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Pokemon Go elite plans to get rich quick on eBay

Perth's elite Pokemon Go players gathered despite the rain at Kings Park on Sunday to share their hot tips on the game that's taken over the world – with one being to build a wildly successful account then sell it on eBay.

Players have for a week filled Perth venues including Kings Park as addiction to the newly launched app, which makes users travel to real locations to catch virtual characters, grows. 

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Get the most out of Pokemon Go in Perth

Some of Perth's best Pokemon Go players share some tips in how to get the best experience from the game.

One such player, who has reached an impressive level 28 ("it's just maths", he said, shrugging), said he planned to sell his profile to the highest bidder on Monday.

"Hopefully there'll be a Saudi prince wanting to pay $10,000 for it," he said as he prepared for a final level-up.

Kings Park is a Pokemon hotspot.
Kings Park is a Pokemon hotspot.  Photo: Facebook

"See you – I've got 24 hours and a bunch of nerds to shut down."

He wasn't the only one with such an idea – a level 20 player from Melbourne listed their account for $1500 on eBay on Sunday.  


"Wanting a good solid account on Pokemon Go but can't be bothered walking for two hours a day?" they wrote. 

"I've put in over 50 hours legwork."

Other top Perth players were similarly skilled but highly unlikely to part with their accounts, preferring to reap benefits such as the unforeseen health level-up.

"You basically need to go out a lot, rain hail or shine, just keep going for walks," Cassidy Shelton, an Instinct team level 23, said.

She thought she'd walked about 100 kilometres since starting the game, with university thankfully being on a break.

"In the morning I get up and I go for a walk," she said.

"Every time I sit down and turn on the TV, I think, 'you know what? Let's just go for a walk'. So I turn the TV off, finish my dinner, head out and play Pokemon. That's basically been my life.

"I caught a Kangaskhan, that took three hours of walking around... totally worth it."

Fellow elites Jayne Faranda, Mystic level 23, and Aaron Fernandes, Valor level 25, agreed commitment was key to bagging rare Pokemon.

"The other night a Haunter showed up and about 80 of us ran over looking for it," said Fernandes, who has been stopping by Kings Park every night after work.

"We all ended up at the top of Jacob's Ladder. We all then went down to the bottom – a trek and a half - and when we got down there it disappeared. There was a lot of groaning."

Faranda, whose longest stint at Kings Park was eight hours, beat fierce competition for her Dragonite.

"It appeared here at Kings Park and when it spawned just everyone ran over to where it was. You could hear people going "oh nooooooooo" when it ran away," she said.

Their tips? Play often. Catch everything. Be obsessed. Use lucky eggs to evolve your Pidgeys. Whatever that means.