25 Insane Things You Probably Didn't Know About Nuclear Weapons
More than likely, you're aware of some nuclear weapon facts. You probably know about
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You might even know that nuclear weapons have gotten significantly more advanced since then. There have been failed tests, space tests, explosions in the arctic, and explosions in the ocean. However, the bombs that are created today are completely more powerful than the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And although those were the only two nuclear warheads ever dropped during war time, there is plenty of reason to worry about the future of any potential atomic conflicts.
Nuclear warheads are dangerous for numerous reasons. Not only do they create an insanely large blast but they emit radiation that damages the environment and can even change the climate. Were there to be a nuclear war today, life as we know it would most likely come to an end. As
Albert Einstein once said "I do not know with what sort of weapons
World War 3 will be fought, but I know that
World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones". And that is what is at stake. These weapons are capable of changing everything and many times we have come closer to nuclear war than you might hope to think. These are 25 insane things you probably didn't know about nuclear weapons.
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Horishima and
Nagasaki are no longer radioactive because the bombs detonated above the ground
Tsutomu Yamaguchi was a
Japanese man who survived both bombings
Shigeki Tanaka, another survivor, won the
Boston Marathon in 1951
The two bombs dropped on
Japan were code named
Fat Man and Little Boy
The bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki was supposed to be dropped on the city of
Kokura, Japan but a cloud blocked the munitions plant that was the original target. The bomber was supposed to drop only on visual identification.
A bonsai tree that was planted in 1626 survived the blast at
Hiroshima and is now kept in a museum in the
United States
A tsunami hit the city of Hiroshima one month after the bombing and killed another 2,
000 people
10% of electricity in the United States is generated from dismantled nuclear bombs
In 1962, the United States detonated a bomb that was
100 times more powerful than the bombs dropped on Japan.
Don't worry though, the bomb was detonated in space, nearly 400 km (250 miles) above the
Pacific Ocean
1988 the
US government stored $2 billion at its
Mount Pony facility in case of a nuclear war
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Solar King by
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