The Relationship Bucket List

The Relationship Bucket List

20 things you should aim to do with your partner before you die according to sexologist Dr Gabrielle Morrisssey

10 things a guy will never say to you

10 things a guy will never say to you

When it comes to communication, it’s sometimes what he’s not saying that you need to worry about, says James Kerley (The Man Plan)...

10 signs you're the one before The One

10 signs you're the one before The One

There comes a stage in every man’s life when he realises that it’s time to settle down, to readjust his criteria in partner from a good time to a long ...

10 signs your relationship will last

10 signs your relationship will last

So you’ve wondered if he would call. He called. You asked yourself whether there would be a second date or not. There was. Now you’re in a full-blown r...

10 ways he says "I love you" without saying it

10 ways he says "I love you" without saying it

Men know how important these three little words are but sometimes, we just have trouble vocalising. They tend to stick in our … it seems I'm a little par...

10 signs you’re headed for a break up

10 signs you’re headed for a break up

It's astonishingly easy to miss the signs that your relationship is in trouble. Whether couples just get too busy to pay attention, or don't notice small c...

10 signs it's time to break up

10 signs it's time to break up

There are big, clear signs that it’s pretty undeniably time to move on and go your separate ways. But there are smaller, more subtle signs too, that indi...

5 things women wish men knew

5 things women wish men knew

The biggest challenge with romantic relationships is having excellent communication. It's also the single most powerful thing you can do to maintain a grea...

A partner with depression

A partner with depression

Dealing with a partner who suffers from depression can be extremely hard.

From single to married in less than a year

From single to married in less than a year

I thought six months is too soon to get engaged, but what was I waiting for?

Why being an impulsive couple could make you both happier

Why being an impulsive couple could make you both happier

Could this be the key to longer lasting relationships?

Tinder’s most popular users have these jobs

Tinder’s most popular users have these jobs

Not getting much luck on Tinder lately? Your career choice could be to blame

Like-minded couples last longer

Like-minded couples last longer

Turns out opposites don’t attract after all

What I learnt from a relationship expert at dating school

What I learnt from a relationship expert at dating school

As one of the last standing single ladies in the office, I was offered the opportunity to attend a dating school

Do men underestimate the ability of their female peers?

Do men underestimate the ability of their female peers?

New research reveals gender bias in the classroom

10 signs he's in love with you

10 signs he's in love with you

How do you know the guy you’re seeing loves you? How can you tell he’s really falling for you and it’s not a fling to him? Many a woman have wondered...

Oxytocin: The hormone that can predict divorce

Oxytocin: The hormone that can predict divorce

Marriage success after a baby linked to love hormone

Online dating for the divorced and older singles

Online dating for the divorced and older singles

Love is in the air – and the computer – for baby boomers who are seeking a soul mate. Here’s what you need to know to find happiness

How To Tell If The Man You're Dating Is Married

How To Tell If The Man You're Dating Is Married

Our sex expert shares the tell tale signs

How Instagram selfies could be ruining your relationships and love life

How Instagram selfies could be ruining your relationships and love life

Why Instagram selfies could be the biggest buzz-kill for your relationship

10 times he thinks you're attractive but you don't

10 times he thinks you're attractive but you don't

With the deluge of airbrushed, impossibly enhanced images that bombard you on a daily basis, it’s understandable that you may at times feel like you donâ...

10 things you'll regret not doing in your relationship

10 things you'll regret not doing in your relationship

People often say they regret nothing. After all, every action has led them to where they are now, and that is either a great thing, or at least a positive ...

Dating: Why single men in their 30s can't commit

Dating: Why single men in their 30s can't commit

The truth behind why he can't give you what you want

7 tips for a successful marriage

7 tips for a successful marriage

Want to know how to make love last? Our relationship expert offers the advice on a succesful marriage

Wedding ideas: 5 reasons to elope vs a traditional wedding

Wedding ideas: 5 reasons to elope vs a traditional wedding

Not sure if eloping is the right thing to do? Our relationship expert takes a look at the pros of an elopement vs a traditional wedding celebration

Infidelity: DNA could explain why people cheat

Infidelity: DNA could explain why people cheat

Why do people cheat in the first place? This video explains it all

Marriage Counselling: 7 things to expect from your first session

Marriage Counselling: 7 things to expect from your first session

Unsure of what to expect from marriage counselling? Dr Gabrielle Morrissey debunks the myths

Dating 101: Surprising ways girls and guys flirt

Dating 101: Surprising ways girls and guys flirt

Want to know if someone is flirting with you? We've got the answers

How to get through a divorce

How to get through a divorce

A marriage break up is one of the hardest things you can go through. While it won't be easy, there are some strategies you can use to get through it and he...

Is it really possible to get over infidelity?

Is it really possible to get over infidelity?

Can a relationship be saved in the aftermath of cheating?

Laughter and Love: why we all need that funny someone

Laughter and Love: why we all need that funny someone

The reason laughter and humour is important in love

5 times to talk before you type

5 times to talk before you type

While there are no set rules, there are times when you need to step away from the keyboard to keep relationships intact, writes business consultant and lif...

Hangry? Why women are more romantic on a full stomach

Hangry? Why women are more romantic on a full stomach

Is a full tum the way to a woman's heart? Keep reading.

Online dating tips: the dos and don'ts for success

Online dating tips: the dos and don'ts for success

Master the art of finding love in a digital space

Hate the inlaws? What to do if you don't like your partner's family or friends

Hate the inlaws? What to do if you don't like your partner's family or friends

How to deal if you don’t get along with the important people in your other half's life

How to prepare your relationship for baby

How to prepare your relationship for baby

You've got the nursery sorted but have you prepped your relationship for the arrival of a newborn?

What your relationship means for your health

What your relationship means for your health

Whether you’re flying solo, happily married or divorced, your relationship status brings a unique set of benefits for your mind and body.

10 tips to make your partner more romantic

10 tips to make your partner more romantic

What to do if your partner isn't exactly pulling their weight in the romance department

Are you damaging your relationship?

Are you damaging your relationship?

Are you unknowingly damaging your own relationship?

Ready for marriage? 10 relationship questions to ask

Ready for marriage? 10 relationship questions to ask

Before you walk down the aisle make sure you’ve addressed these key aspects of your relationship first

Relationship split: are you headed for one?

Relationship split: are you headed for one?

Recognise that signs that your relationship may have reached its use by date

How do you avoid resentment in a relationship?

How do you avoid resentment in a relationship?

Ways to keep your relationship a resentment-free zone

Signs you need more couple time

Signs you need more couple time

How to tell if you need to spend more quality time together

Date night: how to do it right

Date night: how to do it right

Make sure you're getting the most out of spending quality time together

Which state is the most romantic?

Which state is the most romantic?

The verdict is in. The most romantic state in Australia is...

The biggest relationship issues couples will face and how to handle them

The biggest relationship issues couples will face and how to handle them

How to deal with relationship problems and come out stronger

How to feel like you've had sex even if you haven't

How to feel like you've had sex even if you haven't

Having troubles fitting in sex? In the interim try some of these ways to get that loved up post-sex feeling

How to avoid a fight with your partner

How to avoid a fight with your partner

Easy strategies to stop an argument in its tracks

The 5 things we should do in a relationship but don't

The 5 things we should do in a relationship but don't

The key things every great relationship needs

Are you and your partner speaking the same love language?

Are you and your partner speaking the same love language?

If your relationship is on shaky ground because you and your partner aren’t communicating, it may be time for a lesson in love languages. b+s sexologist ...

The worst relationship mindsets to have

The worst relationship mindsets to have

Are you thinking your way to relationship disaster?

Is it time to spring clean your relationship?

Is it time to spring clean your relationship?

It's out with the old and in with the new. Say hello to your shiny, brand new relationship.

Build a stronger relationship

Build a stronger relationship

Every girl dreams of meeting her Prince Charming and getting her own happily ever after.

The 5 rules of fair compromise in a relationship

The 5 rules of fair compromise in a relationship

Dr Gabrielle Morrisey's dos and don'ts of compromising with your other half

How to get over an ex

How to get over an ex

Put your ex behind you once and for all

How to communicate effectively so your partner listens

How to communicate effectively so your partner listens

It's one the the requirements of a good relationship, so why does effective communication with your partner seem so difficult at times? Sexologist and rela...

The 5 most common things couples fight about and ways to deal with it

The 5 most common things couples fight about and ways to deal with it

How to tackle common argument triggers minus the stress

5 worst things you can do early in a relationship to end it before it begins

5 worst things you can do early in a relationship to end it before it begins

If you want to sabotage your new coupled up state, here are some sure fire ways to end a relationship before it even starts

10 fighting no-nos to avoid

10 fighting no-nos to avoid

How to avoid unhealthy fights in a relationship

Is your love life making you sick?

Is your love life making you sick?

The thrilling sensation of being head over heels in love is one of life's sublime pleasures. However like so many delicious indulgences, the love bug poten...

3 things lasting relationships have in common

3 things lasting relationships have in common

The three main ingredients for a lasting relationship may surprise you because they’re not love, sex or money...

Why it pays to have premarital counselling

Why it pays to have premarital counselling

Having premarital counselling could set you up for a happier marriage

How and when to forgive a cheater

How and when to forgive a cheater

There’s the premise ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’... not always. Sometimes it's possible to save the relationship but important ground rules mus...

10 things you should never say in a relationship

10 things you should never say in a relationship

Whatever you do, avoid saying any of the following to your other half...

5 alternatives to kissing during Movember

5 alternatives to kissing during Movember

Has your man suddenly sprouted some pretty impressive upper lip growth? Good for him, not so much for you. No one likes pash rash so we asked Gillette kiss...

Mum in profile: Alex Wileman

Mum in profile: Alex Wileman

TV presenter, former model and mum-of-three, Alex Wileman is about to embark on the 50km Sydney Coastrek with her 22-year-old daughter Georgia to raise mon...

Silent treatment is a relationship killer

Silent treatment is a relationship killer

Do you give your partner the silent treatment? It might be time to rethink that strategy...

How to avoid putting on weight in a relationship

How to avoid putting on weight in a relationship

When you're in love keeping on track with exercise and your diet often flies out the window. Trainer Kirsty Welsh shows you how to avoid putting on relatio...

6 ways to a happy, healthy relationship

6 ways to a happy, healthy relationship

Contrary to what your fave rom-com would have you believe, a happy relationship doesn't just happen. Here are 6 ways to make sure your relationship is on t...

How not to bring an ex into a new relationship

How not to bring an ex into a new relationship

Whether your break up was messy or amicable, everyone has baggage when it comes to an ex. Here's how to avoid it interfering with a new relationship

The do's and don'ts of flirting in a relationship

The do's and don'ts of flirting in a relationship

Batting your lashes at your barista? Complimenting a stranger? Flirting is completely natural and a healthy part of life but where do you draw the line whe...

How important is kissing to a relationship?

How important is kissing to a relationship?

Dr Gabrielle Morrissey talks through the importance of puckering up

Friendships make you live longer

Friendships make you live longer

New studies show that close female relationships can help us live longer, happier and healthier lives

Breaking up: how to end a relationship

Breaking up: how to end a relationship

Relationship expert Toby Green offers advice on how to end a relationship.

How do I become a smooth dater?

How do I become a smooth dater?

Dr Gabrielle Morrissey explains the benefits of having a game plan when dating.

Why is miscarriage grief unspoken?

Why is miscarriage grief unspoken?

body+soul expert Toby Green answers a reader's question about the lack of communication surrounding the loss of baby.

"Why doesn't my husband trust me?"

"Why doesn't my husband trust me?"

Sexologist Dr Gabrielle Morrissey on trust, jealousy and making marriage work

Does your friendship have an expiry date?

Does your friendship have an expiry date?

Sometimes friendships aren’t built to last a lifetime

Why don't I like being a mum?

Why don't I like being a mum?

Learn how to cope with the downside of parenting

Why am I cold towards my family?

Why am I cold towards my family?

The motivation you have to stay numb is power – the power to never get hurt

Do second marriages work?

Do second marriages work?

Our regular sexologist, Dr Gabrielle Morrissey, gives this reader some advice

Is he in love with his ex?

Is he in love with his ex?

Fearing your partner will return to their ex? body+soul relationship expert Gabrielle Morrissey shares her advice.

Can you find love in five minutes?

Can you find love in five minutes?

We've all heard of love at first site, but in reality, how effective is the whole speed dating phenomenon?

"My partner avoids confrontation"

"My partner avoids confrontation"

A relationship doesn't have to be a battlefield. Toby Green discusses the need to be "right" and the positives of disengaging from conflict.

"How do I make my ex leave me alone?"

"How do I make my ex leave me alone?"

body+soul sex and relationships expert, Dr Gabrielle Morrissey, reveals why making a clean break is best.

"How do I make friends?"

"How do I make friends?"

Trouble making friends? Sometimes the reason for the failure to connect lies with your own insecurity.

Should I leave my cheating husband?

Should I leave my cheating husband?

Can cheaters reform? When is it time to throw in the towel?

Should you stay for the kids?

Should you stay for the kids?

Is it a question of putting your children before your own happiness? Toby Green discusses when you should give up on a relationship.

"My girlfriend went back to her ex"

"My girlfriend went back to her ex"

Can you ever completely trust that all past bonds are severed when you enter into a relationship? Toby Green discusses.

"Is an emotional affair still cheating?"

"Is an emotional affair still cheating?"

Is thinking about or fantasising about someone other than your partner still considered cheating when you don't act on it?

Men who took their wives' last names

Men who took their wives' last names

When it comes to marriage, much is still bound by old-world tradition, but for surnames: the times, they are a-changin'.

"Why do I love someone I can't be with?"

"Why do I love someone I can't be with?"

Is it wrong to love someone who doesn't love you back? Toby Green helps a reader who has trouble cutting ties with a past lover.