The kettlebell exercises you need to master

A kettlebell workout can torch fat fast - here are the moves you need to incorporate into your training regime 17, 20165:34pm

Have you ever worked out with kettlebells? Used by the Russian military and elite athletes, this style of workout uses various sized kettlebells (essentially a cannon ball with a handle) to perform basic resistance moves such as squats or the clean and press. Kettlebell training is great for working the whole body and is a great strength and cardio workout combined. If you're bored of your current weights workout, training with kettlebells is a great way to mix things up.

Kettlebell deadlift

YouTube video

Kettlebell swing

YouTube video

Kettlebell goblet squat

YouTube video

Kettlebell Turkish get up

YouTube video

Kettlebell clean and press

YouTube video

Kettlebell around the world

YouTube video

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