaag writes.
Can Brexit be reversed?

Can Brexit be reversed?

Take the finger off the self-destruct button, say protesters. Will it work asks Vanessa Baird?
In Venezuela’s difficult times the grassroots are stronger

In Venezuela’s difficult times the grassroots are stronger

The time has come for rural communities to play an important role, reports Tamara Pearson.
Why did the market fail to produce an Ebola vaccine?

Why did the market fail to produce an Ebola vaccine?

Mustapha Dumbaya explores why dysfunctional R&D; is letting down those people who need it most.
What is digital humanitarianism and what did it do for Ecuador?

What is digital humanitarianism and what did it do for Ecuador?

Kimberley Brown looks at how technology could help the country’s earthquake victims.

Top stories

Smiley-faced monopolists: how Google, Facebook and Amazon won the world

Does it matter that these titans are so successful? Vanessa Baird examines what their domination means for all of us.

Chilcot report: looking back on why we went to war with Iraq

If Tony Blair and George W. Bush had listened to Iraqis we would be living in a different world, Nikki van der Gaag writes.

UK Supreme Court highlights right of Chagos refugees to return home

The court ruling may indicate some progress but it also upholds the ban on the refugees’ return. Katie McQue reports.

Can Brexit be reversed?

Take the finger off the self-destruct button, say protesters. Will it work? asks Vanessa Baird.

In Venezuela's difficult times the grassroots are stronger

The time has come for rural communities to play an important role in the country, reports Tamara Pearson.

Remembering the Idomeni refugees

In this photo gallery Neal McQueen captures both protest and everyday life in the refugee camp, before those living there were forced to move on.

A word with Aziza Brahim

The Western Saharan singer and activist on Cuban solidarity, life as a refugee, and making her grandmother proud.


Video: We've had enough of the tiredness and lies

Caoimhe Butterly speaks directly to some of the 50,000 men, women and children trapped in Greece in three short documentaries.

Thinking about post-Brexit xenophobia

Alastair Levy interviews economist and crime scholar Dr Marianna Koli, about the context giving rise to xenophobia.

The story of Ebola from those who lived through it

The world’s media obsessed over Ebola at its peak. But what happened next? Paul Myles introduces the Sierra Leonean citizen reporters who stayed with the story.

Brazil human rights defender found drowned in dam

The bodies of murdered women should not have to be the catalyst for responsible development, writes Erin Kilbride.

When petitions and protests aren’t enough: what next?

Andrea Needham, who 20 years ago was arrested for disarming weapons bound for Indonesia, argues for bold action for peace and justice.

Five ways to practise anti-racist solidarity in Brexit Britain

What can you do about racism in Britain? asks the Wretched of the Earth collective.

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