I think I’m Emma Goldman

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One of my favorite anarcho rappers is Sole. A while back we had a convo about the importance of anarchist media, and if I were a new age fuck, I’d say the stars where aligned and our timings collided like two super burritos on a sumo stage. Anywho, he made a song, shot a video, sent me the files and I let the video ninja chop that shit up. This homage to Emma Goldman was a fuckin treat to work on, and I hope to work on more music videos in the future. Shit was fun! Enjoy.

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    This entry was posted on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 10:39 am and is poested under music category.

    9 Responses to “I think I’m Emma Goldman”

  • Pete says:

    That rocked,…

  • Annie says:

    Radically informative and blood pumping

  • KRS says:

    your rhymes is wack! slick video tho.

    • Annie says:

      Truly listen to these lyrics. They are accurate and connected to the societies we associate with. A governed society needs to be deconstructed, rather than simply accepted. Knowledge is empowering. Don’t be fearful of the unfamiliar. It’s unfamiliar for a reason.

    • Chris says:

      KRS? Must not be the ONE, cause Teacha teach that putting down your brother as being garbage keeps both you in poverty. When you exalt each other you create wealth.
      Mutual Aid, Peace, Love, Unity & Having Fun.


      • maryam says:

        can anyone help me find the lyrics for my doctoral thesis on Emma Goldman’s Living My Life, the song is wonderful!

  • Name says:

    Hahahah, big EF to that twerp Chris hedges

  • Blind Donkey says:

    Loved everything about it, EXCEPT the Chris Hedges diss. “Empire of Illusion” is an important book, especially if you want to be armed with facts.

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