10 ways to prep yourself for an obstacle course race event


Prepping yourself to do an obstacle course race? Adventure racer, running coach and Spartan Race Australia CEO, Max DeLacy shares his top tips for effective training

1. Nose for breathing, mouth for eating

An endurance race such as Spartan Race requires you to run, climb, balance, jump, and swing. To do this effectively you must breathe efficiently. Spartan soldiers were taught to run holding a little water in their mouth to remind them to only breathe through their nose.

2. One leg is better than two

Single leg exercises like lunges and step-ups not only balance our leg strength but engage ankle, hip and knee stabilisers. If one side feels weaker, start and finish on that side.

3. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast

If you feel more unstable on one side, slow the exercise you're doing down and focus on smooth movement.

4. Get a grip

Obstacles like monkey bars, rope climbs, farmers walks and hercules hoist all require a strong grip. Practise a farmer’s walk holding dumbbells or kettlebells with a standing hold to failure (translation: until you can't keep going anymore) on the final set. Time yourself and see the gains!

5. Love your burpees

Add them between strength or cardio sets, begin with 10 reps and build up to 30 per set. Ensure chest to ground at the bottom and a jump with overhead clap at the top. 100 burpees at the end of a hard session done in sets of 10 with 10 seconds rest will add to your physical and mental strength.

6. Train with friends

Spartan warriors fought first and foremost for each other. Train as a team to keep each other motivated and accountable.

7. Learn to climb a rope

It is the obstacle most racers struggle with, but the right technique and 15 minutes practice will have you up a rope without relying on upper body strength. Your local CrossFit box or gymnasium will be able to help, otherwise check out the this tutorial:

8. Cold water dousing

Cold water showers have been used to improve circulation, fight off infections and steel the mind. They will also condition you to cold water - something you may need to negotiate during the ra

9. Bunny hell

Powerful glutes will have you running, climbing and jumping effectively. Bunny hops (aka frog jumps) will give you explosive strength and a great butt. Include 4-5 sets in your workout and increase the distance as you get stronger.

10. Think hard core

Core work is key. Work up from a static bridge hold (face up) and a plank to spider crawls, superman, windmills and Turkish getups.

For more information on Spartan Race or to sign up for an event visit here

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