Dream Cycle
The Dream Cycle is a series of short stories and novellas by author H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937). Written between 1918 and 1932, they concern themselves with "The Dreamlands," a vast, alternate dimension that can be entered via dreams.
The Dreamlands are apparently divided into four regions:
The West contains the Steps of Deeper Slumber (descended via the "Cavern of Flame") and the Enchanted Woods by which many enter the Dreamlands. Other points of interest include the port of Dylath-Leen, one of the Dreamlands' largest cities; the town of Ulthar "where no man may kill a cat," the coastal jungle city of Hlanith, and the desert trading capital Illarnek. Here lies the fabled Land of Mnar, whose gray stones are etched with signs and where rise the ruins of the great Sarnath.
The South, home of the isle of Oriab and the areas known as the Fantastic Realms (described in "The White Ship").
The East, home of Celephaïs, a city dreamt into being by its monarch Kuranes, greatest of all recorded dreamers, and the dangerous Forbidden Lands.