What we learned from day two of the Republican convention

Donald Trump became the official Republican nominee for president, as Chris Christie livened up the proceedings with a dogged attack on Hillary Clinton

Day two of the Republican convention, in three minutes

Day two of the 2016 Republican national convention is in the can. Here’s what happened:

  • Donald Trump was formally nominated by the Republican party to be president of the United States, and Mike Pence was nominated to be vice-president.
  • On the convention floor, a member of each state delegation said something good about their state, then announced how its delegates were to be awarded.
  • Once upon a time, the question was whether Trump could hit 1,237 delegates. In the end he got 1,725. Ted Cruz was second with 475. John Kasich got 120 and Marco Rubio 114.
  • Award for liveliest floor speech went to Chris Christie, who hid it well if he’s sour about not being named running mate. Christie, a former prosecutor, pretended to prosecute Hillary Clinton, and the crowd got to yell “Guilty!” over and over. They also chanted “Lock her up!”
  • Donald Trump Jr won praise and applause for a speech that appeared to be undergirded by some conviction about his father’s virtue and industriousness. Tiffany Trump also spoke, with poise.
  • But it emerged that a couple lines about education in Donald Trump Jr’s speech had also appeared in an essay by a Canadian law professor, who it turns out helped write Jr’s speech. Much of the convention buzz Tuesday was attached to Melania Trump borrowing Michelle Obama’s words the night earlier.
  • House speaker Paul Ryan presided amiably over Trump’s nomination and gave a speech about Republicans having an advantage in the national debate because they have ideas. The speech barely mentioned Trump.
  • Outside the convention hall, city officials said the total number of arrests on the week was five and “the Erie County public health department is overseeing an issue regarding norovirus at Kalahari Resort”.
  • Police were a heavy presence in Public Square as protests played out from across the spectrum.
  • Trump said he would appear at the convention Wednesday night before giving his big speech Thursday. Stay tuned!