Papua New Guinea: four students reported dead after police open fire on march

Police reportedly shoot dead at least four students in Port Moresby after blocking their attempts to march on parliament

Injured protester
Students carry an injured man after police opened fire on a group of protesters marching on parliament in Port Moresby. Photograph: @Mangiwantok

At least four people are believed killed after police shot at a crowd of university student protesters attempting to march on the Papua New Guinea parliament, according to reports.

Reports and photographs accusing the police of opening fire on protesters emerged on social media on Wednesday morning. The Guardian has confirmed a number of students are being treated in hospital following the shooting.

The PNG parliament heard four students have died, an ABC reporter has said.

— Melanie Arnost (@arnostm) June 8, 2016

#PNG parliament told 4 people killed in this morning's university shootings

The students had attempted to leave the university campus and head towards parliament house in Port Moresby, but were prevented by police.

Students have accused police of firing into the crowd, and photographs purported to be from the rally show a number of injured people.

“I’ve never been in this type of fear before,” one student, Janet Morley, posted on Facebook.

“Gun shots, girls crying and screaming here and there, students sketed everywhere! where is this nation heading to! God help us.”

— Gary Juffa (@hunjara) June 8, 2016

Spoke to students and informed that several were shot. 1 died in UPNG unconfirmed. Issue started with arguement between Met Supt n student.

Local media organisation, PNG Loop reported one student had been shot in the back. Citing a security guard, the report said the injured student had been taken to hospital.

The hospital’s accident and emergency wing was treating a number of students, but other clinics had been closed to the public.

Other students said tear gas was fired into the crowd. Video purporting to be from the rally shows plumes of white smoke over the crowd and the sound of gunfire.

— Elvina P Ogil (@Muntika_Elvix) June 8, 2016

Footage of shots being fired #upng #PNG @prawn_gravies

— Eric Tlozek (@EricTlozek) June 8, 2016

Police in PNG have shot uni students who were trying to march on parliament. Unconfirmed reports one has died @abcnews @RAPacificBeat

People in Port Moresby report several people injured and potentially one fatality.

Students told the ABC the estimated 1,000 students had dispersed into the university grounds after the shooting.

A spokesman for the PNG police said he was unable to confirm reports at this stage.

Protests have escalated in recent weeks over an increasing dissatisfaction with the country’s prime minister, Peter O’Neill, and allegations of corruption.

Students had been boycotting classes, demanding O’Neill’s resignation. O’Neill has steadfastly refused to step down, and classes were officially suspended late last month.

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