- published: 26 Sep 2014
- views: 2185
The Western world or the West is a term referring to different nations, depending on the context, most often including at least part of Europe. There are many accepted definitions about what they all have in common. The Western world is also known as the Occident (from Latin: occidens "sunset, West", as contrasted with its pendant the Orient).
The concept of the Western part of the earth has its roots in Greco-Roman civilization in Europe, and the advent of Christianity. In the modern era, Western culture has been heavily influenced by the traditions of the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Age of Enlightenment—and shaped by the expansive colonialism of the 15th-20th centuries. Before the Cold War era, the traditional Western viewpoint identified Western Civilization with the Western Christian (Catholic-Protestant) countries and culture. Its political usage was temporarily changed by the antagonism during the Cold War in the mid-to-late 20th Century (1947–1991).
The term originally had a literal geographic meaning. It contrasted Europe with the linked cultures and civilizations of the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the remote Far East, which early-modern Europeans saw as the East. Today this has little geographic relevance since the concept of the West has been expanded to include the former European colonies in the Americas, Russian Northern Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase "Western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania.
Mugabe delivers message to Western Nations
Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Major Trojan Horse Operation For ALL Western Nations
President Kenyatta Accuses Western Nations Of Hostility Towards Gov't
Erdoğan Says Western Nations 'Supporting Terrorism'
ISIS recruiting fighters from Western nations
Governments Call Out Western Nations For Creating Refugee Crises & Terrorism!
BREAKING : 5 Million + Migrants/Muslims Brought To Western Nations - Special Report
Economic collapse in the Western nations-On the Edge with Max Keiser-01-27-2012
Western Nations Getting DUPED By Engineered Refugee Crisis - Jihad Invasion (Caliphate)
Terror in Paris: What Other Western Nations/People Need To Know
After a controversial appearance at last year's UN General Assembly, Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe took to the podium again to deliver a message to Western Nations.
A MUST HEAR! PLEASE LISTEN AND FORWARD! Questions this broadcast answers: 1.) Why would Syrian refugees make the dangerous and extremely long journey to European nations and U.S. (who hold damnable doctrine and life-styles according to the Quran) rather than the Arab nations (who are Islamic oriented) around them? 2.) Why has it taken 5 full years (length of civil war in certain parts of Syria) for Syrians in the particular regions to leave? 3.) Why are refugees tossing out good water and food given to them by western governments on their arrival? 4.) Why are many of the refugees young men? 5.) Why are the 5 wealthiest Gulf Nations refusing to take even one refugee? What do they know that we don't? 6.) Could it be this refugee crisis is not really a crisis at all but a Trojan Horse? 7.) ...
President Uhuru Kenyatta has accused Britain and other western countries of waging economic hostility against his government. Reacting to travel advisory against Kenya issued by Britain, the United States and other two governments, Kenyatta said it was unfair to target Kenya for terrorism that is essentially an international problem. The president says Kenya will promote domestic tourism and look for alternative tourist markets to plug the gap created by the exit of visitors from its traditional market
On Aug. 2, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan blamed western nations for July's failed coup attempt.
Fears are growing about the possible involvement of Western fighters with the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. A recruitment video from the organization was posted to YouTube over the weekend, referencing members who have joined from Australia, the United Kingdom and other Western nations. Governments officials have expressed concern that if true, the fighters may eventually return to their homelands, bringing jihad with them. Manila Chan discusses the worrying new possibility with RT's Sara Firth. Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/ Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_America
George Soros , The CFR & Bilderberg Have Planned This ! Share This Worldwide & call for change NOW , Or We Lose Everything ! Sweden Is Now Running Adverts Saying Sweden Is Over , ! , YOU READ THAT RIGHT . I Make No Money From This News Channel - I just Hope To Raise Awareness On Important & Current Issue ! :) SUBSCRIBE PLEASE - Please RE-UPLOAD MY VIDEOS & BECOME THE MEDIA - START YOUR OWN YouTube NEWS PLATFORM I Only Wish To Help Raise Awareness On Things I Feel Aren't Covered Enough/At All / DisInfo #EUReferendum's #OpenBorders #Politics #ISIS #Syria #GMOFood #Health #TTIP #Geo-Engineering & More = The Bigger Picture My Channel Has Grown So Much & Thank You All. You Are The Message :) You Are The Eyes & Ears Of Humanity ! Hello Everyone , Welcome to TNTV News - Please Sub to...
In this edition of the show Max interviews the author Michael Hudson from Michael-Hudson.com In this episode Max talks to Michael about the economic collapse in the Western nations and how this collapse gap thesis applies to the European economies currently experiencing a huge crisis.
Refugees coming in with: - Selfie Sticks and IPhones, - Name Brand Clothing and smiles - Majority of young (military-aged) men - Islamic religion - From Syria, Iraq and Northern African Regions - a mindset with it's their way or war! While Gulf States cite, "Risk of Terrorism" for refusing refugees. and much, much more - A MUST HEAR! Tune in and listen to the full 3-hour HD unedited broadcast originally aired live on our website (9.18.15) here: https://livestream.com/evangelistanitafuentes/events/4358202 Please help support the work we do and donate! http://www.emoaf.org/Donate.html or mail: Evangelist Anita Fuentes, PO Box 9570, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. God richly bless you! Your life matters to God: http://www.emoaf.org/Is-Your-Name-Written-in-the-Lambs-Book-of-Life-.html EMOAF Prep...
My friends, we are living in a time in History that calls for discernment, patience, diligence and faith. The time of our departure is near but remember before that time persecution and great tribulation will ensue on both the generation of the righteous and cursed. The righteous will know what to do by the hand of the Lord but the curse will wander around as with no compass because the cup is full. Tune in and listen to the full 3-hour HD unedited broadcast originally aired live on our website (11.13.15) here: https://livestream.com/evangelistanitafuentes/events/4505913 Please help support the work we do and donate! http://www.emoaf.org/Donate.html or mail: Evangelist Anita Fuentes, PO Box 9570, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701. God richly bless you! Your life matters to God: http://www.emoaf...
Read your free e-book: http://downloadapp.us/mebk/50/en/B00WMRPNKQ/book For more than 2,500 years, the Western tradition has embraced monogamous marriage as an essential institution for the flourishing of men and women, parents and children, society and the state. At the same time, polygamy has been considered a serious crime that harms wives and children, correlates with sundry other crimes and abuses, and threatens good citizenship and political stability. The West has thus long punished all manner of plural marriages and denounced the polygamous teachings of selected Jews, Muslims, Anabaptists, Mormons, and others. John Witte, Jr carefully documents the Western case for monogamy over polygamy from antiquity until today. He analyzes the historical claims that polygamy is biblical, natura...
An unprecedented wave of Islamic State fighters will flow into Western nations as the terror group loses ground in Syria and Iraq, FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday. #DirectorJamesComey #IslamicStateFighters #IslamicExtremistTerrorists #NationalSecurityThreats #NationalCounterterrorismCenter #ChelseaBomberAhmad #NaturalizedUSCitizen #SenRonJohnson #911Attacks #SelfStyledCaliphate If you don't like my channel, please skip my channel. Thanks very much! Some video random from our channel may you like: ►Texas 14-year-old girl who shot fellow student, killed self in school bathroom didn’t know victim : https://youtu.be/jSWh4UTCQIg ►Man accused of attempting to rape woman in the Bronx says he was in the wrong ‘mindset’ in his apology : https://youtu.be/1H5tKMOdc2E ►New Orleans man belie...
And our governments wont stop them. The UN Pope and Obama have sold the West down the drain. This is a deliberate act to cause civil war. The Muslims will not assimilate into other cultures, and the secret shadow government know this, fare well. First up-loaded by vonveezil2 link below https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fx7UICtPCPKIjZNDaZr1w
Copied from Facebook page... "Australian Settlers Rebellion" here... https://www.facebook.com/australiansettlersrebellion/videos/556942274489890/ Song called... My Name Is Lincoln Arcodeaus... Awakening in the white nations... https://youtu.be/WA17Y1EX32c
Alex Jones breaks down how Goldman Sachs and the UN are using a wave of Islamic migrants to destroy the sovereignty of Western Nations. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.infowars.net/ :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: http://www.prisonplanet.tv http://www.InfowarsNews.com Visit http://www.InfowarsLife.com to get the products Alex Jones and his family trust, ...
Pastor Manning - Western nations under Black presidency will look like Africa if given a chance
Egypt is at loggerheads with Britain after Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson accused Cairo of human rights violations. The country's ties with Italy aren't much better and the European Parliament is threatening to freeze all aid. Yasser Hakim looks at how Egypt is handling its relations with some Western states.
Watch the conversation we had on "WESTERN NATIONS ON DEMOCRACY IN AFRICA" - Debate on position of the west on democracy in Africa - Is US justified in condemning Rwanda’s referendum process? - U.S: Move by Pres. Kagame undermines democratic institutions Join the conversation via @Debate411 @RBARwanda @AmEugeneAnangwe
Urban Impacts of Rising Income Inequality & Polarization. The Example of Toronto and What to Do About It. Masterclass with David Hulchanski Tallinn, Estonia 1 July 2014
Western Oregon's Five Native American Tribe's Oregon Sesquicentennial and the history of the Native American Tribes who live here. Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians, The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde, The Coquille Indian Tribe, and the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw.
Dr. John MacArthur, president of The Master's College & Seminary, speaking at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, CO on July 3, 2016 on what God expects from a nations leaders. The event was hosted by Colorado Christian University and featured Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Phil Robertson, Star Parker, Hugh Hewitt, Eric Metaxas, Ken Buck, Erick Erickson, Dennis Prager and more.
http://www.presstv.com/Program/210432.html The UK Prime Minister, David Cameron has threatened Commonwealth countries of withholding general budget support if they do not reform legislation banning homosexuality. He raised this at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia last week. Ending the bans on homosexuality was one of the recommendations of an internal report into the future relevance of the Commonwealth. But leaders failed to reach agreement on that at the summit. Mr Cameron says those receiving UK aid should "adhere to proper human rights". He told the BBC that "British aid should have more strings attached and that he had spoken with "a number of African countries" and more pressure had been applied by Foreign Secretary William Hague. Some 41 nation...