Billionaire Mark Cuban's best investing advice: 'Don't'

Billionaire Mark Cuban doesn't mince words.

When Entrepreneur asked him for his best advice to make money investing on the set of Shark Tank, he replied: "Don't."

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First investment nightmare

Marc Hopkins trusted his accountant when he advised him to borrow against his house to invest in projects that collapsed soon after.

"The market could go up for years, and you could think you're well off," he told Entrepreneur, "and then, in a millisecond with high-frequency trading, a flash crash can take it all away.

"That's why you want to have that money in the mattress, that savings, so you're protected in case something goes wrong."

Mark Cuban: "I know it doesn't earn much in the bank, but you'll sleep a lot better."
Mark Cuban: "I know it doesn't earn much in the bank, but you'll sleep a lot better." Photo: AP

The "money in the mattress" he's referring to is a six-month emergency fund that he recommends anyone gather.

Experts advise keeping three to nine months' worth of living expenses in an easily accessible, untouched account in case of an emergency.


"I know it doesn't earn much in the bank," Mr Cuban told Entrepreneur, "but you'll sleep a lot better."

However, Mr Cuban's investing advice isn't the same given by most financial pros.

While the consensus is that the ordinary person shouldn't take on undue risk in order to try and "beat the market", most agree that some exposure to the market, at the very least in the form of retirement accounts, is necessary to keep your money growing fast enough to beat inflation.

Low-cost index funds (a type of mutual fund pegged to a specific market index) are also regularly recommended by some of the wealthiest people around.

Experts such as Warren Buffett, Charles Schwab, John Bogle, and Charlie Munger agree that low cost index funds are the best way for the average person to invest.

"A low-cost index fund is the most sensible equity investment for the great majority of investors," Mr Buffett told Mr Bogle in The Little Book of Common Sense Investing.

"By periodically investing in an index fund, the know-nothing investor can actually out-perform most investment professionals."

Mr Cuban made his fortune through the sale of start-ups MicroSolutions and in the 1990s. The owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks is a "shark" investor on the US investment show Shark Tank.

Whether or not you feel comfortable investing, Mr Cuban's advice on putting together an emergency fund before making any other major decisions with your money is echoed by most experts.

Looks like it's time to start saving.

Kathleen Elkins contributed reporting.

This story first appeared in Business Insider. Read it here or follow BusinessInsider Australia on Facebook.