- published: 28 Feb 2016
- views: 53
Clive Charles Hamilton AM FRSA (born 12 March 1953) is an Australian public intellectual and Professor of Public Ethics at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE) and the Vice-Chancellor's Chair in Public Ethics at Charles Sturt University. He is a member of the Board of the Climate Change Authority of the Australian Government, and is the Founder and former Executive Director of The Australia Institute. He regularly appears in the Australian media and contributes to public policy debates. Hamilton was granted the award of Member of the Order of Australia on 8 June 2009 for "service to public debate and policy development, particularly in the fields of climate change, sustainability and societal trends".
Hamilton graduated from the Australian National University with a BA in history, psychology and pure mathematics in 1975 and completed a Bachelor of Economics with First Class Honours from the University of Sydney in 1979. He was an Overseas Commonwealth Postgraduate Scholar and completed his Doctorate at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex in 1984. His thesis was titled "A general equilibrium model of South Korean development".
The author of Growth Fetish, co-author of Affluenza and co-editor of Silencing Dissent talks about the coming climate change crisis.
Intervention lors du colloque « Comment penser l'Anthropocène ? », les 5 et 6 novembre 2015 au Collège de France, Paris. Intervenant : Clive Hamilton, philosophe, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics & Charles Sturt University en Australie. Colloque labéllisé dans le cadre de la COP21 et organisé par : - la Fondation de l'Écologie Politique - http://www.fondationecolo.org/ - l'Institut des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de l'Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne - http://www.univ-paris1.fr/unites-de-recherche/phico/ - le Collège de France - http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/college/index.htm - l’Institut CDC pour la recherche - http://www.caissedesdepots.fr/le-groupe/institut-cdc-pour-la-recherche.html - le MOST (programme pour la Gestion des Transformations soc...
Earth System scientists believe the Earth has entered a new epoch in the Geological Time Scale, the Anthropocene or ‘the Age of Man’, in which humans now rival the great forces of nature in determining the geological trajectory of the planet. The new epoch, driven mainly by human-induced climate change, represents a rupture in Earth history with profound consequences for humankind and the Earth System itself. The concept grew out of the new discipline of Earth System science, a ‘paradigm shift’. A number of scientists and social scientists have put forward interpretations of the Anthropocene that, mostly unconsciously, deflate the significance of the new epoch and the threat it poses to humankind and the Earth. It has variously been equated with the Holocene, interpreted as just another in...
Clive Hamilton was one of 45 leading scholars, authors and activists who convened at The Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City, on October 25-26, 2014, for the public presentation: "Techno-Utopianism and the Fate of the Earth." Speakers discussed the profound impacts—environmental, economic and social—of runaway technological expansionism and cyber immersion; the tendency to see technology as the savior for all problems. For more info, see http://ifg.org/techno-utopia/program/ . Clive Hamilton is an Australian public intellectual and writer. He is the author of a number of best-selling books, including Growth Fetish, Affluenza, Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change and, most recently, Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering. He is current...
Professor Clive Hamilton public lecture and book launch at The Australian National University on 29 March, 2010. The lecture is introduced by Professor Will Steffen, Executive Director of the ANU Climate Change Institute. Clive Hamiltons book, Requiem for a Species is about why we have ignored the climate change warnings. It is a book about the frailties of the human species: our strange obsessions, our hubris, and our penchant for avoiding the facts. It is the story of a battle within us between the forces that should have caused us to protect the earth, like our capacity to reason and our connection to nature, and our greed, materialism and alienation from nature, which, in the end, have won out. And it is about the 21st century consequences of these failures, and what we can do no...
As part of La Trobe University’s Ideas and Society program, Clive Hamilton, Robert Manne and Liz Conor discuss prospects after the 2015 Paris Climate Summit.
Main article can be found at: http://envisionation.co.uk Here is a quote from Dr Hamilton's interview on whether we should accept that the damage is done and climate engineering must be deployed: If you believe that we will not respond adequately and we will continue to burn fossil fuels for the rest of the century, and a pretty good case can be made that’s in fact what we will do, then geoengineering, attempting to take control of the earth climate seems inevitable. Some people say, those people with a kind of Promethean orientation, they say, “well human beings have this huge technological capability. We’ve regulated just about every other part of the environment, why not the planet as a whole?” This kind of argument sends a shiver down my spine. It terrifies me! Look how much we’ve ...
Professor of Public Ethics Clive Hamilton considers the frailties of the human species and the consequences of ignoring climate change.
La géo-ingénierie rassemble les techniques émergentes qui visent à contrôler le climat planétaire afin de pallier les effets des dérèglements climatiques. En réponse à l’impasse des négociations climatiques des dernières années, elle a commencé à s’installer dans le débat international comme un plan B de plus en plus séduisant pour beaucoup d’acteurs. En effet, contrebalancer les aléas climatiques permet de ne pas remettre en question les émissions actuelles de gaz à effet de serre et, plus globalement, un système arrivant en bout de course. Pour la présenter sous un meilleur jour, ses promoteurs passent bien souvent sous silence tous les risques et les incertitudes – scientifiques, environnementales, diplomatiques et éthiques – que soulèvent lesdites techniques. L'association Sciences...
Abby Martin talks to Clive Hamilton, public ethics professor at Charles Sturt University, and author of 'Earthmasters', about the controversial practice of geo-engineering; the arguments for and against the artificial altering of the natural world. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http://fb.me/BreakingTheSet FOLLOW Abby Martin @ http://twitter.com/AbbyMartin
The AYCC team interviews Clive Hamilton, Greens Candidate for the Higgins by-election in November 2009. For our interviews with other candidates, and more info on our campaigns in the Bradfield and Higgins by-elections, check out www.aycc.org.au.
You can catch my interview with Clive Hamilton on his new book, Requiem for a Species, and the rest of the latest edition of the Pod Delusion, at http://bit.ly/HamiltonIV. The Pod Delusion is at http://poddelusion.co.uk. The Pod Delusion is a podcast about interesting things. From scepticism to lefty liberal things, it's commentary from a secular, rationalist, 'Guardianista', sort of perspective. A bit like From Our Own Correspondent but with more jokes. Requiem for a Species is published by Earthscan and is priced £14.99 in the UK for a hardback. It is available at http://www.earthscan.co.uk/RequiemforaSpecies/tabid/102325/Default.aspx
May 2013 "Democracy Now" interview with Clive Hamilton. Yale University Press published Clive's recent book (2013) "Earthmasters," discussing geopolitics and a sweeping push for "climate mitigation." Will putting a lid on a boiling pot while stoking the fire beneath continue forever?
Science for the Public 10/28/13: Clive Hamilton, PhD, is Vice-Chancellor's Chair and Professor of Public Ethics at the Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE), Charles Sturt University in Australia. He was the Founder and for 14 years the Executive Director of The Australia Institute, Australia's leading progressive think tank, which is a joint center of Charles Sturt University and the University of Melbourne. We were able to interview him while he was in Cambridge MA on Oct 28 for a debate on geoengineering at Harvard University. In this conversation, he discusses his latest book, "Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Geoengineering" and the issues of geoengineering, plus the concern about the odd sources of money behind the geoengineering movement.
The 2002 documentary "A Writing Life" about Ian Hamilton, the British poet, literary critic, magazine editor, Tottenham Hotspur supporter and biographer of Robert Lowell, J.D. Salinger...and Gazza. Featuring interviews and readings from Al Alvarez, Martin Amis, Julian Barnes, Xandra Bingley, Melvyn Bragg, Simon Gray, Dan Jacobson, Clive James, David Harsent, Ian McEwan, Karl Miller, Andrew Motion, Clare Tomalin and Hugo Williams. The Ian Hamilton backlist is published by Faber and Faber: http://www.faber.co.uk/catalog/author/ian-hamilton The bibliography is at: http://www.ianhamilton.org For regular updates about Ian Hamilton visit: https://www.facebook.com/ianhamiltonpoems
Cilve Hamilton and Liz Conor talk to Robert Manne about prospects after the 2015 Paris Climate Summit. Clive Hamilton - Professor of Public Ethics at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, and a member of the Australian Government's Climate Change Authority. He was also Executive Director of The Australia Institute until 2008, a progressive think tank he founded. The author of three seminal books on climate change, Scorcher, Requiem for a Species and Earth Masters, he is one of Australia's most respected, penetrating and courageous commentators on global warming. Robert Manne is Emeritus Professor of politics and Vice-Chancellor's Fellow at La Trobe University. A leading public intellectual and commentator, he is the author of In Denial, Left, Right, Left, and Making Troubl...
Clive Hamilton addresses the idea of understanding nature through looking at ourselves. This lecture, entitled "Consumerism, Self-Creation and Prospects for a New Ecological...