- published: 18 Apr 2016
- views: 31226
A port of call is an intermediate stop for a ship on its sailing itinerary; see also Port § Port of call.
Port of Call or Ports of Call may refer to:
Aaron Kwok Fu-shing (born 26 October 1965) is a Hong Kong singer, dancer, and actor. He has been active since the 1980s and to the present. He is considered one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" of Hong Kong. Kwok's onstage dancing and displays is influenced by Michael Jackson. While most of his songs are in the dance-pop genre, he has experimented numerous times with rock and roll, ballad, rock, R&B, soul, electronica and traditional Chinese music.
Kwok earned 130 million HKD in 2014.
Kwok graduated from St. Joseph's College in Hong Kong. After graduating from secondary school, Kwok worked as a junior staff in King Fook Gold & Jewellery Co. Ltd. His father, who owns a small gold retail store, desired that he gain experience in the business with the view of eventually handing the family business over to him. If not for one of Kwok's brothers taking over the gold business, his father would not have allowed him to join the entertainment industry. In 1984, he was fired for prolonged absenteeism (sick leave) caused by a foot muscle injury from trying the splits in a party.
Port of Call 踏血尋梅 (2015) Official Hong Kong Trailer HD 1080 HK Neo Aaron Kwok Sexy
Beirut - Port Of Call
Port of Call (Trailer) | FEFF17
踏血尋梅 Port of Call Trailer
踏血尋梅 終極預告片Port Of Call Trailer
踏血尋梅 預告片 Port Of Call Trailer
踏血尋梅 預告片 Port Of Call Trailer 12.3 真相殺人
《踏血尋梅》電影片段 "Port of Call" Clip — 春夏篇
Filmmaker Philip Yung's "Port of Call" Inspired by True Crime Story
Port of Call/踏血尋梅Movie Review
https://neofilmshop.com/search?q=port+of+call - Buy the Official DVD & Blu Ray Neo Film Shop - https://neofilmshop.com/ For film review: http://thehkneo.com/blog/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hkneoreviews/
Pro Bebê
Per tutte le informazioni sul Far East Film Festival: www.fareastfilm.com PORT OF CALL Una giovane prostituta viene barbaramente uccisa. Il suo assassino viene arrestato e confessa. Il crimine è risolto. Ma c’è qualcosa che il malinconico agente Chong non riesce a capire: il movente. Tramite dei flashback che seguono le suggestioni del detective si cerca di capire il perché di tanta ferocia. Denso come la pece un noir atipico che scandaglia, lento ed inesorabile, l’animo umano alla ricerca di domande a cui forse non esiste risposta.
[踏血尋梅] 預告片
導演 翁子光 領銜主演 郭富城 主演 金燕玲 譚耀文 春夏 白只 12.3 真相殺人 故事簡介 少女時光明媚,但歲月不靜好,不快樂的佳梅 (春夏 飾),要獨立救自己,走上網交路,她最後的恩客,是丁子聰(白只 飾)。索K索high了,我想死脫口而出。佳梅帶出臧Sir(郭富城 飾),負責查她的死因,臧Sir很怪,會在案發現場拍照留念,不是不想破案,但對人的底蘊更好奇。他很快尋到聰,一個三失青年,跟佳梅一見如故。真凶殺案改編,不問誰是兇手,只問為甚麼。翁子光第三部作品大大開拓野心和電影視角,跳躍時空探討失落的世代,幕後大師杜可風、張叔平、廖慶松和杜篤之聯袂助陣(掌鏡、剪接、混音),吳里璐精心改造郭富城。這個臧Sir造型突出,花白髮黑框眼鏡不修邊幅,再一次影帝出來了?
《踏血尋梅》12.3 真相殺人 臧Sir(郭富城 飾)是隸屬新界北重案組的警員,奉命處理一命案。死者是一名援交少女,兇手是她的恩客,而且已經自首。 臧Sir為人盡忠職守,凡事查根究底,只顧工作,所以忽略了家庭,太太和五歲的女兒離他而去,但他似乎不瞭解,總認為太太不體諒他。他很好奇導致這宗命案的真正原因,堅持一查到底。 死者佳梅(春夏 飾)搬來跟已改嫁的媽媽美鳳(金燕玲 飾)同住已兩年,但美鳳又跟繼父正在鬧離婚。佳梅想念親父,渴望脫離這個家庭自立,輾轉走上了援交的歪路,丁子聰是她的最後一位嫖客。 丁子聰(白只 飾)沒什麼朋友,只是常常跟幹假信用卡勾當但又給老大搾乾了利益的小嘍囉神童開混在一起。丁是真的喜歡佳梅,他很希望戀愛,因為他曾有過很不如意的愛情經歷。 佳梅和丁兩個不如意人聊起來更像朋友,分享彼此的故事,說到了愛和恨、生和死。 最後,臧Sir被勒令停止再追查下去,因為已經有足夠證據起訴丁,但臧Sir更想認識丁子聰和王佳梅兩個人多一點。他想用他的熱心,去看我們的時代到底發生了什麼事。而他在查案中,也反思到自己對家庭的承擔。
踏血尋梅 導演: 編劇 / 導演:翁子光 領銜主演 郭富城 主演 金燕玲 譚耀文 春夏 白只 故事大綱: 臧Sir(郭富城 飾)是隸屬新界北重案組的警員,奉命處理一命案。死者是一名援交少女,兇手是她的恩客,而且已經自首。 臧Sir為人盡忠職守,凡事查根究底,只顧工作,所以忽略了家庭,太太和五歲的女兒離他而去,但他似乎不瞭解,總認為太太不體諒他。他很好奇導致這宗命案的真正原因,堅持一查到底。 死者佳梅(春夏 飾)搬來跟已改嫁的媽媽美鳳(金燕玲 飾)同住已兩年,但美鳳又跟繼父正在鬧離婚。佳梅想念親父,渴望脫離這個家庭自立,輾轉走上了援交的歪路,丁子聰是她的最後一位嫖客。 丁子聰(白只 飾)沒什麼朋友,只是常常跟幹假信用卡勾當但又給老大搾乾了利益的小嘍囉神童開混在一起。丁是真的喜歡佳梅,他很希望戀愛,因為他曾有過很不如意的愛情經歷。 佳梅和丁兩個不如意人聊起來更像朋友,分享彼此的故事,說到了愛和恨、生和死。 最後,臧Sir被勒令停止再追查下去,因為已經有足夠證據起訴丁,但臧Sir更想認識丁子聰和王佳梅兩個人多一點。他想用他的熱心,去看我們的時代到底發生了什麼事。而他在查案中,也反思到自己對家庭的承擔。
《踏血尋梅》全新電影片段(三) 馬上看全台上映場次▶︎http://goo.gl/PIu7TW 金馬獎九項入圍,一刀未剪導演完整版,全台限制級上映中! 官方FB:https://fb.com/ifilm.tw ⌦香港真實兇殺案改編 前所未見的犯罪懸疑片型 ⌦一開始就告訴觀眾兇手是誰 驚悚結局讓人瞠目結舌 ⌦「不問兇手是誰,只問為什麼!」 來自東莞的王佳梅(春夏飾)與媽媽(金燕玲飾)一同來到香港生活,但王佳梅在學校跟同學處得不好,跟家人也常發生口角,甚至因為沈溺於物質生活而當起援交女孩。不久,王佳梅被人以殘暴手段殺害,負責此案件的臧警探(郭富城飾)及拍檔(譚耀文飾)在調查時,發現手上所有證據都指向脾氣火爆的貨車司機丁子聰(白只飾)。丁子聰落網後旋即坦承犯案,並供出案情,但太過順利的偵訊過程也讓經驗老道的臧警探察覺事有蹊蹺,轉而開始調查佳梅跟丁子聰身邊的人物、線索,最終竟發現難以置信的真相… 《踏血尋梅》改編自2008年香港駭人聽聞的兇殺案件,導演翁子光回憶起在電視上看到這則震撼香港社會的新聞,而當時,媒體用聳動的方式大肆描繪凶案現場、屍體、殺手性格,但卻沒人提到「為什麼?」這也促成了他決定以有別於過往大家習慣的警匪片、謀殺推理片故事公式,量身打造出前所未見的全新犯罪懸疑片型,在《踏血尋梅》裡,兇手是誰並非重點,導演甚至一開始就開宗明義直接告訴觀眾誰是兇手,重點反倒是整個事件發生的動機及脈絡,「兇手為什麼會成為兇手?為什麼會發生這樣的案件?這些對很多人來說好像都不重要,他們只關心兇手是誰以及是誰被害了,但這些卻是我很想知道的。」翁子光以不同的視角,深刻描繪出現今香港底層年輕世代對於社會的失落與存在價值感,戲劇張力十足,「不問兇手是誰,只問為什麼!」
Hong Kong director Philip Yung says a story of the murder of a young woman from mainland China set him on the path to writing and directing the film Port of Call, which will be the closing film at the 39th edition of the Hong Kong International Film Festival. It is one of the founding events of Hong Kong Entertainment Expo, which also includes FILMART and the Hong Kong Film Financing Forum (HAF). FILMART runs 23-27 March 2015. Hong Kong Entertainment Expo http://www.eexpohk.com/tc FILMART http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkfilmart-en HKIFF http://www.hkiff.org.hk
This is my review of Port of Call starring Aaron Kwok. You can read my written review here: http://sean.thewhatsgoodconspiracy.com/?p=9841 You can buy this movie here when it’s released to home video: DVD - Blu-Ray - Don’t steal movies. If you didn’t pay to watch it, you stole it. Please subscribe to the channel if you enjoy the reviews. If you have any suggestions for films to be reviewed, please let us know in the comments section of the Request a Review video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wwZ55vamNI Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SilverSpleenHK and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Silver-Spleen/1390269634518950 Thanks for watching!
Now people will come to visit! We have a lot to offer. Subscribe for more videos of this game and other games: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSaraGames Check out my streams over on TwitchTV. The streams do end up here, but catch it live :) http://www.twitch.tv/thesaragames/profile Please share the video with your friends if you think they will enjoy it :)
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Hey guys I wanted to get another episode of the game and I hope you enjoy it and I hope you are having a great weekend and a good week
A shipful of dead people. Port of Call is a narrative game that has you explore a ship after you wake up on a dock with no memory of how you got there. Steam Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/356520/ Twitch: GamingWitch Tumblr: halfagamingwitch Patreon: DiaWrites Paypal.me/DiaWrites Business Contact: halfagamingwitch@gmail.com
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Port of Call is a game where you wake up on a small dock with no idea of who you are or how you get there. Featuring sexy grumpy old men and alarmingly deep voiced children. MORE FABULOUS GAMES ► http://bit.ly/AnimaGames ENJOY THE VIDEO? SUBSCRIBE! ► http://bit.ly/AnimaYES Instagram! ► https://www.instagram.com/animargh/ Twitter! ► https://twitter.com/AnimaDotTV Twitch! ► http://www.twitch.tv/animadottv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Music by: http://bit.ly/SiriusBeatTVChannel ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Your support means the world! Every like, comment and share keeps us growing fast. I love you all :) - Animuh ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Started my stream off with a new game that just came out on steam called Port of Call. It's a free to play indie game that's basically just click based. Very short game with a good story. http://www.twitch.tv/didz27 -- Watch live at http://www.twitch.tv/didz27
Terence McDonagh is a drug- and gambling-addled detective in post-Katrina New Orleans investigating the killing of five Senegalese immigrants.
Port of Call 2015 : http://web.5.pashuber.net/nowplaying ++
Visiting Santorini is a special experience from the moment you pull into the Harbor until you sail away. We visited Santorini Greece while on a Mediterranean cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's newly revitalized and upgraded Serenade of the Seas cruise ship. Having been on a Royal Caribbean Radiance class ship before I had no hesitation booking on the Serenade. Santorini Island is one of the most interesting and unique places in the world to visit. It's whitewashed villages hang on to the cliff edges of what is an active volcano 147 miles southeast of Athens Greece. Santorini Island was the setting for the 1982 movie "Summer Lovers" which showcases much of the best of Santorini including the narrow shopping arcades, beaches and Santorini's legendary nightlife. The movie starred Peter Gallagh...
Port of Call: http://store.steampowered.com/app/356520/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Poetry || Spoken Word: ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhkGd6T7BSa-eWt3E3-WLG_xv3cxDInzf ) 15 with G: ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhkGd6T7BSa_CDXSXY1OxC76p6H6O6l6k ) Unturned: ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhkGd6T7BSa8Wrp4tcx4s5G-lo8btMh8T ) DD2: ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhkGd6T7BSa8O0N-vD4tIvIZAwcuit0Zx ) WoW Leveling: ( https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhkGd6T7BSa9YuC3ooKJOPmfKp7VZLTei )
Dirty nails never fail
To catch the dust that looms
A parsed out time, between the lines
In cloudy foreign rooms
Dirty sails never fail
To reach the port of call called home
With compass still, and where bearings kill
Any semblance of the unknown
The purest of the greenest grass
Lies right beneath our feet
Between the need and want we're torn
But in bags we sleep as dead as leaves