16:03 GMT +3 hours19 July 2016
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Polish Court Starts Trial Against German Broadcaster Over WWII TV Series

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A court in the Polish city of Krakow started proceedings against the German ZDF broadcaster over alleged rights violation in its TV series about the Polish Home Army, or Armia Krajowa (AK), the major WWII resistance force, local media reported on Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Home Army was the dominant Polish resistance movement in Poland occupied by Nazi Germany during World War II. It was formed in February 1942 and later absorbed most other Polish underground forces with an aim to restore the Polish state with the support of the United Kingdom and the United States. Its allegiance was to the Polish Government-in-Exile.

According to the Gazeta Krakowska, Polish Home Army veteran Zbigniew Radlowski, 92, together with World Association of Home Army Soldiers accused ZDF of the infringement of personal rights, in particular, the right to national identity, the right to national pride and dignity and freedom from hate speech.

The prosecutors stated that ZDF "Our Mothers, Our Fathers" television series, aired in June 2013, included the scenes, which had argued that the Home Army was allegedly complicit in crimes against the Jewish people, while the Germans are depicted as WWII victims.

The 1939-1945 WWII claimed more than 40 million lives in the European theater, and ended with the Allied victory and the fall of the Nazi Germany, largely contributed by the Soviet involvement. The 1945-1946 Nuremberg trials ruled that the leadership of Nazi Germany was guilty of war crimes and the crimes against humanity, in particular, of planning and implementing The Holocaust, a genocide and its collaborators that killed about six million Jews.

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trial, proceedings, World War II, ZDF, Germany, Poland
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  • michael
    could be an interesting series to chase up and watch, just to see if the poles' assertions are correct.
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