Five foods to boost fertility

Five foods to boost fertility

Thinking about trying for a baby? Now is the time to start eating the right foods to increase your chances.

How to teach your kids about healthy eating

How to teach your kids about healthy eating

Plus other fun ways to teach them healthy habits

Empathic Parenting: Why being a great parent has its downsides

Empathic Parenting: Why being a great parent has its downsides

Exercising empathy with your child can hurt your health

How long should you wait to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

How long should you wait to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

A new study suggests you may not have to wait as long as you thought

Paracetamol in pregnancy could lead to a child with asthma

Paracetamol in pregnancy could lead to a child with asthma

Women who take paracetamol during pregnancy may be putting their baby at risk of developing asthma as a child, a new study suggests

Fitbit Pregnancy Detection: Your Fitbit knows you're pregnant before you do

Fitbit Pregnancy Detection: Your Fitbit knows you're pregnant before you do

Well, you know you’re in the 21st Century when a piece of wearable fitness technology is the first thing to tell you you’re pregnant

Infertility Causes: Where you live could put you at risk

Infertility Causes: Where you live could put you at risk

According to U.S researchers, women who live in highly polluted cities are more likely to have fertility issues than those who live in areas where the air ...

7 things no one ever tells you about sex after giving birth

7 things no one ever tells you about sex after giving birth

There's a lot of information about sex, and there's a lot of information about life after having a baby, but there are some things about having sex once yo...

Christmas gifts: How to avoid the gift frenzy

Christmas gifts: How to avoid the gift frenzy

’Tis the season of giving (and expecting) but these simple steps will help parents navigate the present-giving pitfalls, writes Alexandra Carlton

Drinking coffee while pregnant might be okay, says a study

Drinking coffee while pregnant might be okay, says a study

A new study says that caffeine while pregnant doesn't harm a child's development and behaviour

Kim Kardashian weight gain in pregnancy: Are there health risks?

Kim Kardashian weight gain in pregnancy: Are there health risks?

No longer are women allowed to use the excuse ‘I’m eating for two’ when it comes to over indulging during pregnancy

Life lessons we should teach our kids

Life lessons we should teach our kids

Viewing life as your teacher lets you find a more enlightened way of raising your children, both in how you instruct them and how you learn from them

5 questions to ask your IVF clinic

5 questions to ask your IVF clinic

Australia has some of the best IVF clinics in the world, but asking these questions will make the IVF process easier

“It’s time we step up to look after these kids”

“It’s time we step up to look after these kids”

Deborra-lee Furness, Sandra Sully and Jack Thompson are part of a growing movement calling for radical change to Australia’s adoption laws. By Rosie King

Tips for saving for a baby and surviving on one income

Tips for saving for a baby and surviving on one income

The secret to living on one wage when baby arrives? Getting into top financial shape – starting now!

The child and parent bond: 8 ways to change your parenting style

The child and parent bond: 8 ways to change your parenting style

Easy ways to have a better relationship with your child

Beauty tips during pregnancy

Beauty tips during pregnancy

Gabriela Rosa, Fertility Specialist & Founder of Natural Fertility Breakthrough shares her tips for staying pampered during pregnancy

Jobs, health issues: why women't aren't having more children

Jobs, health issues: why women't aren't having more children

Most women are having fewer children than they would like. And it's not for the reasons you might think...

Seeding: The new birth trend that's all about bacteria

Seeding: The new birth trend that's all about bacteria

There’s a curious new birth practice taking place across Australia, where bubs born by C-section are swabbed with their mum’s vaginal fluid. The eviden...

Guide to looking fab in 5 minutes for busy mums

Guide to looking fab in 5 minutes for busy mums

Hairdresser Aleks Abadia and make-up artist Jacqui Arnold share their top tips for the time poor

Skincare for mum and bub

Skincare for mum and bub

Whether you’re planning a pregnancy, are pregnant now or are enjoying being a first-time mum, here’s how to tackle the most common skin changes and cha...

“After 23 rounds of IVF I’m finally pregnant”

“After 23 rounds of IVF I’m finally pregnant”

In 2013, body+soul helped Megan Dunstan lose 20kg in the hope it would assist in her fertility journey. Now 25 weeks pregnant, she shares her story with Ka...

Australian study finds video games are “good for kids”

Australian study finds video games are “good for kids”

It seems video games may not be so bad for kids after all...

“We packed up our lives and set off on a three-year road trip”

“We packed up our lives and set off on a three-year road trip”

Lorna Hendry, 48, quit her job to travel around Australia with her family. She reveals what led them down the road less travelled and how their lives chang...

“My best friend gave me a baby”

“My best friend gave me a baby”

When Kim Wiggins, 39, was diagnosed with breast cancer and potential infertility, her best friend, Tobi Best, 39 , offered to be a surrogate mum.

Old life vs new life: the struggle of becoming a new mum

Old life vs new life: the struggle of becoming a new mum

How to deal with the changes that being a new mum brings to your life

Fiona Baker's 3 parenting tips to try today

Fiona Baker's 3 parenting tips to try today

Easy initiatives to adopt as a parent

Natural remedies for common breastfeeding problems

Natural remedies for common breastfeeding problems

Treat common breastfeeding issues with these natural fixes

How to help if your daughter is dealing with infertility issues

How to help if your daughter is dealing with infertility issues

When a couple are struggling with infertility, it can take its toll on the whole family, especially the future grandparents. Amy Molloy reports

Do you have a birth plan?

Do you have a birth plan?

Why you should consider writing a birth plan

Job skills you’ve mastered as a mum

Job skills you’ve mastered as a mum

Whether you're heading back to the workforce for financial reasons, or to enjoy an uninterrupted bathroom break for the first time in years, returning to w...

4 ways to keep your relationship on track after having a baby

4 ways to keep your relationship on track after having a baby

How to maintain the spark even when you're busy, sleep-deprived and possibly still wearing yesterday's pyjamas

How to treat cold and flu while pregnant

How to treat cold and flu while pregnant

Dr Cindy Pan's tips on treating cold and flu during pregnancy

Signs you live with a toddler

Signs you live with a toddler

Little people are wonderful but they sure do make the home an interesting place to be. Can you relate to any of the following?

Easy ways to simplify life

Easy ways to simplify life

Parenting blogger Jodi Wilson shares her tips on how to simplify life as mum

8 things you should do before trying to get pregnant

8 things you should do before trying to get pregnant

It’s important to undertake some prep to increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy

5 reasons why mums shouldn't feel guilty about "me" time

5 reasons why mums shouldn't feel guilty about "me" time

Dr Cindy Pan talks about the health benefits of mums taking time out for themselves

What to do when your child is being bullied

What to do when your child is being bullied

Around one in six children are bullied every week. What, as parents, can you do to prevent or stop it when it’s happening to your child?

The dos and don'ts of kitchen hygiene: is your home safe?

The dos and don'ts of kitchen hygiene: is your home safe?

Australian Food Hygiene Services Director Marjorie Harvey is an expert on keeping a kitchen a bacteria-free zone. Find out if you've been committing some m...

5 dog breeds that are great for families

5 dog breeds that are great for families

Are the kids asking you for a pet? If you're planning to introduce a new member to the family, these breeds are a great fit for families

10 hashtags all parents need to know

10 hashtags all parents need to know

Social media can be a great parenting tool - use it to your advantage

7 ways to be a tech-savvy parent

7 ways to be a tech-savvy parent

Do you know your Snapchat from your hashtag? When your kids talk about the latest on Tumblr do you run for the gym mats? It’s unavoidable that an increas...

5 healthy habits all parents should teach their kids

5 healthy habits all parents should teach their kids

As parents we have many responsibilities regarding caring for our kids. An important one is teaching them ways to optimise and maintain good health. While ...

Will your child's name affect their future success?

Will your child's name affect their future success?

Think naming a baby is just a bit of fun? Psychologists – and some countries – think it’s a very important parenting decision

Help your kids cope with homework

Help your kids cope with homework

Whatever your feelings on this contentious issue, homework is often part of the school curriculum, so how can you help your kids?

First aid for ouchies

First aid for ouchies

Scrapes, grazes, bites and stings are part and parcel of childhood. Here’s how parents can prepare

How to pack a healthy and tasty school lunch

How to pack a healthy and tasty school lunch

It’s the bane of many parents’ existence and, if done badly, can create bad playground memories. Here’s how to make healthy and tasty school lunches

The facts about foetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The facts about foetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The advice from experts is clear: there’s no “safe” level of alcohol consumption in pregnancy. But that message becomes impacted by a lot of human factors

Why it pays to exercise as a family

Why it pays to exercise as a family

The family that exercises together stays healthy together because it helps kids set up good habits that last them a lifetime

5 most important ways mums can feel more sexy

5 most important ways mums can feel more sexy

...and no, it doesn't involve sexpot selfies in a tiny tight swimsuit posted on Facebook!

How to stop trying to be Superwoman

How to stop trying to be Superwoman

Let go of trying to be perfect and having it all and watch life change for the better...

New mum checklist: hospital essentials

New mum checklist: hospital essentials

A hospital bag checklist to ensure you and your partner are ready when the baby is.

New mum checklist: before the baby arrives

New mum checklist: before the baby arrives

From bibs to bunny rugs, we've compiled a helpful checklist of what to have in the home for when the baby arrives.

The pregnancy checklist

The pregnancy checklist

What do you need to do to get through the next 9 months? Here's a handy checklist for reference

Trying to pick a baby name? Check out Australia's top baby name trends

Trying to pick a baby name? Check out Australia's top baby name trends

Did your child’s name make the popular list or was it unique enough to buck the trend?

3 ways to gain control of your kids' behaviour

3 ways to gain control of your kids' behaviour

If the balance of power sits with your precious progeny, here are some expert words of advice to help put you back at the helm

10 of the best parenting apps

10 of the best parenting apps

body+soul's top 10 parenting apps all mums and dads should have in their pocket.

Is it dangerous to have pre-eclampsia while pregnant?

Is it dangerous to have pre-eclampsia while pregnant?

Dr Cindy Pan explains this condition during pregnancy and how to manage it

4 ways to put an end to mother guilt

4 ways to put an end to mother guilt

Juggling being a mum and a job with a side of mother guilt? Here's why you shouldn't feel bad

How to stop temper tantrums

How to stop temper tantrums

If you've ever had to deal with a child throwing a tantrum you're not alone. However how can you actually control them? Karen Phillip, author of "Who ...

How to make your kids' clothes last

How to make your kids' clothes last

Tips and tricks to make your kids' clothes last through every stage

Help your child deal with exam stress

Help your child deal with exam stress

By shifting the focus off the marks, students can reduce the stress of exams and academic performance, says a US medical expert

How to take expert photos of your kids

How to take expert photos of your kids

Forget overly styled photo shoots! The best photos you'll get of your kids are often when they're not even paying attention...

How to dress when you're pregnant

How to dress when you're pregnant

We're here to help you through all your pregnancy fashion dilemmas.

Are you raising financially savvy kids?

Are you raising financially savvy kids?

It seems how well children manage money as adults is instilled in them by Mum and Dad when they're young

What you need to know about kids and CT scans

What you need to know about kids and CT scans

Should parents be worried about the impact medical imaging can have on their child’s future health?

Could you be oversharenting?

Could you be oversharenting?

Do you plaster Instagram and Facebook with your little one’s every move and mood? You’d better read on…

Are my pregnancy cravings normal?

Are my pregnancy cravings normal?

Cravings during pregnancy, are they normal or not? Find out here!

5 tips for travelling with kids

5 tips for travelling with kids

Before you hit the road with your little ones, read these tips for traveling with young children

The best baby apps

The best baby apps

The body+soul guide to the best baby apps on the market

All about adolescent acne

All about adolescent acne

Don’t trivialise your adolescent’s problem skin. Seek advice and try to treat it early as it can have a major psychological impact

The plus side of raising daughters

The plus side of raising daughters

Young girls can get bad press but maybe it’s time to stop raining on their growing-up parade

Era of the working mum

Era of the working mum

They boost economies while raising our next generation. But are working mums getting the support they need and deserve?

I put my child on a diet and was vilified

I put my child on a diet and was vilified

US mum Dara-Lynn Weiss faced harsh criticism last year when she wrote an article for US Vogue about putting her then-seven-year-old daughter on a diet afte...

Will your child walk to school?

Will your child walk to school?

Government and health organisations are urging parents to ditch the car and make the school run on foot

Help your kids do well at school

Help your kids do well at school

As kids around the nation squeeze their feet into stiff new shoes, here are some tips on how parents can help their littlies enjoy school

Easy ways to get the kids involved in Christmas prep

Easy ways to get the kids involved in Christmas prep

6 ways to get the kids involved at Christmas time

Why it pays to create family Christmas traditions

Why it pays to create family Christmas traditions

The reason kids love the festive season - and it's not just the presents

Nurturing a love of reading

Nurturing a love of reading

If kids can learn to love books when they are young, it can set them up for life

Severe morning sickness

Severe morning sickness

One cause of hyperemesis gravidarum – the debilitating morning sickness that hospitalised Kate Middleton - is carrying twins, triplets or possibly more.

In praise of the humble board game

In praise of the humble board game

Old-fashioned board games and cards do more than entertain the kids – they teach them valuable life skills

How you can face your birth fears

How you can face your birth fears

Facing the experience of childbirth with a positive outlook can not only alleviate your worries and fears. It can also speed up delivery of your baby

Surge in birth interventions

Surge in birth interventions

Why are “natural” births on the decline in Australia?

Foods to kick-start your libido

Foods to kick-start your libido

If you want to boost your sex drive and fertility, look no further than these 10 all-natural aphrodisiacs

A story in body+soul changed my life forever

A story in body+soul changed my life forever

Melissa Smith, 40, and husband Dave spent almost a decade and more than $60,000 in their quest for fertility – until a body+soul story on egg donation ch...

All about gestational diabetes

All about gestational diabetes

Learn more about this form of diabetes which affects pregnant woman

Back to work after baby

Back to work after baby

Heading back to work after maternity leave? Here are six tips for making a smooth transition.

Swearing kids: are parents to blame?

Swearing kids: are parents to blame?

Songs, the internet and television are full of it, but it seems it's mum and dad who make the rules on swearing.

Get kids to explore the outdoors

Get kids to explore the outdoors

Mad about technology and lacking outdoor play? Here are some tips to get your kids outside and appreciating nature.

Gender selection: should we get a say?

Gender selection: should we get a say?

The ban on gender-selection IVF is under review. We speak to those for and against the issue.

Dealing with difficult kids

Dealing with difficult kids

Dealing with behavioural problems early pays dividends later in life

How to let kids be kids

How to let kids be kids

Allowing children to take risks increases their resilience and helps them make judgments.

30, single and fertility

30, single and fertility

Falling fertility can make women worry they'll miss out – but don't panic yet.

Inside the mind of the middle child

Inside the mind of the middle child

Is a "middleton" doomed to face life-long personality issues, or is their birth order actually a springboard to success?

Should kids watch the news?

Should kids watch the news?

Find the middle ground between being informed and being scared by sensationalism.

Where is your child learning about sex?

Where is your child learning about sex?

Parents need to have "the talk" early on with their kids to avoid self-educating on the net.

ADHD: why parents are hiding it

ADHD: why parents are hiding it

It is a condition that is often treated with suspicion due to a lack of understanding, but help is available for kids and their families

The parenting lingo

The parenting lingo

Meet the new types of mums and dads and see if you recognise anyone.