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Hand washing: Easy yet effective way to stop viruses, bacteria

  • Hello Sehat
    Hello Sehat

    Hidup Sehat Hidup Bahagia

Jakarta | Thu, July 21 2016 | 02:55 pm
To prevent illness, washing your hands is necessary, especially for children.(Shutterstock/-)

We often forget the proper way to wash our hands, although it is actually a very quick and simple way of preventing infections from viruses and bacteria. You only need water, soap and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Do you realize what happens when you touch your eyes, mouth or nose with your hands? Unconsciously, you are transferring all the germs from your hands to other parts of your body. It is impossible to keep your hands germ-free as you touch other people, surfaces and objects in your interactions all day every day.

In order to prevent illnesses from spreading, washing your hands is necessary, especially for children. Teach your kids to wash their hands by simply singing the “Happy Birthday” song twice, as this is an effective way to introduce them to the routine. 

When do we need to wash our hands?

- Before and after eating.

- Before and after preparing food, especially raw meat, seafood or poultry.  

- After handling trash bins or garbage, or anything that could be contaminated.

- After counting cash. In fact, paper money can accumulate germs that transfer from one person to another.

- After direct contact with animals or pets.

- After treating a sick person, using medical equipment or medicine.

- After touching dirty clothes.

- After using the toilet and before leaving the restroom.

- Wash your hands after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing into them, more often when you have a cold or flu.

- Washing your hands after shaking hands with others is a good idea to stop spreading bacteria.

- Whenever your hands look dirty.

(Read also: Doodling for better mental health)

Hand washing based on WHO standards:

1. Wet your hands with running water or use your bathroom sink.

2. Apply enough soap - liquid or bar soap.

3. Rub hands palm to palm.

4. Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa.

5. Palm to palm with fingers interlaced.

6. Back of fingers to opposing palm with fingers interlocked.

7. Rotationally rub left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa.  

8. Rotationally rub, backwards and forwards, the fingers of the right hand in the left palm and vice versa.

9. Rinse hands with running water.

10. Dry your hand with a disposable towel or air dryer.

11. Use towel to turn off faucet.

12. Yay! Your hands are germ-free.

Notice: Do not use antibacterial soap because it might develop more germs than it kills. The bacteria are resistant to antimicrobial agents. Regular soap is more effective to prevent germs.

Keep your hands germ-free with hand sanitizer  

When you are doing outdoor activities, such as trekking or mountaineering, where water is scarce and soap is not allowed (a few mountain management teams have banned visitors from bringing shampoos, soaps, etc.) or when traveling, people love to carry a handy alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

Hand sanitizer, or alcohol-based hand wipes, is an alternative to hand washing if water and soap are not available. Just rub your hands and fingers, covering all the surfaces and let them dry. Look at the ingredients; the hand sanitizer should contain at least 60 percent ethyl alcohol or isopropanol, which is effective in killing germs. 

Be careful when your children are using hand sanitizer. Supervise them when applying it and remind them to let it completely dry. Do not touch anything or eat using hands before the liquid is dry. 

Keep alcohol-based hand sanitizers away from toddlers. Store them in a safe place and adopt this simple habit that benefits your health. (kes)

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official stance of The Jakarta Post.



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