10 things to ditch from your bachelor pad. Now.

10 things to ditch from your bachelor pad. Now.

There are things in life that are a guaranteed certainty: death, taxes and the fact any woman who sets foot in your place will be handing down more judgeme...

The top 10 worst places to pick up women

The top 10 worst places to pick up women

You’ve probably got that one friend who boasts about his incredible ability to pull women – whether he’s at the doctor’s office or the dry cleaners...

10 things that really turn off women

10 things that really turn off women

Many men have some wild and crazy ideas about what women think is awesome. Look, we’ve had it with your inability to get laid. More importantly, you are ...

First date mistakes you're probably making. Yes. You.

First date mistakes you're probably making. Yes. You.

You've made it to the first date... now, don't blow it.

What your choice of date is really saying to her

What your choice of date is really saying to her

Did you ask her out for coffee or suggest you go for a picnic on the beach? James Kerley's extensive sociological research (read: asking real life women fo...

Things you should never say to a woman on a date

Things you should never say to a woman on a date

If you're planning on making it to the second date, avoid letting the following things out of your mouth says AskMen's Scarlett Russell

Should you get back together with your ex?

Should you get back together with your ex?

Considering coming back for round two? Here are the important questions you need to ask yourself says Shannon from dating website Plentyoffish.com

How to deal with her way too perfect ex

How to deal with her way too perfect ex

If her ex makes Ryan Gosling look bad, we're here to help...

Bachelor pads decoded… by women

Bachelor pads decoded… by women

What women really think of your man pad - Scarlett Russel investigates...

5 unexpected things women find sexy

5 unexpected things women find sexy

What do women find sexy? Big biceps? Having an enormous...bank account (what were you thinking?) Well the answers may surprise you...

What women think about getting picked up at the gym

What women think about getting picked up at the gym

There are good places to meet women, but AskMen says the gym isn't one of them!

Dating deal breakers

Dating deal breakers

Forget the dating dos, Toby Green lays down the dating don'ts for those crucial first dates

Why did she break up with you?

Why did she break up with you?

Who me? Yes, you! The only way to avoid the pain of a break-up is to stop it happening in the first place.

Foods that make men better in bed

Foods that make men better in bed

Want to spice things up in the bedroom? Try any one of these 7 foods to fire up the libido

Dating the Divorced

Dating the Divorced

Everything you need to know about dating a divorcee, wrapped up in 5 points

How to be more attractive to your partner

How to be more attractive to your partner

Gabby Morrisey offers tips for getting the spark back

How to get your woman to be wilder in bed

How to get your woman to be wilder in bed

Gabrielle Morrisey discusses the importance of honesty and gives five fun tips on how to get you your woman to be a wild one in the bedroom

How to have a constructive argument

How to have a constructive argument

David Smiedt offers some useful tips when those nasty conflicts are a cause for concern

How to keep her happy

How to keep her happy

All-round tips for keeping her (and therefore you) happy

Date night grooming tips

Date night grooming tips

Five fail-proof date night grooming tips, according to TV presenter Tom Williams

How can I revive my wife's sex drive?

How can I revive my wife's sex drive?

"How can I revive my wife's sex drive?"

Do open relationships really work?

Do open relationships really work?

The body+soul sexologist shares her opinion on open relationships.

Real life: "We practise karezza sex"

Real life: "We practise karezza sex"

Mary and Darryl are karezza devotees. They have regular sex, but always hold back from orgasm. They offer a window into their sex life...

Getting your libido back

Getting your libido back

Sex drive is affected by many factors — age, hormonal changes, stress. But once it's gone, is it gone forever?

How to prepare for marriage

How to prepare for marriage

Take time to consider these points before tying the knot.

What women worry about

What women worry about

A new study has found money, personal health and family issues top the list of stressors for Australian women.

Are you too needy?

Are you too needy?

Would you sink if your partner didn't hold you up? Is neediness suffocating your relationship?

Does it really matter that she earns more than you?

Does it really matter that she earns more than you?

Why this modern situation can work in your favour.

Is my partner withholding sex?

Is my partner withholding sex?

Toby Green examines a popular myth about women withholding sex.

Going back to a past love

Going back to a past love

body+soul relationship expert Gabrielle Morrissey advises four steps to follow.

Can anyone become relationship ready?

Can anyone become relationship ready?

Do you have barriers which stop you from building an intimate bond?

"Am I dating the wrong women?"

"Am I dating the wrong women?"

Sexologist Dr Gabrille Morrissey answers a reader question on dating.

"After we married my wife changed"

"After we married my wife changed"

body+soul expert Toby Green answers a reader's relationship question.

How to help when she is upset

How to help when she is upset

Is your advice making matters worse? Toby Green breaks down what your damsel in distress really wants.

Returning to the dating scene

Returning to the dating scene

Dust off those dating cobwebs with this practical advice for easing yourself into the modern dating scene.

"My wife accuses me constanly of cheating"

"My wife accuses me constanly of cheating"

body+soul expert Toby Green answers a reader's relationship question.

Is too much sex a bad thing?

Is too much sex a bad thing?

Can having sex too frequently be a problem?

Not good enough for love?

Not good enough for love?

Relationships expert Toby Green talks about men who think they're not good enough to be loved.

Get your sex life back on track

Get your sex life back on track

When a couple's not doing it any more, there are ways to tackle the situation.

Learn to love better

Learn to love better

Why do resolutions have to focus on fixing the bad instead of improving the good?

Cyber dating

Cyber dating

You may feel you're in love with someone you've met online, but until you spend real time together you won't know for sure.

Sex is good for you

Sex is good for you

Dr Gabrielle Morrissey fields a reader's question and discusses why sex is good for all of us.

A good relationship needs love on both sides

A good relationship needs love on both sides

One person's undying devotion is not enough to keep two people together.

Is there a right way to part ways?

Is there a right way to part ways?

If you’re going to break up, do it right. GQ writer Cleo Glyde discusses the idea of breaking up ‘efficiently’.