Archive for September, 2014

Unlawful assembly in Hong Kong

Monday, September 29th, 2014

Obviously the Chinese government has the mandate of heaven. Those who have power are entitled to keep it if they don’t screw up too badly, nor make unsuccessful radical change in the society that gave them power originally.

Obviously, by law, custom, and the two systems agreement, Hong Kongers are entitled to the rights they had before Hong Kong came under Chinese authority, including the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Blocking the streets is not peaceable assembly, nor have Hong Kongers ever had such a right, and the government is entitled to deal with it according to Chinese customs – it should roll over them with tanks.

Hong Kongers have never had the right to vote. If Hong Kongers were allowed to vote, they would vote against the capitalism that made them wealthy, and which is essential for such a dense crowd of people to survive on a tiny little island with no resources. Give them democracy, and pretty soon the economy would collapse, refugees would be fleeing Hong Kong as they flee Venezuela – and the Chinese government would be blamed for insufficiently large bailouts.

I urge the Chinese government to drive tanks over the protestors while maintaining the utmost respect for Hong Kong’s traditions and the two systems agreement.

The two systems agreement looks, in practice, rather like Hong Kong taking over China, even though theoretically it is China taking over Hong Kong. Hong Kong democracy would be the Cathedral taking over Hong Kong as a step to taking over China. If the voters controlled Hong Kong, the Cathedral would control the voters. Voters are easy to manipulate, since no individual voter has an individual incentive to be well informed or to vote in his own best interest. He is apt to vote for what makes him holiest, and the Cathedral is very good at weaponizing superior holiness.

Taking care of Islam

Monday, September 29th, 2014

Every US intervention against Islam backfires.

Progressives believe that all religions, rightly understood, are Progressivism.

Viewed as a cynical lie, it is working pretty well. They actually are reasonably successful at remaking Islam into progressivism.

Unfortunately, it is not entirely a cynical lie. It is also sincerely held insanity. It is quite difficult for the Cathedral to do entirely cynical lies. Their stock in trade is not lies, but delusions.

Meanwhile, Muslims have been figuring out what is up, and are counterinfiltrating. As well as progressives lying that they are Muslims, we have Muslims lying that they are progressives. The former tend wake up with their throats cut by the latter.

Hence Major Hasan, Rotherdam, and Benghazi Embassy. The story of Arab Spring is a story of the counterinfiltration.

When Obama told the mercenaries to stand down, to not retake the embassy, it was not so that he could fool the American people by denying that Al Qaeda troops were operating freely in Libya. It was so that he could fool himself by denying that Al Qaeda troops were operating in Libya.

I don’t think progressives are going to succeed at remaking Islam into progressivism, and if they do succeed, I don’t think it would be a good thing.

A better solution would be to convert Muslims to the peace of Westphalia and monarchism.

If an Islamic country is ruled by a King, and he decides for war, he demonstrates superior holiness, but will very likely get killed. So he decides for peace.

If an Islamic country is a democracy, and a voter votes for war, he demonstrates superior holiness, but, being one vote of many, his vote makes little difference to his prospects of being killed. So he votes for war.

The problem with Islamic State is that the Caliph is elected for life by the consensus of the most holy. Which pretty much guarantees that soon your Caliph is going to be holier than Mohammed. Indeed he already is.

The Caliph should be elected for life by Sunni monarchs, and should be unable to declare holy war except in consultation with them. If anyone else declares holy war, this is infidelity to Caliph, and the holy warrior loses his head for irreligion and apostacy.


Sunday, September 21st, 2014

Social Justice Warriors believe that all people were created equal.

Kind of obviously, people are not equal. Very few video games were created by women, and those games are crap.

If people are not equal, it must be due to the evil magic of thought criminals thinking thought crimes.

Social Justice Warriors therefore convict the broad mass of gamers as thought criminals, whose evil thoughts are magically causing magical harm, and want to punish them. Hence tranny megaman, etc.

Although these gamers are doubtless entirely innocent, I recommend that since you are going to be convicted and punished, you might as well be guilty.

Here is the news:

People were not created equal. As Darwin explains, some individuals are better than others, some groups and categories are better than others, some races are superior, some inferior.

Women are better than men at the very important job of making babies. (No contest there). They are better than men at cleaning house, and way better than men at finding where the man in their life has left his car keys.

At pretty much everything else, they tend to suck.

And one of the things they particularly suck at is writing video games.

Nazism and antisemitism is PC

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

Observe that now that 4chan has been totally taken over by social justice warriors, you can still say “nigger nigger kike kike” all day long on 4chan, you can say that Hitler did not kill the Jews but he should have, but you cannot criticize social justice warriors, feminists, trannies, and so forth on 4chan.

Correction: After they purged the anti feminists etc, then they came for people saying kike and nigger. But anti feminists, and opponents of social justice, went first.

For brief period, 4chan was still nazi, while anti feminists and such had been purged. First they came for the patriarchalists, then they came for the nazis.

You can complain that Jews ruin everything, because diverse groups are incohesive and untrusting. You can even complain that vibrants ruin everything, but you cannot complain that women ruin everything by pushing themselves into male activities in which they have no real interest and no competence.

If Jews ruled, you would not be able to say “Kike” on 4chan, and the Gaza/Israel war would have been over in an hour.

Nazism is a variant of leftism, right wing in the sense that is frozen in the already quite left wing 1930s, right wing only in that it has been left behind by the rapidly moving Overton window.  Communism descends from the Jews, Nazism was descended from Lutheranism, Anglosphere leftism, which now dominates the world and therefore has no distinct name, descends from the puritans. Communism is now “right wing” in the same sense as Nazism. The Overton window moves on.

The old French leftism was descended from the false popes of Avignon, but it self destructed in its left singularity, and today French leftism is wholly a muppet of anglosphere leftism, a muppet of the state department.

The Jews are doubtless guilty of a great pile of stuff, and the fact that our elite is diverse makes it incohesive and disloyal, but in the recent financial crisis, there were more vibrants behaving badly, in particular Angelo Mozilo, than there were Jews behaving badly.  Goldman Sachs pulled strings to get bailed out by the government on obscenely favorable terms in a truly disgusting bit of crony capitalism, but the main reason they needed a bail out was that Angelo Mozilo burned them.

Nazism, anti semitism, etc, thinks that crony capitalism is business corrupting the state, rather than the state corrupting business. They see clever businessmen outsmarting regulators, and do not see the revolving door between regulators and business. They fail to notice that Jon Corzine, the most highly regulated man in history, was both regulator and regulated.

Nazism, anti semitism, etc, thinks our elite is composed of smart, sane, reasonable people. Supposedly it is just that they are behaving badly for lack of ethnic loyalty. In actual fact, only ten percent or so of Harvards are admitted on academic merit, and most of those admitted on academic merit are admitted on SAT and GPA, which no longer correlates with intelligence, rather than LSAT, which still does correlate with intelligence. Our elite is #*#$!%^& stupid and crazy, and every day, as selection for political purity increases, getting stupider and crazier.

Massive 4chan purge and censorship.

Thursday, September 18th, 2014

Most Chan mods have been permabanned and replaced by social justice warriors

Of the 4chan old guard, only four remain.

It used to be said that all organizations become left wing, except those that are explicitly right wing.

We may have to amend that to “all organizations become left wing, except those that are explicitly reactionary”.

Progressives long  maintained the illusion of an open society by maintaining a neutered opposition.  But now, even that neutered opposition is being shut down.

The Republican party has long been a joke.  Notice how their presidential candidate is always the man who bipartisanly did the most to move America left, McCain of Mcain Feingold, Romney of Romneycare. Now the same joke is everywhere.

The problem is that social justice warriors are being appointed in charge of absolutely everything everywhere, from subreddits to Apple.  Likely that the reason that recent Apple decisions have been so stupid and incompetent is likely that Tim Cook is not a tech guy, he is a social justice guy, a toll that Jobs paid to the Cathedral to be left alone for a bit.

And that is why the cutscenes in your video games are likely to feature tranny warriors and men having sex with men.

He-who-must-not-be named speaks

Sunday, September 14th, 2014

Gamergate is gamers spontaneously discovering the Cathedral.
The Cathedral speaks with one voice.

In the last 48 hours, 15 articles about the “death of gaming” have been published

And the Cathedral sounds like Lord Voldemort.
To paraphrase the conversation:

you are sexist and bigoted


I am innocent


I can and will crush you


I have said nothing offensive

feminist 2:

failure to be PC is offensive


your career is being ruined as we speak


you must grovel immediately or face destruction of your career

The target must confess that he is part of the great and powerful male conspiracy, that he is punching down and the feminist is punching up, or be crushed like a bug.

Breitbart explains gamergate

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

Too long, don’t read:

Short of it:

Gamers to press:

You lie about games in return for for money, goodies, and whores.

Press to Gamers:

Misogynists!  How can you say this when we are obviously so much holier than you are?


Monday, September 8th, 2014

Gamers are a demographic interested in certain topics who buy stuff.  Thus, magazines and websites staffed by professional journalists are created to carry articles that interest those people and ads selling stuff that they are likely to buy.

Gamer journalists are, being journalists, extremely politically correct, and make it their mission to morally improve their audience and make them as holy as their extremely holy selves.

Gamers are anonymous, therefore free to be politically incorrect.  Further, they are customers, hence game developers really have to give them what they want, rather than what the politically correct think the gamers should receive.  Thus games tend to be full of stereotypes.

World of Warcraft’s Africa (Stranglethorn vale) contained a Great Zimbabwe that was ugly, primitive, and long been abandoned by the simple minded cannibal savages native to the area.  Who, by the way, cannot speak very well, because they are pretty much mentally subnormal.

The Warcraft religion of light was ninth century Christianity with the serial numbers filed off, and all its leading figures were noble, heroic, kindly, and, apart from the tendency to bash evildoers with big hammers, Christian.  Which not only depicted Christianity in a good light, but implicitly depicted present day unmanly Christianity in a bad light.

The storyline of Archeage is a war between whites and east Asians, and much of the game play is piracy, with much of the piracy featuring conflicts between whites and east Asians.  White male avatars are depicted as way better than anyone else, even though this game was written and the art drawn by east Asians.  (And, by the way, the Mongols are catboys)

All white males in Archeage are incredibly heroic and manly, and the white females are a bit on the manly side also, though with gigantic breasts.  All east Asian males in Archeage have a girly appearance, and are substantially less heroic and manly.  All the east Asian females have an extremely girly appearance and behavior.  (You will probably want to play white if you want a cool avatar, and play east Asian if you want to look at the hottest chicks, unless of course you especially like truly colossal breasts, in which case the white chicks are hotter.) If you were to ignore the breasts (which is impossible) the white females would be about as female in appearance as the east Asian males, though white female NPCs are considerably braver and more warlike than east Asian NPCs.

Naturally each journalist sought to be holier than each of the others, thus each sought to deride, despise, and denigrate his audience more than each of the others.

This caused loss of audience, whereupon the game companies started applying large amounts of money to channels that the gamers had created to talk to each other, the money bypassing the journalists as the audience already had.

This caused a truly apocalyptic outpouring of hatred by the journalists against their audience.  Or, as they depict it, an outpouring of hatred by their audience.

And that apocalyptic outpouring of hatred by journalists against those who pay their bills, is gamergate.

They always hated their audience.  But it was only when the game companies started making payouts to non journalistic channels that they went raving mad.






Memes and reproduction.

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Progressives do not reproduce at anywhere near replacement rate.  But they set things up so that conservatives have to send their children to educational institutions controlled by progressives.

If memes reproduce from parent to child, then in the long run, surviving memes will be favorable to the people that hold them.

If, however, memes reproduce through state pressure and state sponsored evangelism, they are going to be selected for state pressure and state sponsored evangelism, which is likely to result in those memes being hostile to survival and favorable to ever greater state intrusion on everyday life.

In Old Testament times, Hebrew memes reproduced from parent to child, hence natural selection apt to result in pro survival memes.The Hebrews had a lower death rate due to their rules of washing their hands, burying their feces, and not eating animals that died of natural causes.

They had a higher reproduction rate because of strict patriarchy, no female autonomy, female consent preferred but not required for sex and marriage, absolute patriarchal power over wives and children, plus a patriarchal duty of care and protection for wives and children, in particular the no infanticide rule. (B. disagrees with my interpretation of Old Testament rules, interpreting them in a manner curiously compatible with modern progressivism.  To see how the people of the time interpreted them, read the Book of Ruth, chapters three and four, and Genesis chapter twenty four.)

According to the Pentateuch, the twelve sons of Israel produced six hundred thousand adult males four hundred and thirty years later, which corresponds to a high, but not at all miraculous, growth rate of 2.5% per year.

The Hebrew economy was more productive because of rules protecting private property, and prohibiting coveting, thus prohibiting redistributionist ideologies.

We don’t know much about Canaanite memes, but it is clear that the practice of burning one’s children alive in front of the congregation, like progressive memes, reproduced through state sponsored religious practices and state sponsored evangelism – that members of the elite were coerced or pressured to burn their children alive, thus inspiring emulation among the commoners.

Soft power, the power of the state department, is the power that accrues to a state by propagating its belief system beyond its borders.  When the State department gets Muslim states to make abortion available on female demand, the state department accrues power, and when the Canaanites got Hebrews to sacrifice their children to Moloch, the Canaanite states accrued power.

The Canaanites suffered from the decadence characteristic of the last days of Bronze Age civilization.  Ipuwer depicts late stage Bronze age decadence as something very similar to modern leftism, which is a meme system that today reproduces through state sponsored quasi religious practices and state sponsored evangelism.

The practice of sacrificing one’s infant children to Moloch by casting them into the flames in front of the congregation demonstrated one’s faith – and having done such a terrible thing (perhaps to advance one’s career in the state apparatus) difficult to doubt the belief system that made it a good thing.

Thus, burning children alive was an effective means of making people into Canaanites. The Canaanite memetic system reproduced, while Canaanites did not, just as progressivism reproduces, while progressives do not.

The Canaanites were successful in their efforts at conversion, inducing some Hebrews to sacrifice their children to Moloch (Canaanite equivalent of Jehovah). This sacrifice was conducted by dropping the living child into the fire in front of the assembled congregation.

Similarly, today’s progressives do not reproduce, but instead seduce the children of conservatives.

Memeplexes that propagate through coercion seem an almost unavoidable aspect of states.  Such a memeplex is subject to selection pressures that are apt to make it more and more evil, destructive, and insane.  Propagation through power is orthogonal to truth or survival, thus entropy prevails.  Local reductions in such entropy tend to be astonishingly expensive.


Nice guys finish last

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

We all know, just from looking around, that nice guys finish last, that women reliably make extremely bad sexual choices, that female sexual autonomy is a really bad idea.  Now that the left have given up on socialism, except to the extent that they accidentally and unintentionally stumble into socialism through disastrously stupid laws like Sarbanes–Oxley, female sexual autonomy is the worst idea of the left.

Scott has done the hard work of collecting some statistics on this question.  But he has buried it in his usual pile of pious politically correct rationalizing, so I am copying his little bit of good stuff without his vast pile of @%!&.

Scott tells us:

I will have to use virginity statistics as a proxy for the harder-to-measure romancelessness statistics, but these are bad enough. In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%. 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 13% of the average high school population. Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history. A Dr. Beaver (nominative determinism again!) was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as “have you been in a gang”, “have you used a weapon in a fight”, et cetera. An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.

No, disagreeableness predicts that men are sexually successful.  A high notch count on the bedpost is success for a man, failure for a woman.  For a man, a high notch count on the bedpost means that the women keep coming.  For a woman, it means the boys do not stick around.

That male assholes are attractive, female assholes unattractive, is part of the reason why men should have sexual autonomy and women should not have sexual autonomy.

If you’re smart, don’t drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history – then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone.

Scott is, of course a nice guy.  He is only able to be nasty when it is mandatory for progressives to be nasty to people with certain beliefs.

I, however, am an asshole, who would have a criminal record were it not for good lawyers and willingness to pay them what they are worth.