
Intakes: An activist's perspective on the fracking struggle at Balcombe

For this Intakes article, we asked one of our friends who had been along to the Balcombe site to share with us his experience of the anti-fracking campaign and to give us his perspective on its prospects for escalation.

What happened to the economic recovery in the West? The case of the UK

Did the crisis mark the beginning of a new down-swing in capitalist development? If not, why was the economic recovery so slow?

5,000 years of debt?

William Hogarth, "The Rake in a debtors' prison", from "The Rake's progress", 17

Aufheben's critical review of David Graeber's book Debt: The first 5,000 years.

Aufheben #22 (2013)

Aufheben 22

Issue of Aufheben, published in October 2013.

Profession and movement

Wildcat Germany on Aufhebengate and the phenomenon generally of activists in paid types of "radical" or academic employment.

The climate crisis …and the new green capitalism?

Photo by Sandri Alexandra

Aufheben convincingly argue that "green capitalism" is not impossible, and that capital can recuperate environmental struggles.

The euro crisis: taking the PIGS to market

Aufheben's account and analysis of the euro crisis.

Intakes: The Arab spring in the autumn of capital

An insightful analysis of the "Arab spring" by Friends of the Classless Society with the postscript written for Aufheben.