Rethinking White Men Behind Bars: Incorrigible Supremacists or Allies in Waiting? (repost)

This original story saw the light of day thanks to support from readers like you. Help us publish more stories like it by donating to Truthout now! Moments after I arrived in the living unit at the federal penitentiary in Lompoc, California, a young white man named Carl approached me.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Rethinking White Men Behind Bars: Incorrigible Supremacists or Allies in Waiting? ...........READ MORE

Mass Line and Mass Movement in Health: A Case Study of the Alliance for People’s Health (repost)

This article is based on my experiences over the past 9 years of working with the Alliance for People’s Health (APH) as a founding member. I have permission of current APH collective members to post this article and am very grateful for their thoughtful comments and contributions.

Read the rest of this post on the original site at Mass Line and Mass Movement in Health: A Case Study of the Alliance for People’s Health ...........READ MORE


Aric McBay Reviews Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead Book (in Briarpatch)

Lumpen: The Autobiography of Ed Mead
By Ed Mead
Kersplebedeb, 2015

Ed Mead’s autobiography, Lumpen, tells a story of a revolutionary life. Mead writes openly and unflinchingly about his days as a social prisoner, his time in the underground George Jackson Brigade, and his work as a prison organizer and founder of Men Against Sexism. The title, Lumpen, refers to Marx’s term lumpenproletariat – a social underclass of gangsters, swindlers, and petty criminals who, Marx argued, had no revolutionary potential; Mead sets out to prove Marx wrong about the lumpenproletariat’s contributions to social justice and revolution.

Read the ...........READ MORE


Aujourd’hui ! « Comité d’accueil » montréalais pour Marine Le Pen | Today! Marine Le Pen “Welcoming Committee”

« Comité d’accueil » montréalais pour Marine Le Pen
LUNDI 21 MARS, 20 h
Montréal Marriott Château Champlain Hôtel
1050 de la Gauchetière Ouest (près Peel et Place du Canada)
prés métro Bonaventure ou métro Peel

Marine Le Pen Montreal “Welcoming Committee”
Montréal Marriott Chateau Champlain Hotel
1050 de la Gauchetière West (near Peel and Place du Canada)
near métro Bonaventure or métro Peel

[English below]
[svp diffusez largement ! please share widely!]

La cheffe du Front National, un parti politique anti-immigrés de l’extrême droite française — Marine ...........READ MORE


Marine Le Pen of the French Front National — Disrupted in Quebec City!

Comrades in Quebec City organized with just a few days’ notice to successfully disrupt a press conference held by Marine Le Pen — leader of the far right anti-immigrant French Front National – earlier today.

Le Pen is in Quebec for a week of racist rabblerousing, which was to include press conferences in Quebec City and Montreal, and in which she hoped to meet with canadian politicians. Fearing the protests which have “welcomed” previous forays by the FN into Quebec in the past, Le Pen only announced she would be coming in Friday, the day she actually arrived. ...........READ MORE


Texas Prisoners’ Plan Work Strike, April 4th

Prisoners in Texas are planning a work strike, to commence this April 4th. Their top five demands are:

Meaningful Work Time – Applied retroactively, when our Flat Time and accrued Good/Work Time equals 100% we should be ENTITLED to Mandatory Supervision I Parole.
We want a “Presumptive Parole System” which requires the release of a Prisoner at their earliest release date, unless there are valid objective reasons not to do so. Those reasons might include poor institutional behavior or refusing to participate in programming. The nature of the crime or any other “Static Reason” (things prisoners can NOT change) would ...........READ MORE