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July 19, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Chao Soi Cheong / AP

Force Reform in Saudi Arabia With a Thousand Cuts

Despite new evidence of Saudi complicity revealed in the 9/11 report's "28 pages," the Saudis keep getting a free ride from the lemmings in Congress. Here's how to ratchet up pressure on the regime.


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John Locher / AP

Republican Convention Live Blog: Red Meat From Rudy Giuliani, Sugar From Melania Trump

Truthdig is live blogging each day of the 2016 GOP national convention this week. The theme of Day 1 was "Make America Safe Again."

Writing as Resistance

Doomed writers buried their accounts of the Warsaw ghetto in the hope that they could teach whoever unearthed the documents about good, evil, indifference and the importance of the truth as an act of resistance. They have left us a trove of papers on how to construct a life of meaning.
A/V Booth

The “Late Show” host had a few things to say about the Republican presidential candidate, and he wanted to be heard loud and clear on Monday as the RNC was about to kick off.

In an hour-long discussion about the presidential race, Truthdig’s editor in chief begs liberals not to let the idea of Donald Trump getting his hands on nuclear weapons scare them out of thinking critically about Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

The Importance of Protesting Inequality at the Democratic National Convention (Videos)

On this week’s episode of “On Contact,” Truthdig contributor Chris Hedges sits down with two Philadelphia organizers to discuss why people should take to the streets to bring Democratic leaders’ attention to poverty and homelessness.

R.I.P., GOP?

Republicans who are not in the least progressive have reason to mourn what may come to pass: the transformation of the party of Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower into the party of Trump.

A Lens on the GOP Convention: Protests, Police and Politics on Day 2 (Videos)

Photojournalist Michael Nigro is streaming live video footage from outside the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland as protesters and activists take to the streets.



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A Lens on the GOP Convention: Dispatches From Day 1 (Photos)

What happens outside the 2016 Republican National Convention may be more interesting than what happens inside the star-spangled halls. Truthdig provides an on-the-ground perspective from Cleveland.

Stephen Colbert Brings Jon Stewart Out of Retirement to ‘Make Sense’ of Trump’s Candidacy (Video)

The “Late Show” host hunted down two former “Daily Show” characters to help him deal with the fact that none other than Donald J. Trump is the GOP’s pick for president.

Melania Trump’s Plagiarism Capped a Weird First Day at the GOP Convention

This year’s gathering makes Clint Eastwood’s 2012 empty-chair routine seem like a stroke of genius.

Samantha Bee on the ‘41st and Possibly the Last’ Republican National Convention (Video)

The “Full Frontal” host gave a fast, clever and funny introduction to “conservatella 2016” on Monday night and interviewed two people with very different opinions about just how screwed the host city, Cleveland, will be during the convention.

The Best Reporting on Mike Pence Through the Years

We took a look back at the career of the Indiana governor Donald Trump has picked as his running mate.



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Rep. Steve King, White People and ‘Civilization’

During a recent MSNBC news discussion, the Iowa congressman objected to a comment that this will be the last election dominated by old, white people.

Poll: Should Ohio’s Open Carry Gun Law Be Suspended During the GOP Convention?

Deadly incidents in Dallas and Baton Rouge, La., have Cleveland police fearing for their lives.

Is Turkey Entitled to Abduct or Kill on American Soil When It Claims to Be Threatened?

If the U.S. can send its military into sovereign territories, why can’t Turkey, asks the former chief prosecutor of Guantanamo’s military commissions.

An Illegal Military Strategy Disguised as Technological Advance

However they are achieved, the United States has now embraced extrajudicial executions on foreign soil. And most of the discussion has focused more on the new instrument—drone technology—than on its purpose: assassination.

Offshore Wind Projects Power Ahead in Europe

Falling costs mean that power generated by offshore wind farms is becoming increasingly competitive with other fuels—and that’s good news for the climate.

Stephen Colbert Tells Us What He Really Thinks About Clinton in This Hilarious Rap (Video)

The seemingly fed up—but inevitably comical—“Late Show” host “took [his] gloves off” in his take on the Democratic presidential candidate’s email scandal, rapping, “You’re so bad at running for president, the only person you could beat is Donald Trump.”

Room for Comparison Between Sharia and Mike Pence’s Evangelical Beliefs

Donald Trump’s running mate supports faith-based restrictions that pose a danger to secular and liberal traditions in the United States.

Mike Pence Won’t Help Trump Broaden His Base

Donald Trump’s selection of the Indiana governor as his running mate is just what everyone is saying it is: a safe, traditional choice. But the pick is also—and more importantly—something else: a sign of real weakness.

Long Knives in Ankara: Victorious Erdogan Begins Purge of Judiciary and Army (Video)

Turkey’s president is taking advantage of the failed coup against him to oust those who are critical of him.

Without a Serious Middle East Peace Effort, Hatred Will Only Grow

I am convinced that it is in the vital interest of Israel to make peace with the Palestinian people, and with the Arab world at large, before the dangerous infection of extreme ideology engulfs the entire region.

The West Can Defeat Islamic State by Not Falling Into Its Trap of Division

Parisians we interviewed caution politicians to avoid overreacting to the attack in Nice, France.